Arduino Tutorial 30: Understanding and Using Servos in Projects

The Joy of Iced Coffee

Iced coffee is a refreshing beverage that can offer a much-needed pick-me-up during hot summer days. It is a simple concoction: black coffee poured directly over ice, with no added sugar or sweeteners. In this article, we will explore the joys of sipping on a chilled mug of iced coffee while learning about a fascinating electronic component called a servo.

Leave the Vodka Behind

While enjoying iced coffee, it is essential to resist the temptation to add anything extra to your cup. No sugar, no sweetener packets, and definitely no vodka! One might find it amusing that someone would combine coffee and vodka, but an incident occurred when a student complained about having trouble following my lessons. It turned out that he had been adding vodka to his coffee, for which I had failed to issue a warning. So, it’s essential to enjoy your iced coffee in its purest form – strong black coffee poured over ice.

The Super Starter Lego Kit

Before we dive into the world of servos, I highly recommend grabbing the Super Starter Lego Kit. It contains a wide range of components that we will be using throughout this series of lessons. By using the same hardware, our learning experience will be more seamless and efficient. You can find the link to this kit in the description below, so make sure to pick one up and have it ready for our lessons.

Understanding Servos

Now, let’s talk about servos. In simple terms, a servo can be compared to a miniature motor. It has the ability to adjust its position based on commands received. Imagine a servo as having a little arm that moves to a specific position when you send it a command. It is a versatile electronic component that can be used in various applications.

Working with a Servo

Unlike a regular motor, a servo does not keep spinning once it reaches a specific position. Instead, it stays in place until it receives a new command. This unique characteristic makes it ideal for precise movements in machinery, robotics, and other projects where specific angles or positions need to be achieved.

The Importance of Understanding Servos

Servos are essential components in various electronic devices and are commonly used in robotics, remote-controlled toys, and even in industrial applications. They are small motors that can move to specific positions within a predefined range. Understanding how to use servos is crucial for anyone interested in the Arduino platform or robotics in general. In this article, we will explore the basics of servos and how to effectively utilize them in your projects.

The Range of Motion

The first thing to note about servos is their range of motion. A typical servo can move from 0 degrees to 180 degrees. This means that it can rotate almost halfway around, allowing for a wide range of movement. This range is ideal for controlling movements in various applications, such as controlling a robot arm or adjusting the angle of a camera. It is important to consider this range when designing your projects to ensure that the servo’s movement meets your requirements.

Using a Servo: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we understand the capabilities of a servo let’s dive into how to use one. To begin, you will need an Arduino kit and, of course, a servo. The servo can be easily identified in your kit as a small blue component. Although the servo provided in the kit is suitable for learning purposes, it is advisable to invest in higher quality servos for more advanced projects.

To start using the servo, follow these steps:

1. Connect the servo to your Arduino using jumper wires. Ensure that you connect the control wire to the appropriate pin on the Arduino (usually marked as “PWM”).

2. Upload a servo control code to your Arduino. This code will allow you to control the servo’s movement programmatically.

3. Write a program that specifies the desired position of the servo. For example, if you want the servo to move to a 90-degree angle, you would write a command to set the servo to that position.

4. Test your program by uploading it to the Arduino and observing the servo’s response. It should move according to your instructions.

Investing in High-Quality Servos

While the servo provided in the Arduino kit is suitable for learning purposes, it may not meet the demands of more advanced projects. If you are serious about working with Arduinos or robotics, it is recommended to invest in high-quality servos. These servos offer smoother movements, increased durability, and enhanced precision, making them perfect for intricate projects that require precise control. By adding a few of these high-tech servos to your toolkit, you will be well-prepared for any future endeavors.

Understanding how to use servos opens up a world of possibilities in the field of electronics and robotics. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced enthusiast, mastering the usage of servos is crucial for successful project execution. By familiarizing yourself with their range of motion, following step-by-step guides, and investing in quality servos, you will be on your way to creating impressive and functional projects. So go ahead, grab your servo, and get started on your Arduino adventure!

Powering Servos with Arduino

When it comes to powering servos with an Arduino, it is important to consider the current capabilities of the Arduino’s pins and the current requirements of the servo. While smaller servos can be powered from the Arduino itself, larger servos require an external power supply.

Checking Pin Current Capabilities

If you are using a different servo or a larger servo, it is essential to research the output current capability of the Arduino pin you are using. This information can usually be found on the internet. By understanding the current capabilities of the pin, you can determine whether it can adequately power the servo.

Understanding Current Requirements

Next, you need to determine the current requirements of the servo. This information is usually provided in the servo’s specifications. By comparing the current requirements with the Arduino pin’s capabilities, you can ensure that the servo can be powered safely.

