Designing the PCBs

The design of the PCBs for the Arduino MSLA Printer was a complex task. It required a lot of components, such as motors, displays, and other smaller parts. After much deliberation, I finally designed four PCBs for the printer. The first PCB is for the UV light control, the second for the TFT display, the third for the main control, and the fourth for the buttons and display interface. Additionally, I also designed a 3D body for the printer.

Testing the PCBs

Before assembling the printer, I wanted to give the PCBs a test to ensure that the code was running properly. To do this, I connected the PCBs to a power source and ran the code. Thankfully, everything worked as expected and I was ready to assemble the printer.

Assembling the Printer

The assembly of the Arduino MSLA Printer was a painstaking process. I had to carefully connect the PCBs and all the other components. I also had to make sure that the 3D body was properly attached. After several hours of work, I had finally assembled the printer.

Testing the Printer

The final step was to test the printer. I connected the printer to a power source and ran the code. To my delight, the printer worked perfectly and I had finally completed my DIY project.

Arduino MSLA Printer – FINALLY! DIY Project

The Arduino MSLA Printer is a DIY project that is sure to excite any maker. This project involves the creation of a 3D printer that utilizes an MSLA (Masked Stereolithography Apparatus) technology to create 3D objects. The project requires the use of four PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards) a UV light PCB, a display PCB, a control PCB, and a power supply PCB.

UV Light PCB

The UV light PCB is the first of the four PCBs that need to be assembled. It consists of 18 UV LEDs, which are soldered onto the PCB. To ensure that the current is limited, the PCB is designed with exposed copper. Additionally, power resistors are also added to the board. Once the LEDs and resistors are soldered, the board is tested with a power supply to ensure that it is working properly.

Display PCB

The display PCB is the second PCB that needs to be assembled. A display module is required for this, which needs to have its red PCB and backlight removed. The display module is then soldered onto the PCB.

Control PCB

The control PCB is the third PCB that needs to be assembled. It consists of buttons and an OLED display. The buttons are used to control the printer and the OLED display is used to show the status of the printer.

Power Supply PCB

The power supply PCB is the fourth and final PCB that needs to be assembled. It is responsible for providing power to the other three PCBs. It is connected to the other PCBs via wires, and it is then tested to ensure that it is working properly.

Once all four PCBs have been assembled, the Arduino MSLA Printer is ready to be used. This DIY project is sure to be a great learning experience for any maker, as it involves the use of various components and technologies.

I also solder the SD card reader and the step motor driver. I also add the mosfets and the connectors and the small components. I also add the LCD connector and the flat cable.

Removing the LCD

The LCD module is simply glued onto the PCB module, so it needs to be removed carefully in order to avoid breaking the LCD. After removing the metal case, all the white sheets and the LEDs should be taken out, leaving only the screen module.

Soldering the LCD

The LCD needs to be soldered onto the screen PCB, which has a flat connector of 48 pins. To ensure the screen is held in place, a piece of solid wire is soldered and pressed against the display. Additionally, Captain tape is added to the top side. On the bottom side, a connector for the flat cable is added.

Assembling the Main Control Board

In order to assemble the main control board, an ESP32, DC jack, SD card reader module, step motor driver, MOSFETs, connectors, buttons and small components are required. The DC jack and power regulation part are soldered first, followed by connecting 12 volts at the input and checking the voltages for 5 volts and 3.3 volts. If the voltages are correct, the ESP32, buttons and Pull Ups are soldered. The SD card reader and step motor driver are also soldered, followed by the MOSFETs, connectors, small components, LCD connector and flat cable.

Arduino MSLA Printer – FINALLY! DIY Project

The Arduino MSLA Printer project is a great way to get into the world of 3D printing. With the right components and a bit of know-how, you can build your own 3D printer from scratch. The project starts with the Ur Port, which is a small board that allows you to connect an FTDI programmer and upload the test sketch for the TFT display. After connecting the display PCB to the main PCB, a light needs to be placed behind the display in order to see the example code. This will indicate that both the ESP and the display are working properly.

Adding the Mosfets

The next step in the Arduino MSLA Printer project is to add the mosfets for controlling the UV light. This is done by soldering some male pins to the four pads on the PCB. The UV LEDs are then placed on top of the board, leaving some free space in between to act as a heat sync. After uploading another code, the LEDs can be tested with 12 volts to ensure that they are working correctly.

A Mistake Made

Unfortunately, a mistake was made during the project. The pins 39, 34 and 35 were used for controlling the step motor driver, but these pins can only be set as inputs. This means that the stepper driver cannot be tested and the printer cannot be finished for the day. A new board will need to be ordered and the connections will need to be changed.

I also added a few extra features like a fan and a power switch.

Stepper Motor

The Arduino MSLA Printer project requires a stepper motor to be connected to the main board on specific pins. This motor is responsible for controlling the movement of the print head and is essential for the successful operation of the printer. The stepper motor is connected to the main board on the pins designated for this purpose and is essential for the printer to be able to move the print head in the desired direction.

Endstop Switch

An endstop switch is also connected to the main board of the Arduino MSLA Printer. This switch is responsible for detecting when the print head has reached the end of its travel and is essential for ensuring that the printer does not over-extend its travel and damage the components. The endstop switch is connected to the main board on the pins designated for this purpose and is essential for the printer to be able to detect when the print head has reached the end of its travel.

