
The Tiny OLED display is a small yet powerful device that measures only 0.42 inches diagonally. Despite its size, it has a resolution of 70 by 40 pixels and is connected to an Arduino Uno with only four wires. The chip used for this display is the SSD1306, which is a great choice as it is compatible with many other displays with resolutions of 128 by 64 pixels or 128 by 32 pixels.


PCB Way is a great resource for those looking to manufacture their own products. It offers services such as 3D printing, CNC machining, and other types of manufacturing. The Module Store on the main page also has a variety of products available for purchase, including RGB Glow Tube Clocks which have been tested in previous videos.

Using the u8g2 Library

The u8g2 library is used to draw on the display. When searching for the resolution of 70 by 40 pixels, no display is found. However, when searching for the chip SSD1306, there are several displays with this chip, including those with resolutions of 128 by 64 pixels or 128 by 32 pixels. It is necessary to randomly choose one and test it to see if it works.

Testing the Display

Once the display is chosen, it is time to test it. The Arduino IDE can be used to upload code to the Arduino Uno and test the display. The u8g2 library can be used to draw on the display and check if it is working correctly.

Connecting the Display to the Arduino Board

To begin, the display must be connected to the Arduino board via four wires. The ground wire should be connected to ground, the VCC wire to 5 volts, the SCL (serial clock) wire to either pin A5 or the dedicated SCL pin, and the SDA (serial data) wire to either pin A4 or the dedicated SDA pin. Once the connections are established, the code can be uploaded to the board.

Using the Walkway Emulator

The Walkway emulator is a free, online Arduino emulator that can be used to test the code before uploading it to the board. When the code is run on the emulator, the full-screen image should be displayed on the display. The code can then be copied and pasted into the Arduino IDE and uploaded to the board.

The SSD 1306 Chip

The SSD 1306 chip is the internal memory that holds 128 by 64 pixels. When the display has a resolution of 128×64 pixels, all of the memory must be used. However, if the display is smaller, such as the 70 by 40 pixel OLED screen used in this tutorial, it can choose which part of the memory to use, depending on how it is wired to the chip.

Using Arduino Shield to Test OLED Displays

Arduino UNO and SSD1306 72x40px OLED Display can be used to create a Tiny OLED tutorial for beginners. This tutorial can be used to test the displays with an Arduino Shield. It is possible to switch one of the displays with a small display and verify the results. This can be done by drawing a full screen rectangle on the small OLED screen. The size of the rectangle should be 70 by 40 pixels, with the X position being centered on the 128 pixels (128 minus 70, divided by 2, which is 29 pixels). The Y position should be 40 pixels on the bottom of 64 pixels, which is 24 pixels.

Using Photop to Create Graphics

Creating graphics for the Tiny OLED tutorial can be done using Photop, a free online graphic tool. This tool can be used to create images that can be used in the tutorial. It is possible to create images with different colors, shapes, and sizes. The images can then be used in the Arduino sketch and uploaded to the board. This will result in a full screen rectangle on the small display.

Using U8g2 Library

The U8g2 library can be used to create graphics for the Tiny OLED tutorial. This library provides functions for drawing lines, circles, rectangles, and other shapes. It also provides functions for displaying text and images. The library can be used to create graphics that can be used in the Arduino sketch and uploaded to the board. This will result in a full screen rectangle on the small display.

Setting Up the Arduino UNO

The Arduino UNO is an open-source microcontroller board that can be used to develop interactive electronic projects. To get started with the Arduino UNO, you will need to download and install the Arduino IDE software. Once the software is installed, you will need to connect the Arduino UNO to your computer via a USB cable. Once the Arduino UNO is connected, you can upload your code to the board.

Installing the u8g2 Library

The u8g2 library is a graphics library for the Arduino UNO that allows you to draw text, shapes, and bitmaps on the OLED display. To install the library, you will need to open the Arduino IDE and go to the Sketch menu. Then, select the Include Library option and select the Manage Libraries option. In the search bar, type in u8g2 and select the u8g2 library from the list. Once the library is installed, you will need to restart the Arduino IDE.

Connecting the OLED Display

The OLED display is a small display that can be used to display text, shapes, and bitmaps. To connect the OLED display to the Arduino UNO, you will need to use a breadboard and some jumper wires. Connect the VCC pin on the OLED display to the 5V pin on the Arduino UNO. Then, connect the GND pin on the OLED display to the GND pin on the Arduino UNO. Finally, connect the SCL and SDA pins on the OLED display to the A4 and A5 pins on the Arduino UNO.