Using an External Power Supply

If you find that the servo’s current requirements exceed the capabilities of the Arduino pin, you will need to use an external power supply. Connecting the servo to an external power supply allows you to provide an adequate amount of power to the servo, while still controlling it from the Arduino.

Connecting the Servo

To connect the servo, you will need to follow the color code of the wires. The specific color code may vary slightly depending on the servo, but most servos have a similar color code. The first wire to connect is the red wire, which represents power. Connect the red wire from the servo to the pin on the Arduino that provides 5 volts.

Once the red wire is connected, you can proceed with connecting the other wires. These typically include a black wire for ground and a yellow or white wire for signal. Refer to the servo’s documentation or look up the color code for your specific servo.

By following these steps and considering the power requirements of your servo, you can safely connect and power it using an Arduino. Remember to double-check the current capabilities of the Arduino pin and the current requirements of the servo to avoid any potential issues.

The Importance of Understanding Wiring Components

Understanding wiring components is crucial for any DIY electronics project. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced hobbyist, knowing how to connect wires correctly is essential for the success of your project. In this article, we will discuss the different wiring components and their functions.

The Black Wire: Ground Connection

One of the most important components in wiring is the black wire, which is commonly known as the ground wire. The ground wire ensures that electrical currents flow smoothly and safely. It serves as a reference point for other components and helps prevent electrical shocks. When connecting a servo or any other electronic device, it is essential to identify the ground wire and connect it properly.

The Brown Wire: Ground Connection

Another color commonly used for the ground wire is brown. In some servos, the brown wire is designated as the ground wire. To ensure correct wiring, it is crucial to identify the ground wire based on the color codes provided by the manufacturer. By connecting the ground wire properly, you can ensure the stability and safety of your electronic device.

The Orange Wire: Control Connection

The orange wire is often used for the control connection in wiring. This wire is responsible for transmitting control signals from the microcontroller or other control devices to the electronic component. By connecting the orange wire correctly, you can control the movement or operation of the device. It is important to double-check the color code and ensure that the orange wire is connected to the appropriate pin or terminal.

Using the Correct Wire Gauge

Apart from understanding wire colors, it is also important to consider the wire gauge when working with electronics. The wire gauge determines the amount of current that can safely flow through the wire. Using the correct wire gauge ensures that the wire does not overheat, preventing potential hazards such as short circuits or fire incidents. For most hobbyist projects, a wire gauge of 10 or 9 is commonly used.

Troubleshooting and Testing

Once you have connected the wires correctly, it is advisable to test the electronic component to ensure it is working as expected. This can be done by plugging in a servo and observing its movement. If the component does not respond or behaves unexpectedly, it is essential to troubleshoot the wiring connections. Double-check each wire connection and make sure they are secure and properly attached.

The Next Step: Programming

Once the wiring is successfully completed, you can move on to the programming phase of your project. This involves writing code to control the electronic component using a microcontroller or other programming devices. Finding a comfortable and suitable environment to write and test your code is crucial. Ensure that you have a clear view of your workspace and that you can easily observe the code being written.

Understanding wiring components and their functions is essential for any DIY electronics project. By correctly connecting the ground, control, and power wires, you can ensure the stability and safety of your electronic devices. Double-checking wire colors, understanding wire gauges, troubleshooting connections, and programming the component are all important steps in the process. With proper wiring and programming, you can bring your electronic projects to life.

Using the Servo Library for Arduino

Arduino is a versatile microcontroller platform that allows users to build and control various electronic projects. One commonly used component in Arduino projects is a servo motor. However, the commands to control a servo are not included in the standard Arduino package. In order to work with a servo, you will need to use the Servo library, which provides the necessary functions and features to control the motor.

Setting up the Servo Connection

Before we can start using the servo, we need to establish a connection between the Arduino board and the motor. This is done by connecting a pin from the Arduino board to the signal pin of the servo. In our case, let’s use pin number 9 for the connection. To do this, we will create an integer variable called “servo pin” and assign the value 9 to it. This will indicate that the servo is connected to pin 9 on the Arduino board.

Initializing the Servo Position

In order to control the servo, we need to specify its position. We can do this by creating another integer variable called “servo position.” For now, let’s set the initial position to zero degrees. This means that the servo will start at its minimum position. Later on, we can change this value to rotate the servo to different angles.

Using the Servo Library Functions

Now that we have established the servo connection and initialized its position, we can start working with the servo library functions. To use the Servo library, you need to include it at the beginning of your Arduino program. You can do this by typing the following line of code at the top of your sketch:


This line tells the Arduino compiler to include the Servo library, allowing you to access its functions and features.

