Arduino PLC – IDE Overview & Basic Programming Part 1 #arduino #plc

I do not feel sorry, so it is almost similar to, I think the goddesses. What but lets go one by one of the different features which which they are providing so well create a new project and well walk. I will walk you through different options. What they have so you can create the project you can Define, which Hardware right now it will be coming with the one. Only one Hardware, I dont have the hardware with me. So this is what the hardware is which by default, is coming with this particular idea. As of now so I will walk you through different options and the configuration inside the ID which we need to do so. If you see the structure, it is almost similar. If you have worked on on the courtesies, I will be covering that also in a different video. The comparison with the code is so you will get the details of of the hardware for which it is getting configured and it will come as the definition all the different options of creating new variable. Folder everything are there in. There will be go through the different options, so it has a different scan where its uh so fast, slow, initialize and background, and we can define those all the tasks in this kind of standards and for everything it is redefined for the cycles for how much it Will be the positive device? 10 minutes, 1000 500 milliseconds? Are there, so the fastest is the 10 millisecond.

If you see so all the different tasks, when we create the program when we create, we have to put them in certain uh scan rate or or the task which which it is given here then um we can Define the global variables which can be across everywhere. So, by default default we will Define the CNT continuous count and it will be also there in the main main program. When we go to the main program, the CNT will be there with some logic which will keep getting count increased, so it is almost uh yeah. So let me yeah, this is what I was talking about. So here we can Define uh the new variables so that they can use and we can select the different names data types descriptions. What all things we have to give. So all the things we will be defining it here right now it is in the good view form. So if you see we have two options, uh to select get View and the structured text View, let me show you even the structure text views are. It is so once we have completed here, we can switch it to the structure test view, so this is how it is. So it is almost very pretty similar if you have worked on cortices, so we can Define all the variables here pretty easily in a textual format. So let me do a small code to see how exactly it fit. The the flow of code goes on so Im.

Just defining all the different variables and this here it will be the local variable, so it will be on accessible inside the program itself. So these are all the local variables I will in all open tabs will be shown which we can navigate from the bottom. So what Im doing right now, trying to put to show you exactly means how, when we write for the first time and adding ID how how exactly it behaves so lets lets check it out? Okay, its almost just complete, and we will try to compile it. Okay, so, okay, I got two others. Let me collect it so and once we collect them again, when you see compile, then it will go in the compilation mode. It will try to compile the all the files, basically as it any ID will do so for the first time it is compiling. So maybe it will take a extra time, so I think it is taking quite quite long time. So I think, for the first time I think it takes uh quite long time. Almost one minute has passed, but still it is compiling okay, so lets check it out almost time almost text to finally compile Music. So its almost it looks like getting done, but almost two minutes past and still it is compiling. So I think it is a little slower on on this side yeah. Maybe I need to take more or anyone who has worked because Im Im using it for the first time foreign violation is completed with all good yeah, so I think I think it was for the first time.

So it took a lot of time next time when we compile. It should not take this much time that thats okay for the first time, but so yeah uh. This is the mostly on the coding side, and we have here all the hardware definition. So it supports the digital input, digital output and now input and output. We have temperature support virus modules, so we can assign the variables we can Define. Oh its looked like still some issue but thats fine. I think its still there working on this, so it will get us all or maybe something Im missing here so Im not able to sign it. Anyhow, I will be covering this in another video in details that will be good thats. All for the basic program part Im covering normal in the different videos or different videos. Thank you.

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