Button PCB and Screen PCB

The button PCB and the screen PCB are also connected to the main board of the Arduino MSLA Printer. These two components are responsible for providing the user interface for the printer and are essential for the successful operation of the printer. The button PCB and the screen PCB are connected to the main board on the pads designated for this purpose and are essential for the printer to be able to provide the user interface.

UVL Board

The UVL board is also connected to the main board of the Arduino MSLA Printer. This board is responsible for providing the UV light which is used to cure the resin during the printing process and is essential for the successful operation of the printer. The UVL board is connected to the main board on the pads designated for this purpose and is essential for the printer to be able to provide the UV light.

SD Card Reader

The SD card reader is also connected to the main board of the Arduino MSLA Printer. This component is responsible for reading the data from the SD card which contains the 3D model that is to be printed and is essential for the successful operation of the printer. The SD card reader is connected to the main board on the pins designated for this purpose and is essential for the printer to be able to read the data from the SD card.


The enclosure for the Arduino MSLA Printer is also an important component of the project. This enclosure is responsible for providing a safe and secure environment for the printer and its components and is essential for the successful operation of the printer. The enclosure is designed to provide a safe and secure environment for the printer and its components and is essential for the successful operation of the printer. The enclosure also includes features such as a fan and a power switch which are essential for the successful operation of the printer.

Introduction to Arduino MSLA Printer

The Arduino MSLA Printer is a DIY project that allows users to create their own 3D printer. This project is a great way to get into the world of 3D printing and is relatively inexpensive to build. The printer is powered by an Arduino board and utilizes a MSLA (Masked Stereolithography Apparatus) printing method. The printer is capable of producing high-quality prints with a resolution of up to 0.1mm.

Components of Arduino MSLA Printer

The Arduino MSLA Printer requires a few components to get started. The first component is the Arduino board, which is the main controller of the printer. The board is responsible for controlling the motors and other components of the printer. The second component is the stepper motor, which is responsible for moving the print head. The third component is the LCD PCB, which is responsible for displaying the progress of the print. The fourth component is the z-axis tower, which is responsible for controlling the height of the print head. The fifth component is the linear bearing slider, which is responsible for providing smooth movement of the print head. Finally, the sixth component is the aluminum block, which is responsible for providing a stable platform for the print head.

Assembly of Arduino MSLA Printer

The assembly of the Arduino MSLA Printer is relatively straightforward. The first step is to assemble the z-axis tower, which consists of a small part for the stepper motor and another smaller part for the buttons and the display. All of these parts are printed using PLA material and it takes a few days to finish the assembly. The second step is to assemble the controller board, which is made in such a way that the LEDs will go exactly below the display. The third step is to assemble the case, which has a perimeter and the LCD PCB will go inside the case. The fourth step is to assemble the stepper motor, which is mounted on a smaller part with some M3 screws. The fifth step is to assemble the linear bearing slider, which is screwed in place on top of the printed part. The sixth step is to assemble the aluminum block, which is used as the printing table.

Calibration of Arduino MSLA Printer

The calibration of the Arduino MSLA Printer is an important step in the assembly process. The first step is to calibrate the first layer, which is done by adjusting the B connector so that it can move freely in all directions. The second step is to adjust the stepper motor so that it is in the correct position. The third step is to adjust the LCD PCB so that it is in the correct position. The fourth step is to adjust the linear bearing slider so that it is in the correct position. The fifth step is to adjust the aluminum block so that it is in the correct position.

Arduino MSLA Printer – A DIY Project

The Arduino MSLA Printer is a project that has been gaining traction in the maker community. This project allows makers to build their own 3D printer using an Arduino board and a resin bath. The printer is capable of printing with a variety of materials, including Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) and Stereolithography (SLA).

The project requires some basic knowledge of electronics and 3D printing, but it is relatively simple to assemble. The first step is to assemble the Arduino board and the resin bath. The Arduino board is used to control the printer, while the resin bath is used to hold the resin that will be used to print the object. Once the Arduino board and resin bath are assembled, the next step is to connect the printer to the computer. This is done by connecting the Arduino board to the computer via USB.

Once the printer is connected to the computer, the next step is to design the object that will be printed. This is done using a 3D modeling software, such as Blender or SketchUp. Once the object is designed, the next step is to prepare the resin bath. This is done by adding the appropriate amount of resin to the bath and ensuring that it is sealed properly.

Once the resin bath is prepared, the next step is to print the object. This is done by sending the 3D model to the printer via the computer. The printer then begins to print the object using the resin in the bath. Once the object is printed, it is then removed from the resin bath and allowed to cure.

The Arduino MSLA Printer is a great project for makers who are looking to get into 3D printing. It is relatively simple to assemble and can be used to print a variety of objects. The project requires some basic knowledge of electronics and 3D printing, but it is relatively simple to assemble. With a little bit of patience and dedication, makers can create their own 3D printer and start printing objects in no time.

The Arduino MSLA Printer project is a great way to get into the world of 3D printing. With the right components and a bit of know-how, you can build your own 3D printer from scratch. Although a mistake was made during the project, a new board can be ordered and the connections can be changed. With a bit of patience and perseverance, the Arduino MSLA Printer project can be completed successfully.

The Arduino MSLA Printer is a great DIY project that allows users to create their own 3D printer. The printer is relatively inexpensive to build and is capable of producing high-quality prints with a resolution of up to 0.1mm. The assembly of the printer is relatively straightforward and the calibration process is important for ensuring that the printer is working

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