What is Setup and Loop?

Setup and loop are two of the most important concepts in Arduino programming. Setup is the first function that is called when the Arduino starts up. It is used to initialize variables, pin modes, and setup the serial communication. Loop is the second function that is called after setup. It is used to continuously execute the code. It is important to note that the loop function will run forever and will never exit.

Serial Communication

Serial communication is a way of sending data between two devices. In this tutorial, we will use serial communication to send data from the Arduino to the computer. Serial communication is done using the Serial library. The Serial library provides functions for sending and receiving data. To use the Serial library, we need to include it in the sketch.

Connecting the Arduino

The first step in programming the Arduino is to connect it to the computer. To do this, we need to connect the Arduino Uno to the computer using a USB cable. Once the Arduino is connected, we can open the Arduino IDE and select the connected Arduino.

Verifying and Uploading Code

Once the Arduino is connected, we can write our code in the Arduino IDE. To verify the code, we can click the verify button. This will check for any errors in the code. If there are no errors, we can click the upload button to upload the code to the Arduino. This process is called compiling and it will translate the human readable code into machine code and upload it to the Arduino.

Setup Function

The setup() function is the first to be executed when the Arduino is powered on. It runs any code between its curly braces exactly once. This code is typically used to initialize the environment, such as setting pin modes, configuring serial communication, and other initializations. After the code in the setup() function is executed, the Arduino jumps to the loop() function.

Loop Function

The loop() function is the second to be executed when the Arduino is powered on. It runs any code between its curly braces over and over again in an infinite loop. This code is typically used to perform tasks such as reading sensors, controlling actuators, and other operations that need to be done repeatedly. After the code in the loop() function is executed, the Arduino jumps back to the beginning of the loop() function and executes the code again.


Comments are lines of code that are ignored by the Arduino. They are used to explain what the code does and to make the code easier to read. Comments start with two forward slashes (//) and can be written anywhere in the code.

Serial Communication

Serial communication is a way for the Arduino to communicate with other devices. It is used to send data back and forth between the Arduino and other devices, such as computers, smartphones, and other microcontrollers. Serial communication is used to debug the code, to display data on a computer, and to control other devices.

Serial Communication

The first step in programming an Arduino is to establish a serial communication between the device and the computer. This is done by using the serial.begin() command. This command sets the data rate in bits per second for the serial data transmission. To ensure that the port rate inside of the code matches the port rate in the serial monitor, the user must click on the icon to open the serial monitor.

The Loop

Once the serial communication is established, the user can move on to the loop. The loop is the main part of the code, where the user can write instructions for the Arduino to execute. In this example, the user wants the Arduino to send a “Hello” message. This is done by using the serial.print() command. Inside the serial.print() command, the user must insert a character string, which in this case is “Hello”. It is important to always use quotation marks for strings. After the message is printed, the user can add a delay of 1 second. This is done by using the delay() command. The delay command works with milliseconds, so the user must insert 1000 milliseconds in order to get a 1 second delay. The loop will then run the serial.begin() command exactly once and then jump to serial.print(), followed by a delay of 1000 milliseconds. After the delay, the loop will print “Hello” again and then delay for 1000 milliseconds, and so on.


Once the code is written, the user can press the verify button to check for errors. If the output reads “Done compiling” and there are no errors, then the code is ready to be uploaded to the Arduino.

Arduino Programming Basics 01: Setup, Loop, and Serial Communication Tutorial

The Arduino platform is a powerful microcontroller-based system that enables users to create interactive electronic projects. This tutorial will provide an introduction to the fundamentals of Arduino programming, including the setup, loop, and serial communication functions.

Setup Function

The setup function is the first function that is executed when the Arduino is powered on. This function is used to initialize variables, set up pin modes, and configure serial communication. It is important to note that the setup function is only executed once.

Loop Function

The loop function is the main body of the Arduino program. This function is executed continuously until the Arduino is powered off. The loop function is used to read sensor data, control actuators, and communicate with other devices.

Serial Communication

Serial communication is used to send data between the Arduino and other devices, such as computers or smartphones. Serial communication is established using the serial.begin() function. Once the serial connection is established, data can be sent and received using the serial.print() and serial.read() functions.

Error Messages

When programming the Arduino, it is important to be aware of potential errors. If an error occurs, the Arduino will display an error message. Common errors include forgetting to include quotation marks when declaring a string, or forgetting to include the serial.begin() function before attempting to send data.


To demonstrate the fundamentals of Arduino programming, a simple exercise can be completed. In this exercise, the user is tasked with modifying the code so that the Arduino prints the “Hello” message exactly once, five seconds after it starts. To achieve this, the serial.print() function needs to be placed inside the setup function, and a delay of five seconds needs to be added. This exercise provides an introduction to the basics of Arduino programming and can be used as a starting point for more complex projects.

Arduino Programming Basics 01: Setup, Loop, and Serial Communication Tutorial

Arduino is a powerful platform for programming and creating interactive projects. This tutorial will cover the basics of setting up Arduino for programming, the loop function, and serial communication.

Setting Up Arduino

In order to get started with Arduino programming, it is important to understand the setup function. This is the first code that will run when the Arduino is powered on. It is used to set up the environment for the project, such as initializing variables and setting up communication protocols.

In this tutorial, we will be using the setup function to prepare Arduino for serial communication. We will use the delay function to wait 5 seconds before sending the “Hello” message. This will ensure that the message is sent only once, as the Arduino will then jump into the loop function and stay there.

The Loop Function

The loop function is the main body of the Arduino program. It is where the majority of the code is written and executed. The loop function will run continuously until the Arduino is powered off. This makes it ideal for projects that require continuous monitoring or interaction.

Serial Communication

Serial communication is a method of sending data between two devices. In this tutorial, we will be using serial communication to send the “Hello” message from the Arduino to the computer. To do this, we will need to set up the serial communication protocol in the setup function. We will also need to add a delay in front of the serial.print command, as this will ensure that the message is only sent once.

In this tutorial, we discussed the basics of Arduino programming. We learned about setup and loop, serial communication, and how to connect the Arduino to the computer. We also discussed how to verify and upload code to the Arduino. With these basics, you can now start writing your own code and create amazing projects with Arduino.

This tutorial has covered the basics of setting up Arduino for programming, the loop function, and serial communication. With this knowledge, you are now ready to start creating your own Arduino projects. Make sure to subscribe and ring the bell button in order to get informed about upcoming lessons.

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