Writing the Code

Once the OLED display is connected to the Arduino UNO, you can write the code to display the battery icon. To do this, you will need to include the u8g2 library and create a u8g2 object. Then, you can use the u8g2 object to draw the battery icon on the OLED display. To draw the battery icon, you will need to use the drawPixel() function to draw individual pixels on the OLED display. You can also use the drawLine() function to draw lines between the pixels. Finally, you can use the drawCircle() function to draw circles on the OLED display.

Testing the Code

Once the code is written, you can test it by uploading it to the Arduino UNO. Once the code is uploaded, the OLED display should display the battery icon. If the icon is not displayed correctly, you can debug the code by checking the connections and making sure that the code is correct.

Setting Up the Arduino

In order to display the image on the OLED display, the Arduino UNO needs to be set up with the necessary components. To begin, the Arduino UNO board should be connected to a power source and the USB cable should be connected to the computer. The OLED display should then be connected to the Arduino UNO board via the I2C pins. The SSD1306 72x40px OLED display should be connected to the SDA and SCL pins on the Arduino UNO board.

Installing the u8g2 Library

The u8g2 library should be installed in order to display the image on the OLED display. The library can be installed by downloading the zip file from the u8g2 website and extracting the files to the Arduino libraries folder. Once the library is installed, the Arduino IDE should be opened and the u8g2 library should be included in the sketch.

Writing the Sketch

The sketch should be written in order to display the image on the OLED display. The sketch should include the necessary code to initialize the display, set the size and position of the image, and draw the image on the display. The code should also include the necessary code to draw the image from the PNG file generated from the image to CPP website.

Testing the Sketch

Once the sketch is written, it should be tested to ensure that the image is displayed correctly on the OLED display. The sketch should be uploaded to the Arduino UNO board and the OLED display should be powered on. If the image is displayed correctly, the sketch is working correctly. If the image is not displayed correctly, the sketch should be modified until the image is displayed correctly.

Arduino + Tiny OLED

The Arduino UNO board is a powerful microcontroller platform that is well-suited for creating projects with the Tiny OLED display. This tutorial will provide an overview of how to connect the SSD1306 72x40px OLED display to the Arduino UNO board and how to use the u8g2 library to display text and graphics on the display.

Connecting the OLED Display

The first step is to connect the OLED display to the Arduino UNO board. The OLED display has four pins: VCC, GND, SCL, and SDA. The VCC pin should be connected to the 5V pin on the Arduino UNO board, the GND pin should be connected to the GND pin on the Arduino UNO board, and the SCL and SDA pins should be connected to the A4 and A5 pins on the Arduino UNO board, respectively.

Installing the u8g2 Library

The next step is to install the u8g2 library. This library provides functions for displaying text and graphics on the OLED display. To install the library, open the Arduino IDE and go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries. Search for “u8g2” and install the latest version of the library.

Writing the Sketch

Once the library is installed, it’s time to write the sketch. The sketch should start by including the u8g2 library and declaring the OLED display object. The sketch should then include the code to draw the image on the display. This can be done by using the drawXBM() function to draw the image from a byte array. The byte array can be generated from an image using the Image2CPP website.

Making the Fill Dynamic

The next step is to make the fill of the battery dynamic, meaning that it will grow over time. This can be done by using the drawRBox() function to draw a filled rectangle around the outline of the battery. The position of the rectangle should be offset by 3 pixels on each side, and the size of the rectangle should be determined by the current fill level of the battery.

Testing the Sketch

Once the sketch is written, it can be tested by copying it into the Arduino IDE and uploading it to the Arduino board. If everything is working correctly, the OLED display should show the battery image with the fill level changing over time.

The battery fill percentage from 0 to 100 to the minimum width of 4 pixels and the maximum width of 61 pixels.

Arduino UNO

Arduino UNO is an open-source microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P microcontroller. It is widely used in many projects due to its low cost and ease of use. It has 14 digital input/output pins, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It is powered by an external power source or USB cable.

SSD1306 72x40px OLED Display

The SSD1306 72x40px OLED display is a monochrome display module that is commonly used in Arduino projects. It has a resolution of 72×40 pixels and can be used to display text, graphics, and animations. It is powered by an I2C interface and can be controlled using the u8g2 library.

