Power Supply

The power supply is a critical component for the successful operation of the Arduino GSM Motor speed controller and monitoring system. A regulated 5V and 3A power supply is required to power the GSM module, as the onboard voltage regulator of the Arduino Nano or Uno is not powerful enough. Using the onboard voltage regulator can cause the Arduino board to restart and the GSM module to disconnect from the network when sending or receiving an SMS. Therefore, a separate power supply is necessary for the GSM module to function properly.


The Arduino GSM Motor speed controller and monitoring system requires several components, including an Arduino Nano or Uno development board, a GSM module, a 320m broch DC motor controller, a 75 DC motor, and a power supply. The GSM module is used to send and receive SMS messages, while the motor controller and motor are used to control the speed of the motor.


The Arduino GSM Motor speed controller and monitoring system is programmed using the Arduino IDE. The code is written in C++ and is used to control the motor speed, receive and send SMS messages, and monitor the system. The code is uploaded to the Arduino board using a USB cable.


Once the components have been assembled and the code has been uploaded, the system can be tested. The motor speed can be adjusted using the GSM module, and the system can be monitored using the SMS messages. The system can also be tested by sending and receiving SMS messages from other devices.

Powering Up the System

The first step in creating an Arduino GSM Motor Speed Controller and Monitoring System is to power up the system. This can be done by using a 4s lithium iron battery to power up the 320M motor driver and a 12Vt adapter to power up the Arduino board. It is a good practice to keep the motor supply separate from the Arduino board.

Setting Up the Motor Speed Controller

The Motor Speed Controller is a highly secure system, as it requires a password to control the motor speed. This password can consist of letters, numbers and special characters. Without the password, no one would be able to control the motor speed or request the motor speed value from the Arduino. The speed value should be between 0 and 100, with 0 representing off and 100 representing full motor speed. The message is sent to the Arduino using a percentage sign as a delimiter.

Monitoring the Motor Speed

Once the motor speed is set, it can be monitored using the Arduino GSM Motor Speed Controller and Monitoring System. The system can be used to monitor the motor speed in real-time, as well as to detect any changes in the motor speed. The system can also be used to detect any faults in the motor, such as an overload or an underload.

Arduino GSM Motor Speed Controller and Monitoring System

The Arduino GSM Motor Speed Controller and Monitoring System is an innovative solution for controlling and monitoring the speed of a brush DC motor. It uses the GSM 900m module to send commands to the Arduino board, which in turn controls the speed of the motor. The system is capable of setting the motor speed from 0 to 100 and also requesting the speed value from the Arduino.

Motor Speed Setting

The system allows users to set the motor speed to any value between 0 and 100. This is achieved by sending a message to the Arduino board containing the desired speed value. The Arduino then uses the map function to convert the range of 0 to 100 into the range of 1500 to 2000. This value is then sent to the brush DC motor controller, which in turn sets the motor speed.

Requesting Speed Value

The system also allows users to request the speed value from the Arduino board. This is done by sending a message containing the password, followed by the word ‘request’ and then the word ‘speed’. When the Arduino receives this message, it knows that the user is requesting the motor speed value and sends it back to the user.


The connections for the Arduino GSM Motor Speed Controller and Monitoring System are fairly simple. The VCC and ground wires of the brush DC motor controller are connected to the VN and ground pins of the Arduino board. The signal wire is connected to the Arduino PWM pin 3. The red and black wires with the XD60 connector are used to connect a 3S, 4S, or 5S LiPo or Lithium-Ion battery to power up the DC motor. The power supply pin of the GSM 900m module is connected to the Arduino VIN and ground pins, which in turn are connected to the regular 5V and 3A power supply.

We can separate the message into two parts. The first part is the passcode and the second part is the speed. If the passcode matches with the predefined passcode then we can map the speed value and store it in the variable M speed. This M speed value is then used to control the speed of the DC motor using the ESC object.

Circuit Diagram

The circuit diagram for the Arduino GSM Motor Speed Controller and Monitoring System is relatively simple. The TXT 5F pin of the GSMM 9900A module is connected to the Arduino digital pin D9, and the RXT 5F pin is connected to the Arduino digital pin D10. Additionally, a 5V full and 3M power supply is required to power the GSMM 9900A module.


The programming for the Arduino GSM Motor Speed Controller and Monitoring System begins with the addition of the Software Serial and Server header files. The Software Serial library allows for the definition of multiple serial ports, and in this case, an additional serial port is defined using the Arduino pins 9 and 10. The Servo object named ESC is used to control the speed of the DC motor using a 320 Amp brushed motor controller. Variables for storing the incoming and outgoing messages are also defined.

Loop Function

In the loop function, it is checked if a message is received, and if so, the entire string message is stored in the variable incoming. Using the percentage sign as the delimiter, the message is separated into two parts: the passcode and the speed. If the passcode matches the predefined passcode, the speed value is mapped and stored in the variable M speed. This M speed value is then used to control the speed of the DC motor using the ESC object.

Arduino GSM Motor Speed Controller and Monitoring System

The Arduino GSM Motor Speed Controller and Monitoring System is a comprehensive system that enables users to control and monitor the speed of a motor. This system is based on the Arduino platform and utilizes GSM technology to enable users to send commands and receive feedback from the motor. The system is comprised of two main components: the GSM module and the Arduino microcontroller.

GSM Module

The GSM module is responsible for receiving and sending commands from the user. It is connected to the Arduino microcontroller and is used to send and receive messages. The module is programmed to split the message and store the corresponding values in variables. Additionally, it is programmed to check for two conditions: if the user wants to set the motor speed or if the user is requesting the motor speed value.

Arduino Microcontroller

The Arduino microcontroller is responsible for controlling the motor speed. It is programmed to receive the commands from the GSM module and to send the motor speed value. To do this, it utilizes two user-defined functions: the esmi function and the getValue function. The esmi function is used to send the text message and the getValue function is used to split the message using any character as the delimiter.

The Arduino GSM Motor speed controller and monitoring system is a powerful and versatile system that can be used to control the speed of a motor and monitor the system. The components required for the system are readily available, and the code can be written and uploaded to the Arduino board using the Arduino IDE. The system can then be tested by adjusting the motor speed and sending and receiving SMS messages.

The Arduino GSM Motor Speed Controller and Monitoring System is a highly secure and reliable system for controlling and monitoring the motor speed. It is easy to set up and use, and can be used to monitor the motor speed in real-time, as well as to detect any faults in the motor.

The Arduino GSM Motor Speed Controller and Monitoring System is a powerful and reliable solution for controlling and monitoring the speed of a brush DC motor. It is easy to set up and use and provides users with the ability to set the motor speed from 0 to 100 and request the speed value from the Arduino board.

The Arduino GSM Motor Speed Controller and Monitoring System is a comprehensive system that enables users to control and monitor the speed of a motor. It utilizes the Arduino platform and GSM technology to enable users to send commands and receive feedback from the motor. The system is comprised of two main components: the GSM module and the Arduino microcontroller. The GSM module is programmed to split the message and store the corresponding values in variables, while the Arduino microcontroller is programmed to receive the commands from the GSM module and to send the motor speed value.

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