Controlling the Servo

With the Servo library included in your sketch, you can now use its functions to control the servo. Some commonly used functions include “attach()” and “write()”. The attach() function is used to establish a connection between the servo signal pin and the specified Arduino pin. In our case, we would use the following code:


This line of code tells the Arduino to establish a connection between the servo and pin 9 on the Arduino board.

Once the connection is established, you can use the write() function to set the servo position. To rotate the servo to a specific angle, use the following code:


Replace “servoPosition” with the desired angle in degrees.

The Importance of Library Load Order in Arduino

Load Libraries at the Start

When working with Arduino, it is crucial to load libraries at the very beginning of your code. This ensures that the necessary functions and features provided by the library are available for use throughout your program. To include a library, you use the pound sign (#) followed by the “include” keyword. You then specify the library you want to load within triangular brackets.

The Servo Library

One commonly used library in Arduino is the Servo library. This library allows you to control servo motors, which are widely used in robotics and other projects. To load the Servo library, you need to include the line “#include “. Note that unlike other commands, loading a library does not require a semicolon at the end.

Creating a Servo Object

Once the library is loaded, you need to create a virtual object that represents your servo in the Arduino environment. This object allows you to interact with the servo and utilize its functions. To create the object, you use the “servo” command followed by a name of your choice. For example, you can call it “myServo”.

Interacting with the Servo

With the servo object created, you can now manipulate and control the servo motor. The Servo library provides various functions that allow you to set the position, speed, and other parameters of the servo. By using these functions, you can make your servo move precisely according to your requirements.

Interacting with a Servo in Arduino

When working with a servo in Arduino, it is essential to understand how to interact with it effectively. This article will guide you through the necessary steps and commands to successfully control your servo.

Setting Up in the Void Setup

In the void setup function, we need to set up the necessary components and prepare for servo interaction. Start by initializing the serial monitor with the command serial.begin(9600). This will enable communication between the Arduino and your computer for troubleshooting or data output purposes.

Next, we need to physically attach the servo to the Arduino board. To do this, we use the attach function in Arduino. To interact with the servo object, we simply write servo.attach(). Additionally, we need to specify the pin to which the servo is connected. In this case, the servo is attached to pin 9, so we write servo.attach(9).

Sending Commands to the Servo

Now that we have our setup complete, we can issue commands to the servo. To interact with the servo object, use the dot operator. For example, to command the servo to move right, write servo.right(). However, we also need to indicate the position to which we want to move the servo. In this case, we want the servo to go to position zero, so we write servo.right(0).

The Excitement of New Hardware and Software

It’s a big moment – the time has come to download the code. With new hardware and new software in place, anticipation is building. As I press the button, I can’t help but hold my breath. Will it work? Will it meet my expectations? And then, boom – success! The code downloads smoothly and the device comes to life.

Zero and its Importance

As the device springs to action, I notice that it goes to zero. This may not be immediately apparent, so I make some adjustments to give it more visibility. I move it slightly and align it with what I consider to be the zero point in the physical world. Now, it looks perfect. The zero in our digital world is lined up with zero in the physical world. It’s a small victory, but an important one.

Exploring Different Positions

With the zero position set, I decide to test its capabilities further. I instruct the device to go to a position called “Nani” and proceed to download the code once again. As expected, the device moves to its assigned position. It’s fascinating to witness this smooth transition between digital and physical realms.

Now, my curiosity peaks. What happens if I push it further? I decide to instruct the device to move to 180 – a seemingly straightforward task. However, upon downloading the code and observing its behavior, I notice a hiccup. The device doesn’t fully reach the desired position, and there’s a strange humming sound. It seems that the servo is being overdriven, causing it to malfunction.

Overcoming Challenges

While the device may not have performed flawlessly at 180, this setback doesn’t discourage me. It’s just another challenge to overcome. Perhaps some tweaks in the code or adjustments to the hardware will resolve this issue. This experience serves as a reminder that the journey of exploring new technology is often accompanied by hurdles to overcome.

The Thrill of Progress

Despite the small setback, I can’t help but feel thrilled. The combination of new hardware and software has opened up a world of possibilities. The ability to manipulate the digital realm and witness its impact on the physical world is nothing short of incredible. This journey is just beginning, and I can’t wait to see what else can be achieved with this cutting-edge technology.

Maximizing Productivity: The Importance of Having a Clear Task

Understanding the Serial Monitor in Programming

In the world of programming, the serial monitor is a crucial tool that allows developers to communicate with their code and monitor its behavior in real-time. It helps in debugging and troubleshooting, providing valuable insights into the execution of the program. However, sometimes, it may appear that the serial monitor is not yielding any results, leading to confusion and frustration.