U8g2 Library

The u8g2 library is a monochrome graphics library for embedded systems. It is designed to be used with the Arduino IDE and supports a wide range of displays and controllers. It provides a simple API for drawing text, graphics, and animations. It also supports a variety of fonts and can be used to create complex graphics.

Tutorial for Beginners

This tutorial will demonstrate how to use the Arduino UNO, SSD1306 72x40px OLED display, and the u8g2 library to create a simple battery indicator. The indicator will show the battery level as a percentage and will be animated.

Creating the Battery Indicator

The first step is to create the battery indicator. This can be done by using the u8g2 library to draw a rectangle with rounded corners. The size of the rectangle will depend on the size of the display. As such, the size of the rectangle should be set to the maximum size of the display. The rounded corners should be set to one pixel.

Animating the Battery Indicator

Once the battery indicator has been created, it can be animated by using a variable to control the width of the fill. This variable should be set to 0 in the beginning and then increased by one in the main loop. The variable should be remapped using the map function to the minimum width of 4 pixels and the maximum width of 61 pixels. This will create an animation of the battery indicator filling up as the variable increases.

Using Arduino UNO for Tiny OLED Display

The Arduino UNO is a popular microcontroller platform that can be used to create a variety of projects. One of the most interesting projects is the use of a tiny OLED display. The OLED display is a small, low-power display that can be used to display text, images, and other data. This tutorial will show you how to use the Arduino UNO and a SSD1306 72x40px OLED display to create a simple project.

Setting up the Arduino UNO

The first step in setting up the Arduino UNO is to connect it to the computer. This can be done by using a USB cable. Once the Arduino UNO is connected, the next step is to install the necessary software. The Arduino IDE is the software used to program the Arduino UNO. Once the Arduino IDE is installed, the next step is to upload the code to the Arduino UNO.

Using the u8g2 Library

The u8g2 library is a powerful library that can be used to control the OLED display. The u8g2 library can be used to draw shapes, text, and images on the OLED display. The library also provides a number of functions that can be used to control the display.

Creating a Simple Project

Once the Arduino UNO is set up and the u8g2 library is installed, the next step is to create a simple project. In this example, we will create a project that displays a battery level indicator. The battery level indicator will be displayed as a rounded box with a fill percentage. The fill percentage will be remapped between 4 and 61.

Programming the Arduino UNO

The next step is to program the Arduino UNO. The code for the project will be written in the Arduino IDE. The code will use the u8g2 library to draw the battery level indicator on the OLED display. The code will also use the remapping function to convert the fill percentage to a range between 4 and 61.

Testing the Project

Once the code is written, the next step is to test the project. The project can be tested on the Arduino UNO by uploading the code and running the program. The project can also be tested on a real Arduino board by connecting the Arduino UNO to the board and running the program.

Adding a Metaball Effect

The final step is to add a metaball effect to the project. The metaball effect can be simulated in Photoshop by adding an outer glow effect to the fill and the blob. The outer glow effect will create an interaction between the fill and the blob when they are close together. The threshold effect can also be used to make the effect more visible.

Using Arduino and Tiny OLED Displays

Arduino is a great platform for creating interactive projects. It is easy to use and provides a great way to create projects that can interact with the environment. One of the most popular projects to create with Arduino is a tiny OLED display. OLED displays are small, low power, and provide a great way to create interactive projects.

Getting Started with Arduino and Tiny OLED Displays

To get started with Arduino and tiny OLED displays, you will need an Arduino Uno, a SSD1306 72x40px OLED display, and the u8g2 library. The u8g2 library is a great library for creating graphical user interfaces with Arduino. It provides a great way to create interactive projects with Arduino.

Creating Animations with Arduino and Tiny OLED Displays

Creating animations with Arduino and tiny OLED displays can be a bit tricky. While it is possible to create animations with Arduino, it requires a lot of calculations and setting of individual pixels. This can be time consuming and difficult. To make things easier, it is possible to create animations as individual frames and then play them on the OLED display. Adobe After Effects is a great tool for creating animations, but it is also possible to use Photoshop to create animations.

Using the u8g2 Library for Arduino and Tiny OLED Displays

The u8g2 library is a great library for creating graphical user interfaces with Arduino. It provides a great way to create interactive projects with Arduino. The library provides a wide range of functions that can be used to create graphical user interfaces. It also provides a great way to create animations and other interactive projects.

