Arduino Tutorial 23: Changing Tone of an Active Buzzer

The Importance of the Active Buzzer in Your Lego Super Starter Kit

If you’re a fan of tinkering with electronics, you probably already have a Lego super starter kit in your possession. If not, don’t worry you can easily find one online. This article will focus on the active buzzer, a component that comes with the kit and is crucial in adding sound to your projects.

Understanding the Active Buzzer

Before we delve into the specifics of the active buzzer, let’s clarify the difference between the active and passive buzzers. In your Lego kit, you’ll find both types. The active buzzer is the one with a black bottom, while the passive buzzer has a green bottom. Take note of the markings on the top of the active buzzer there is a plus and a minus sign. These are important for connecting the buzzer correctly.

Connecting the Active Buzzer

When connecting the active buzzer, make sure to connect the plus wire to the positive voltage and the negative wire to the negative voltage. In most cases, you can simply connect the negative wire to the ground and plug the plus wire into 5 volts. This will power the buzzer, and you’ll see it turn on easily.

Creating Sound with the Active Buzzer

In a previous lesson, we discussed how to turn the active buzzer on and off. However, in today’s lesson, I want to show you how you can actually produce different tones with the buzzer. By adjusting the voltage and current, you can create a variety of sounds and even melodies.

Experimenting with Tones

Now that you know how to power the active buzzer and produce sound, it’s time to experiment. Try adjusting the voltage and observe how it affects the pitch and intensity of the sound. With some creativity and trial and error, you can compose your own tunes and incorporate them into your Lego projects.

Exploring Buzzer Sounds with Arduino: A Beginner’s Guide

The ability to generate tones using an Arduino board opens up a whole new world of possibilities for aspiring programmers and enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore how to create simple tones using a passive buzzer with the Arduino platform.

Setting up the Buzzer

To get started, we need to connect the passive buzzer to our Arduino board. In this example, we will use pin 8 for the buzzer. Begin by calling the `pinMode` function to set the pin as an output:


Int buzzPin = 8;

PinMode(buzzPin, OUTPUT);


Creating Tones

Now that our buzzer is set up, let’s generate some tones. To do this, we will utilize a for loop and a couple of variables. Declare two integer variables, `delayTime1` and `delayTime2`, and assign them values of 1 millisecond and 2 milliseconds, respectively:


Int delayTime1 = 1;

Int delayTime2 = 2;


Next, we will create a for loop and introduce a counter variable, `j`:


For(int j=0; j < 100; j++) {

// code to generate tones



Inside the for loop, we can now add the code to generate sounds on the buzzer. This code will create a simple tone by alternating between two different delay times:


DigitalWrite(buzzPin, HIGH); // turn the buzzer on

Delay(delayTime1); // wait for delayTime1 milliseconds

DigitalWrite(buzzPin, LOW); // turn the buzzer off

Delay(delayTime2); // wait for delayTime2 milliseconds


Experimenting with Tones

Now that we have the basic code in place, you can experiment with different delay times and patterns to create unique tones. By adjusting the values of `delayTime1` and `delayTime2`, you can control the duration and frequency of the tones.

For example, setting `delayTime1` to a higher value and `delayTime2` to a lower value will create a higher-pitched tone, while reversing the values will result in a lower-pitched tone. Play around with different combinations to find the perfect sound for your project!

Creating a Simple Arduino Program to Control a Buzzer

Arduino is a popular open-source platform that allows anyone to create interactive projects using simple programming. In this article, we will learn how to write a basic Arduino program to control a buzzer. Using a few lines of code, we can easily make the buzzer produce different tones. Let’s get started!

Setting up the Loop

To begin, we need to create a loop that will repeat a certain number of times. In this case, let’s make the loop run 100 times. We can achieve this by using a “for” loop in our Arduino program. Here is the code for the loop:


For (int j = 1; j <= 100; j++) {

// Code to be executed



This loop will start with `j` equal to 1 and continue as long as `j` is less than or equal to 100. After each iteration, the value of `j` will be incremented by 1.