A Closer Look at the Serial Monitor’s Role

When there is no activity on the serial monitor, it is often due to a specific instruction or function that puts the code in a state of waiting. This can be a deliberate design choice or a result of a coding error. In our case, the writer mentions being in a state of waiting without any apparent purpose. This can lead to wasted time and reduced productivity.

Implementing a Servo Position Reading

To break free from the idle state, the writer decides to implement a servo position reading. By doing this, they introduce a new task that adds value to their code. The servo position data is read and parsed using specific functions, enabling the writer to obtain and manipulate the information as desired.

Facing Challenges with Code Syntax

In this pursuit, the writer encounters a syntax error that causes the code to malfunction. They explain that the issue arises from the automatic insertion of closing curly braces by the new IDE. This can be frustrating for programmers who are not aware of this behavior and may end up with unintended code structures.

Troubleshooting the Code

The writer continues to troubleshoot the code and observes unexpected behavior. They mention the need to view the serial monitor to get a better understanding of what is happening. By visually inspecting the monitor, the writer hopes to identify any errors or patterns that might be causing the issue.

Experimenting with Servo Angles

As the writer progresses, they decide to experiment with different angles for the servo. Starting with zero degrees, they gradually increase the angle, noting the changes in behavior. The writer expresses amazement with the results, highlighting that this discovery adds excitement and motivation to their programming journey.

Challenging You to Take Action

In the end, the writer poses a challenge to the readers. They invite them to take on a homework assignment, encouraging them to actively engage with programming tasks and explore new possibilities. By doing so, the writer hopes to inspire a sense of curiosity and a desire for continuous improvement.

Understanding the role of the serial monitor and maintaining a clear task or goal is crucial for maximizing productivity in programming. It is important to troubleshoot any issues that arise, experiment with different approaches, and remain motivated to constantly learn and grow in the field of programming.

The Homework Assignment: Building a Weather Indicator Circuit

If you’re looking for a fun and educational project to work on, I’ve got the perfect homework assignment for you. In this assignment, we will be using a series resistor and a photo detector to build a circuit that can indicate the current weather conditions. Whether it’s a dark night, a sunny day, or a cloudy sky, this circuit will visually display it for you. Before we begin, make sure you have a 5k resistor and a basic understanding of how to use a photo detector, which was covered in lessons 25 and 26.

Understanding the Concept

To create a weather indicator, we need to utilize some simple mathematics. Start by turning off all the lights around you and measuring the value obtained from the circuit. This will give you a baseline value for darkness or nighttime. Next, turn on all the lights and note the value obtained. This will serve as a reference point for the brightest conditions, such as a sunny day. By comparing these values, we can create a scale to determine the current light conditions.

Completing the Homework

Now it’s time to put your knowledge into practice. Work independently on this assignment and make it work. It’s important to test and experiment with your circuit to achieve accurate results. Once you have successfully completed the homework on your own, leave a note to let your teacher know that you have accomplished the task. Sharing your success is not only satisfying but also encourages others to learn and participate.

Next Steps: Lesson Number 31

Once you have completed the homework assignment and left your note, it’s time to move forward. In lesson number 31, we will come together as a class and review our findings and experiences. This will help solidify your understanding of the concepts and allow for further exploration and improvements. Remember, learning is a continuous journey, and every step counts.

Building a weather indicator circuit is a fascinating project that combines electronics and the physical world. By using a series resistor and a photo detector, we can accurately determine the current light conditions and display them visually. So make sure to take your time, put in the effort, and enjoy the process of creating your own unique weather indicator circuit.

Iced coffee, with its robust and refreshing taste, is a perfect companion for those seeking a caffeine boost on a hot day. Remember to keep it simple – just black coffee poured over ice. As for our lessons, having the Super Starter Lego Kit and diving into the world of servos will allow us to explore exciting projects and gain a deeper understanding of this essential electronic component. So, grab your iced coffee, your Lego kit, and let’s embark on this learning journey together!

By using the Servo library for Arduino, you can easily control a servo motor and incorporate it into your electronic projects. Whether you want to rotate an object or create a moving part, the servo motor provides precise control and movement. So, if you’re looking to enhance your Arduino projects, don’t forget to include the Servo library and explore the possibilities it offers.

Properly loading libraries and creating objects are essential steps when working with Arduino. By understanding the significance of library load order and the process of creating objects, you can effectively utilize the available libraries and control your hardware modules with ease. Remember to always consult the official documentation and examples provided by Arduino to make the most out of your projects.

Interacting with a servo in Arduino is a straightforward process once you understand the necessary commands and setup procedures. By following the steps outlined in this article, you will be able to control your servo smoothly and effectively.

Now that we have covered the basics, grab a cup of coffee and start experimenting with your servo to create exciting projects!

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