Arduino + Tiny OLED: Tutorial for Beginners

The Arduino UNO board is a popular platform for developing projects involving microcontrollers. It is a great choice for those who are just starting out with microcontrollers and want to explore the possibilities of the Arduino platform. One of the most popular components that can be used with Arduino UNO is the SSD1306 72x40px OLED Display. This display is perfect for creating small projects that require a display with a resolution of 72x40px. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use the u8g2 library to create a project with Arduino UNO and the SSD1306 72x40px OLED Display.

Getting Started

The first step in creating a project with Arduino UNO and the SSD1306 72x40px OLED Display is to install the u8g2 library. This library is available for download on the Arduino website and can be installed by following the instructions provided. Once the library is installed, you can begin creating your project.

Creating the Project

The next step is to create the project. To do this, you will need to create a composition that is the same size as the display, which is 70 by 14 pixels. You can then drag your image with the battery outline onto the composition. To create a fill part, you will need to create a new, solid layer that is 30 by 34 pixels and position it on the left side. You can then apply the layer style being the outer glow, which should be white and the technique should be precise with a size of 8 pixels.

Adding the Particle

The next step is to add the particle. To do this, you will need to create a new ellipse and apply the same outer glow effect to it. Finally, you will need to use a threshold effect, so you will need to create a new adjustment layer and then apply the threshold effect to it. However, this may not make any difference as the composition is transparent. To fix this, you will need to create one more layer that is the same size as the composition and is black. This layer should be moved all the way to the bottom. You can then increase the value for the threshold effect to around 140 and scale down the fill part to 88 pixels.

Testing the Project

Once you have finished creating your project, you can then test it to make sure it works correctly. To do this, you will need to connect the Arduino UNO board to the SSD1306 72x40px OLED Display and upload the code to the board. Once the code is uploaded, you can then test the project to make sure it works as expected.

Setting Up the Arduino

Before getting started with the tutorial, it is important to set up the Arduino UNO board. To do this, connect the board to a computer using a USB cable. Once connected, open the Arduino IDE and select the board type and port. Then, upload the sketch to the board. This will ensure that the board is ready to be used with the Tiny OLED display.

Connecting the Tiny OLED Display

The next step is to connect the Tiny OLED display to the Arduino UNO board. To do this, connect the display to the board using the I2C protocol. This will allow the board to communicate with the display. Once the connection is established, the display will be ready to be used.

Using the u8g2 Library

The u8g2 library is a powerful tool for programming the Tiny OLED display. This library allows the user to draw shapes, text, and images on the display. To use the library, simply include it in the sketch and then use the functions provided to draw on the display.

Creating Animations with the Tiny OLED Display

The Tiny OLED display can be used to create animations. To do this, the user must first create a composition in the Arduino IDE. This composition will contain the frames of the animation. Then, the user can use the u8g2 library to draw the frames on the display. Finally, the user can use the image2cpp website to generate the code for the animation. This code can then be uploaded to the board and the animation will be displayed on the display.

Arduino + Tiny OLED

The Arduino UNO and the SSD1306 72x40px OLED display are a powerful combination for creating interactive projects. With the u8g2 library, developers can easily create a wide range of graphical applications. This tutorial will guide beginners through the process of creating a simple animation using the Arduino UNO and the u8g2 library.

Setting up the Environment

The first step is to set up the environment. This includes connecting the Arduino UNO to the computer, downloading the u8g2 library, and uploading the sketch to the board. Once the sketch is uploaded, the OLED display should be connected to the Arduino UNO.

Creating the Animation

The next step is to create the animation. This involves creating an array of images to be displayed on the OLED display. The images should be 32×34 pixels in size and should be stored in the array. Once the array is created, a helper array should be created to store references to the individual images. This will make it easier to draw the images on the OLED display.

Drawing the Images

Once the array is created, the images can be drawn on the OLED display. This is done using the u8g2 library’s drawing BMP function. The function requires the array name and the index of the image to be drawn. The size of each image should also be specified. The Y position should be set to 27 and the X position should be set to 32 plus the width of the box.

Animating the Images

The final step is to animate the images. This is done by creating an animation frame variable and setting it to 0. The animation frame is then incremented by one after each image is drawn. The animation frame should not exceed 30, which is the maximum number of images in the array. This is done by using the modulo 30 operator.