Controlling the Buzzer

Inside the loop, we can control the buzzer using two functions: `digitalWrite()` and `delay()`. The `digitalWrite()` function is used to turn the buzzer on or off by setting the pin’s state to either HIGH or LOW. The `delay()` function is used to introduce a delay between turning the buzzer on and off.

Here is the code to turn the buzzer on and off within the loop:


DigitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH); // Turn the buzzer on

Delay(delayTime); // Delay for a short period

DigitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW); // Turn the buzzer off


Make sure to replace `buzzerPin` with the appropriate pin number you have connected the buzzer to, and `delayTime` with the desired delay time in milliseconds.

Creating Different Tones

To create different tones using the buzzer, we can introduce another loop outside the previous loop. This new loop will control the pitch of the buzzer. Here is how the code should look like:


For (int j = 1; j <= 100; j++) {

// Code to be executed


For (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {

// Code to control the pitch of the buzzer



By adjusting the parameters `i` and the code within this new loop, we can create various tones and melodies with the buzzer.

Wrapping Up

In this article, we have learned how to write a simple Arduino program to control a buzzer. By utilizing loops and a few functions, we can easily make the buzzer produce different tones and melodies. This is just the beginning of what you can do with Arduino. Feel free to experiment and combine different components to create more exciting projects!

The Importance of Choosing the Right Buzzer for Your Project

Choosing the right buzzer for your project can make a significant difference in the success and functionality of your design. In this article, we will explore the differences between active and passive buzzers, and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.

Active Buzzers: A Simple Solution

Active buzzers are commonly used in various electronic devices and can produce sound without the need for additional circuits. These buzzers are driven by an internal oscillator, which makes them easy to use and implement in a project. However, they do come with some limitations.

One of the drawbacks of active buzzers is their lack of control over the sound they produce. They often emit a constant tone or an alarm sound, making them less versatile in applications where specific tones or melodies are required. Additionally, the sound volume of active buzzers is usually fixed and cannot be adjusted.

Passive Buzzers: More Customization Options

Passive buzzers, on the other hand, offer more control and customization options. These buzzers require an external oscillator circuit to produce sound, allowing you to choose the tone, frequency, and volume according to your project’s requirements. Passive buzzers can be driven by microcontrollers or other electronic components, providing a higher level of flexibility.

The ability to control the sound output of a passive buzzer makes it suitable for a wide range of applications. From creating musical melodies to producing different tones for notifications or alarms, the possibilities are endless. However, it is important to note that passive buzzers require more complex circuitry and programming knowledge compared to their active counterparts.

Choosing the Right Buzzer for Your Project

When deciding between an active and a passive buzzer, it is essential to consider the specific needs of your project. If simplicity and ease of use are paramount, an active buzzer may be the better choice. On the other hand, if customization and versatility are crucial, a passive buzzer might be more suitable.

Additionally, it is crucial to evaluate other factors such as power consumption, size, and cost. Active buzzers generally consume less power and are more compact, making them suitable for portable devices or projects with limited space. Passive buzzers, although more versatile, may consume more power and require more space.

Ultimately, the decision lies in understanding the requirements and constraints of your project, and choosing the buzzer that best meets those needs. Whether it’s a simple alarm system or a complex musical instrument, selecting the right buzzer will play a significant role in the overall performance and user experience.

The active buzzer is a valuable component that allows you to add an auditory dimension to your Lego projects. By understanding its workings and experimenting with different voltages, you can unlock the full potential of sound in your electronic creations. So, go ahead and grab that iced coffee, get your Lego super starter kit, and start exploring the endless possibilities of the active buzzer!

In this article, we have seen how to create simple tones using a passive buzzer with the Arduino platform. By manipulating the delay times, you can generate a wide range of tones and experiment with different sound patterns. This knowledge forms the foundation for more complex audio projects and opens up endless possibilities for creativity and innovation. Happy coding!

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