Overview of the ESP32 IoT Learning Kit

The SunFounder ESP32 IoT Learning Kit is a comprehensive development board that comes with a built-in ESP32 microcontroller. This board is capable of performing all the functions of an Arduino Uno, plus more, due to its integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities. Additionally, the kit comes with a camera extension set, allowing users to stream video over Wi-Fi to their network, as well as a micro SD card for storing images. Furthermore, the kit includes an 18650 lithium battery and a micro USB port for powering the board. Lastly, the kit contains 320 components, allowing users to explore a variety of projects.

Measuring Soil Moisture with the ESP32 IoT Learning Kit

In this Arduino tutorial, users will learn how to measure soil moisture with the ESP32 IoT Learning Kit. To do this, users will be using a capacitive soil moisture sensor. This sensor can be used for a variety of purposes, such as irrigation automation, plant health monitoring, or environmental sensing projects.

Setting Up the ESP32 IoT Learning Kit

The first step in this tutorial is to set up the ESP32 IoT Learning Kit. To do this, users will need to connect the board to their computer via a micro USB cable. Once connected, users will need to install the Arduino IDE and the necessary drivers for the board. Once the board is set up, users can begin programming the board.

Programming the ESP32 IoT Learning Kit

The next step in this tutorial is to program the ESP32 IoT Learning Kit. To do this, users will need to write a program that will read the data from the capacitive soil moisture sensor and display it on the boards LCD screen. The program should also be able to send the data to a cloud server or a mobile device.

Testing the ESP32 IoT Learning Kit

Once the program is written, users can test the ESP32 IoT Learning Kit by placing the capacitive soil moisture sensor in a container of water and observing the readings on the LCD screen. If the readings are accurate, then the program is working correctly.

Components Required

For the Arduino Tutorial 24 – Measuring Soild Mositure for Irrigation, the components required are an ESP32 IoT Learning Kit, a camera, an extension board, jumper wires, and a Soil Moisture Sensor Module. The Soil Moisture Sensor Module is to be handled with care as it can be damaged when exposed to water or soil. It is important to protect the module and ensure that nothing exceeds the specified current. The module comes with a wire that is connected to the three pins on the module. The operating voltage is 3.3 to 5 volts and the circuit diagram shows the VCC output, the three wires, and the two plates of the Soil Moisture Sensor. The copper side is connected to the diode and the other side is connected to the ground.

How the Soil Moisture Sensor Works

The Soil Moisture Sensor works by measuring the capacitance between the two plates. When the sensor is placed in a medium such as water or soil, the capacitance between the two plates changes and this affects the output voltage waveform. The output voltage can then be measured to determine the moisture content of the soil. The 555 timer is used to control the output voltage and ensure that it is within the specified range.

Connecting the Soil Moisture Sensor to the ESP32

The Soil Moisture Sensor is connected to the ESP32 using the extension board. The VCC pin of the Soil Moisture Sensor is connected to the 3.3V pin of the ESP32 and the GND pin is connected to the GND pin of the ESP32. The signal pin of the Soil Moisture Sensor is connected to the GPIO pin of the ESP32. Once the connections are made, the ESP32 can be programmed to read the output voltage from the Soil Moisture Sensor and display the moisture content of the soil.

3 volt, swart is grond en geel is analoog uit en hier is ons, kode wat, ek, jou, gaan wys.

Measuring Soil Moisture for Irrigation

The soil moisture sensor is an important tool for measuring the amount of moisture present in the soil. The capacitance of the sensor is affected by the amount of moisture present in the soil, resulting in a lower signal wave. This lowers the reactance of the signal line, reducing the voltage on the line. To filter out this signal, a nano-farad capacitor and a mega-ohm resistor are used. This capacitance will be affected by the amount of moisture present in the soil, thus providing an accurate reading of the soil moisture.

Using the Pen Sensor

The pen sensor is used to measure the soil moisture. The suggested pen for this project is the 35 pen. The module schematic for the pen is shown below, with the ground connected to the VCC and the A out connected to the 35. This will measure the analog out from the sensor.

Wiring the Sensor

The wiring for the sensor is simple. The red wire is connected to the 3.3V, the black wire is connected to the ground, and the yellow wire is connected to the analog out. The code for the sensor is also simple and is shown below.

Using the ESP32 with SunFounder’s ESP32 IoT Learning Kit

The SunFounder’s ESP32 IoT Learning Kit comes with a camera extension module, a battery pack, and an onboard charger. This allows the user to easily connect and disconnect the ESP32 with a lot of power, allowing them to easily power their application. When using the moisture sensor, it is important to protect the area from water. The wires should be connected as shown below.