Hardware Setup

In order to use the Arduino UNO board and the SSD1306 72x40px OLED display, one must first connect the display to the board. This can be done by connecting the VCC pin of the display to the 5V pin of the Arduino UNO board, the GND pin of the display to the GND pin of the Arduino UNO board, the SCL pin of the display to the A5 pin of the Arduino UNO board, and the SDA pin of the display to the A4 pin of the Arduino UNO board. Once the display is connected to the board, the next step is to install the u8g2 library.

Installing the u8g2 Library

The u8g2 library is a powerful library that allows users to easily interface with the SSD1306 72x40px OLED display. To install the library, one must open the Arduino IDE and navigate to the Sketch menu. From here, one must select the Include Library option and then select the Manage Libraries option. This will open a window where one can search for the u8g2 library. Once the library is found, one must select it and click the Install button. This will install the library and make it available for use.

Drawing on the Display

Once the u8g2 library is installed, one can begin to draw on the display. This is done by writing code that calls the u8g2 library functions. For example, one can draw a line on the display by calling the drawLine function. This function takes four parameters, which are the x-coordinate of the starting point, the y-coordinate of the starting point, the x-coordinate of the ending point, and the y-coordinate of the ending point.

Fixing the 2 Pixel Gap

When drawing on the display, one may encounter a 2 pixel gap between the image and the background layer. This can be fixed by calling the setBitmapMode function and the setClipWindow function. The setBitmapMode function takes one parameter, which is the mode to set the bitmap to. The setClipWindow function takes four parameters, which are the left and upper edge, and the right and lower edge. By setting these parameters, one can ensure that the image is drawn within the specified area and the 2 pixel gap is eliminated.


Setting Up the Arduino UNO

Before getting started with the Arduino + Tiny OLED project, it is important to set up the Arduino UNO properly. To do this, connect the Arduino UNO to a computer using a USB cable. Once connected, open the Arduino IDE and select the correct board and port from the Tools menu. Then, upload the code to the board.

Installing the SSD1306 72x40px OLED Display

The next step is to install the SSD1306 72x40px OLED Display. To do this, connect the display to the Arduino UNO using the appropriate pins. Once connected, the display should be visible in the Arduino IDE.

Installing the u8g2 Library

The u8g2 library is necessary for the Arduino + Tiny OLED project. To install the library, open the Arduino IDE and select Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries. Then, search for u8g2 and install the latest version.

Creating the Animation

Once the Arduino UNO, SSD1306 72x40px OLED Display, and u8g2 library have been installed, the next step is to create the animation. To do this, open the Arduino IDE and create a new sketch. Then, copy and paste the code for the animation into the sketch.

Testing the Animation

Before uploading the code to the Arduino UNO, it is important to test the animation. To do this, open the Arduino IDE and select Sketch > Run Simulation. This will open a window with the animation running. It is important to check that the animation is within the boundaries of the background image.

Uploading the Code to the Arduino UNO

Once the animation has been tested, the next step is to upload the code to the Arduino UNO. To do this, open the Arduino IDE and select Sketch > Upload. This will upload the code to the board and the animation should start running on the OLED display.

Adjusting the Display Resolution

When the animation is running on the OLED display, it is important to adjust the display resolution. The text on the PCB says that the display resolution is 70 by 40 pixels, but this is incorrect. The actual resolution of the display is 72 by 40 pixels. To adjust the resolution, open the u8g2 documentation and search for 72×40. This will bring up the correct display initialization that can be used.

Introduction to Arduino and Tiny OLED

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform that enables users to create interactive electronic projects. It is used in a variety of applications, from robotics to home automation. Tiny OLED displays are a great choice for projects that require a small, bright display. They are available in a variety of sizes and resolutions, and can be used with Arduino boards to create custom projects. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use a 72x40px OLED display with an Arduino UNO board and the u8g2 library.

Hardware Setup

The first step is to connect the OLED display to the Arduino board. The OLED display uses the I2C protocol, so it requires four connections: VCC, GND, SDA, and SCL. Connect the VCC pin to the 5V pin on the Arduino board, the GND pin to the GND pin, the SDA pin to the A4 pin, and the SCL pin to the A5 pin. Once the connections are made, the hardware setup is complete.

Installing the u8g2 Library

The u8g2 library is used to control the OLED display. To install it, open the Arduino IDE and go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries. Search for “u8g2” and install the latest version. Once the library is installed, you can start writing code.

Writing the Code

The code for this project is relatively simple. Start by including the u8g2 library and declaring the OLED display. Then, create a setup() function to initialize the display. Finally, create a loop() function to draw the battery icon on the display. To make the code more flexible, you can add variables for the x and y offsets. This will allow you to easily move the icon around the display.

Testing the Code

Once the code is written, it’s time to test it. Connect the Arduino board to your computer and upload the code. The battery icon should appear on the OLED display. If it does not, double-check the connections and make sure the code is correct.

The Tiny OLED display is a great device for those looking to create their own projects. It is small yet powerful, and with the help of the u8g2 library, it is easy to draw on the display. Although it is necessary to randomly choose a display with the correct chip, it is still a great choice for beginners.

This tutorial has provided a step-by-step guide to connecting an OLED display to an Arduino board and using the Walkway emulator to test the code before uploading it to the board. The SSD 1306 chip is the internal memory that holds the pixels, and depending on the size of the display, it can choose which part of the memory to use.

The Arduino UNO and SSD1306 72x40px OLED Display can be used to create a Tiny OLED tutorial for beginners. This tutorial can be used to test the displays with an Arduino Shield. Photop can be used to create images that can be used in the tutorial. The U8g2 library can be used to create graphics for the tutorial. By drawing a full screen rectangle on the small OLED screen, it is possible to verify the results.

In this tutorial, we have learned how to use the Arduino UNO and the u8g2 library to display a battery icon on an OLED display. We have also learned how to connect the OLED display to the Arduino UNO and how to write the code to display the battery icon. Finally, we have tested the code by uploading it to the Arduino UNO and verifying that the battery icon is displayed correctly.

The Arduino UNO board can be used to display an image on an OLED display. The Arduino UNO board should be set up with the necessary components and the u8g2 library should be installed. The sketch should be written in order to display the image on the OLED display and the sketch should be tested to ensure that the image is displayed correctly. With the correct setup and code, an image can be successfully displayed on an OLED display.

In this tutorial, we have seen how to connect an OLED display to an Arduino UNO board and how to use the u8g2 library to display text and graphics on the display. We have also seen how to make the fill of the battery dynamic by using the drawRBox() function. With this knowledge, you should be able to create your own projects with the Tiny OLED display.

In this tutorial, we have demonstrated how to use the Arduino UNO, SSD1306 72x40px OLED display, and the u8g2 library to create a simple battery indicator. We have created the indicator by drawing a rectangle with rounded corners and then animated it by using a variable to control the width of the fill. This tutorial can be used as a starting point for creating more complex graphics and animations.

Arduino and tiny OLED displays are a great way to create interactive projects. The u8g2 library provides a great way to create graphical user interfaces with Arduino. Animations can be created with Arduino, but it can be time consuming and difficult. To make things easier, it is possible to create animations as individual frames and then play them on the OLED display. Adobe After Effects is a great tool for creating animations, but it is also possible to use Photoshop to create animations.

In this tutorial, we have shown you how to use the u8g2 library to create a project with Arduino UNO and the SSD1306 72x40px OLED Display. We have also shown you how to create the composition, add the particle, and test the project. With this knowledge, you can now create your own projects with Arduino UNO and the SSD1306 72x40px OLED Display.

The Tiny OLED display can be used to create animations with the Arduino UNO board. By connecting the display to the board and using the u8g2 library, the user can draw shapes, text, and images on the display. Furthermore, the user can use the image2cpp website to generate the code for the animation. With these tools, the user can create stunning animations with the Tiny OLED display.

This tutorial has provided a step-by-step guide for creating a simple animation using the Arduino UNO and the u8g2 library. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, beginners should be able to create their own animations with ease.

Using the Arduino UNO board and the SSD1306 72x40px OLED display, one can easily create a variety of graphical displays. To do this, one must first install the u8g2 library and then write code that calls the library functions. Once the code is written, one can draw lines, shapes, and images on the display. Furthermore, one can fix the 2 pixel gap between the image and the background layer by calling the setBitmapMode and setClipWindow functions. With these tools, one can create a variety of graphical displays with ease.

In this tutorial, we explored how to use a 72x40px OLED display with an Arduino UNO board and the u8g2 library. We connected the display to the board, installed the library, and wrote a simple program to draw a battery icon on the display. With this knowledge, you can now create your own custom projects with Arduino and Tiny OLED displays.

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