Coding the Sensor

The code for the sensor is simple and is shown below. The code will be used in the second project to take action based on the amount of moisture present. The code will read the analog out from the sensor and will display the moisture level on the serial monitor. The code will also turn on an LED if the moisture level is below a certain threshold.

Understanding the Components

The SunFounder ESP32 IoT Learning Kit is an Arduino-based device that is used to measure soil moisture for irrigation. It is equipped with a 3-volt swart, an analog output, and an ESP32 board without extensions. The ESP32 board is connected to 3.3 volts and ground on one side, and 35 is marked on the other. Additionally, the SunFounder extensions board is used to power the device with a battery. The yellow wire is connected to the yellow terminal, the red wire to the red terminal, and the brown wire to the black terminal.

Setting Up the Arduino IDE

To begin, the Arduino IDE needs to be opened. To do this, click on the Downloads tab on the left-hand side and then select ESP32 Starter Kit on the right-hand side. Double-click to open the folder and then double-click on the Codes folder. Scroll down until the 5.9 Moisture folder is visible and double-click to open it. This is the lesson that has been chosen.

Writing the Code

In the setup section, one line defines the serial monitor with 115200. In the loop section, three lines read the line from the analog output, with the value of P35 ranging from 0 to 4095. This value is stored in a variable called analogValue. The text Analog Value is printed, followed by the value of the variable in percentage. The value of the variable is then printed in one line and a 300 millisecond delay is added.

Testing the Code

Once the code is written, it can be tested by uploading it to the ESP32 board. To do this, click the Upload button and wait for the code to compile. Once it has been uploaded, the serial monitor can be opened to view the results. The analog value should be displayed in percentage. If the value is not displayed, the code may need to be revised.

3, 2.3 is die, waarde, wat, ons, kry, dit is die, vogtigheidswaarde, wat, ons, kry, uit, die, senser, so, ons, kan, hierdie, waarde, gebruik, om, die, besproeiing, te, beheer, as, die, waarde, laer, as, n, sekere, waarde, is, kan, ons, die, besproeiing, aan, skakel, as, die, waarde, hoog, is, kan, ons, die, besproeiing, af, skakel.

ESP32 IoT Learning Kit

The SunFounder ESP32 IoT Learning Kit is an all-in-one board that provides an easy-to-use platform for developing and testing IoT applications. It is equipped with a powerful ESP32 microcontroller, which enables users to program and control the board with the Arduino IDE. The board also features a variety of sensors and components, including a soil moisture sensor, for measuring soil moisture levels.

Measuring Soil Moisture

Measuring soil moisture is an important part of any irrigation system. The soil moisture sensor included in the ESP32 IoT Learning Kit is a capacitive-type sensor that measures the amount of water in the soil. The sensor works by measuring the electrical capacitance of the soil, which is a measure of the amount of water present in the soil. The sensor is connected to the ESP32 board via an analog input pin, and the analog voltage is converted to a digital value that can be read by the microcontroller.

Arduino Tutorial 24

Arduino Tutorial 24 is a tutorial that explains how to use the ESP32 IoT Learning Kit to measure soil moisture levels. The tutorial begins by explaining how to set up the board and select the correct port. It then explains how to upload the code to the board and open the serial monitor. Finally, the tutorial explains how to read the soil moisture value from the sensor and use it to control an irrigation system.

Using the Sensor

Once the board is set up and the code is uploaded, the soil moisture sensor can be used to measure the moisture levels in the soil. The sensor outputs an analog voltage that is proportional to the amount of water in the soil. This voltage is then converted to a digital value that can be read by the microcontroller. The digital value can then be used to control an irrigation system, turning it on or off depending on the moisture levels in the soil.

Measuring Soil Moisture for Irrigation

The SunFounder ESP32 IoT Learning Kit provides a comprehensive tutorial on measuring soil moisture for irrigation. This tutorial involves the use of a capacitive soil moisture module, which is not submerged in water or anything, but can be used to measure the moisture levels of the soil. By measuring the capacitance of the plate, the moisture level can be determined.

Testing the Module

To test the module, the capacitance value is read. Initially, the value is around 2,450. After adding a little water to the soil, the value changes to 1,800. The board is then left to sit, so that the value can be read again. This time, the value is around 2,000.

Testing with Different Plants

The module is then tested with different plants. For example, basil is used, and the value reads 2,500. After removing the water, the value drops to 2,000. This demonstrates that 2,000 is a dry value, and 2,500 is a wet value.

Using the Module for Irrigation

The module can be used to trigger an irrigation system. For example, a buzzer can be connected to the board, and when the moisture level drops below a certain value, the buzzer will sound, alerting the user to water the plant. The wiring for the buzzer involves connecting the long pin to the right pin on the board, and connecting the red wire to the right pin and the black wire to the left pin.

By understanding the capacitance values of the soil moisture module, users can determine when to water their plants and keep them healthy. This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide to measuring soil moisture for irrigation.

Arduino Tutorial 24 – Measuring Soild Mositure for Irrigation | SunFounder’s ESP32 IoT Learnig kit

Connecting the Wires

Rooi is connected to pin 13 as it is used in the code and the wire is connected to the ground. The second pin is here, or you can also do the second pin and here are both the same.

Writing the Code

Here is the code where we will take action when the amount of dryness or wetness increases or decreases in this case. We note that if it is dry and we have defined 2,000 as dry, we have a pin named B pin, pin 13 defined and here we have added this buzzer by using pinmode as an output. So this line defines the pin 13 as an output. This code is only executed once within the loop.

Conditional Statement

We have added this conditional statement, F analog value, this value which we read is less than dry less than 2,000. Then we print it on the screen and say dry and use digital write the buzzer has set it to high so that the buzzer will buzz and we know that the plant needs water. Of course, you can do it finer and switch on a pump but for simplicity, it means something else and we say it’s wet and then use digital write we set the buzzer to low so that it is switched off and the rest of the wiring is the same.

Observing the Plants

Now let’s look at these two plants that we have here, it is in the dry pot and we read. The analog value is less than 2,000, so we know that it is dry and the buzzer will buzz. We can also observe the wet pot, the analog value is greater than 2,000, so we know that it is wet and the buzzer will not buzz.

Measuring Soil Moisture for Irrigation

Accurately measuring soil moisture is essential for efficient irrigation and for the health of plants. SunFounder’s ESP32 IoT Learning Kit provides a comprehensive tutorial on how to measure soil moisture with Arduino. This tutorial covers the basics of how to set up a circuit to measure soil moisture, as well as how to interpret the readings.

Setting Up the Circuit

The circuit for measuring soil moisture consists of an ESP32 microcontroller, a soil moisture sensor, and a few other components. The ESP32 is connected to the soil moisture sensor via a voltage divider circuit. This circuit allows the ESP32 to measure the voltage output from the soil moisture sensor, which is then used to calculate the soil moisture level.

Interpreting the Readings

The readings from the soil moisture sensor can be interpreted in a few different ways. The most common way is to set a threshold value for soil moisture. For example, if the threshold is set to 2,000, then any reading above 2,000 is considered dry, and any reading below 2,000 is considered wet.

In addition, the readings can also be used to determine if the soil is too wet or too dry. For example, if the reading is 1,600, then it is considered wet. If the reading is 1,800, then it is considered dry.

Testing the Sensor

Once the circuit is set up, the sensor can be tested to ensure that it is working properly. To do this, the sensor is submerged in water and the reading is taken. If the reading is below 2,000, then the sensor is working properly. If the reading is above 2,000, then the sensor is not working properly and should be checked.

In this Arduino tutorial, users have learned how to measure soil moisture with the ESP32 IoT Learning Kit. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, users can easily set up the board, program it, and test it. With this knowledge, users can now explore a variety of projects that involve measuring soil moisture.

The Arduino Tutorial 24 – Measuring Soild Mositure for Irrigation is a simple project that can be used to measure the moisture content of soil. The components required are an ESP32 IoT Learning Kit, a camera, an extension board, jumper wires, and a Soil Moisture Sensor Module. The Soil Moisture Sensor Module is connected to the ESP32 using the extension board and the ESP32 is programmed to read the output voltage from the Soil Moisture Sensor and display the moisture content of the soil.

The SunFounder ESP32 IoT Learning Kit is an all-in-one board that provides an easy-to-use platform for developing and testing IoT applications. Arduino Tutorial 24 explains how to use the board to measure soil moisture levels and use the data to control an irrigation system. The tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up the board, upload the code, and read the soil moisture value from the sensor. With the ESP32 IoT Learning Kit, users can quickly and easily develop and test IoT applications.

This tutorial has demonstrated how to measure soil moisture for irrigation using SunFounder’s ESP32 IoT Learning kit. By connecting the wires and writing the code, a conditional statement can be added to determine the amount of dryness or wetness. This can be observed by the two plants in the dry and wet pot. The buzzer will buzz when the soil is dry and will not buzz when the soil is wet.

Measuring soil moisture with Arduino is a simple and effective way to ensure that plants are getting the right amount of water. SunFounder’s ESP32 IoT Learning Kit provides a comprehensive tutorial on how to measure soil moisture with Arduino. This tutorial covers the basics of how to set up a circuit to measure soil moisture, as well as how to interpret the readings. By following this tutorial, users can ensure that their plants are receiving the optimal amount of water.

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