Overview of SunFounder’s ESP32 IoT Learning Kit

SunFounder’s ESP32 IoT Learning Kit is a comprehensive beginner’s set that provides users with the necessary components to get started with their ESP32 microcontroller. It features an ESP32 microcontroller with built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, allowing users to do everything that an Arduino Uno or other Arduinos can do, plus more with the added Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities. The possibilities are endless, as users can connect to the cloud, control devices, read data, or send values from their mobile device or laptop over the cloud from anywhere. The kit also comes with a camera extension set, allowing users to stream video over Wi-Fi either through the cloud or to their network. Additionally, it comes with a micro SD card where users can store images or write log data to the device and read it back. The board can be powered by the included 18650 lithium battery, and it has an onboard charger where users can connect a micro USB cable to charge the battery. The kit comes with 320 pieces of components, allowing users to learn and build tons of projects.

Components Needed for Arduino Tutorial 29

For Arduino Tutorial 29, which focuses on reading IR remote key presses with the ESP32, users will need the SunFounder ESP32 IoT Learning Kit, a breadboard, jumper wires, and an IR receiver with a remote control. The IR receiver has three pins, which will be used to connect to the ESP32 board. Users will also need to install the library for this tutorial.

Connecting the Components

To connect the components, users will need to connect the IR receiver to pin 14 of the ESP32 board. The wiring for this tutorial is shown in the documentation, which can be found by visiting docs.sunfounder.com, scrolling down until the ESP32 is seen, and clicking on the ESP32 Starter Kit link on the left-hand side. Then, users should click on the Arduino User link and scroll down to 5.14.

Installing the Library

The library for this tutorial can be installed by downloading the ZIP file from the link provided in the documentation. Once the ZIP file is downloaded, users should open the Arduino IDE and click on Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library. Then, users should locate the ZIP file and click on Open. The library is now installed and ready to be used.

Using the Library

To use the library, users should open the example code provided in the documentation. This code will allow users to read the IR remote key presses and display the data on the serial monitor. Once the code is uploaded to the ESP32 board, users can press the keys on the remote control and observe the data on the serial monitor.

3 volt en die tweede een is 5 volt, so koppel ons die, rooi draad aan 3.3 volt en die swart draad aan grond soos hierdie

SunFounder’s ESP32 IoT Learning Kit

SunFounder’s ESP32 IoT Learning Kit is a comprehensive development platform for users to learn and explore the world of the Internet of Things. It includes an ESP32 microcontroller, an infrared receiver, a battery, and a battery charger. The kit is designed to be used with the Arduino IDE, allowing users to quickly and easily program their own projects.

Reading IR Remote Key Press with ESP32

The ESP32 IoT Learning Kit enables users to read and interpret infrared (IR) remote key presses. This is done by connecting the infrared receiver to the ESP32 microcontroller. The receiver has two pins, one flat and one with a bump. The flat pin is connected to the 3.3V pin on the ESP32, and the bump pin is connected to the Ground pin. The signal pin is then connected to pin 14 on the ESP32.

The IR Remote

The IR remote is used to send signals to the infrared receiver. It contains a battery and several keys, each of which sends a signal with a frequency of 38 kHz. When a key is pressed, the signal is sent to the receiver and interpreted by the ESP32.

Connecting the IR Receiver

To connect the IR receiver to the ESP32, the user must first connect the red wire to the 3.3V pin and the black wire to the Ground pin. The signal pin is then connected to pin 14 on the ESP32. The user can also use a female connector to directly connect the receiver to the board without using the extension board.

Using the ESP32 with the IR Receiver

Once the receiver is connected to the ESP32, the user can use the Arduino IDE to program the ESP32 to interpret the signals from the IR remote. The ESP32 can then be used to control various devices or to send data to the cloud. This makes it possible to create a wide range of Internet of Things applications.

Installing the ESP32 IoT Learning Kit

The SunFounder ESP32 IoT Learning Kit is a comprehensive development platform for Arduino. It includes a 3 volt die, wiring, and the Arduino IDE. To get started, open the Arduino IDE and click on “Learn” on the left-hand side. Then, click on “Downloads” and select the ESP32 Kit main on the right-hand side. Double-click to open it.

Setting Up the IR Receiver

Within the ESP32 Kit main, double-click on the “Codes” folder and browse to “5.14”. Double-click to open the guide. Select the “5.44 IR Receiver” and click to open it. This line is an IR remote ESP8266. We need to install it. Choose it and copy the “Cy” and click on this icon. Right-click and paste it. You will see this “David” and this is the library. Click “Install” and it will be installed within a few seconds. Click on this icon to exit so that these two are together.

Creating the IR Receiver Object

Now, we create a “IR Receiver” object. Create an unsigned integer type constant and then create an instance of this IR Receiver which we have named “IR Receiver”. Give this pin to it so that it initializes the receiver. Then, create an object for decoding the result. Within the setup, we initialize the serial monitor with 115200. Then, from this IR Receiver, we initialize it by doing “IR Receiver.activateIR()”. This starts the library for receiving within the loop which starts from here to here. We let this “FI” decode so we call the decoder and here by the result we give this object. This here through the result we get the key code.

Setting up the ESP32 Board

The SunFounder ESP32 IoT Learning Kit provides a comprehensive platform for users to explore the capabilities of the ESP32 board. To begin, users must select the board from the Tools menu. By clicking on the Board option, users can select the ESP32 Dev board from the list of available boards. This will enable the ESP32 to be used for the Arduino Tutorial 29 – Reading IR Remote Key Press with ESP32.

IR Receiver and Decoder

The IR receiver and decoder are used to detect and decode the signals sent by the IR remote. The IR receiver is connected to the ESP32 board via a GPIO pin. The receiver is then used to detect the signals sent by the IR remote. The decoder is used to decode the signals and extract the key value of the key pressed. The key value is then stored in a variable called key.

Detecting Key Press

The key press is detected by checking if the value of the key variable is not equal to 0. If the value is not equal to 0, then the key pressed is detected and the value of the key is printed on the screen. The loop then continues to receive and decode signals until the key press is detected.

3 volt wil weet, dit is hier, so jy kan die stroom, kontroleer.

Setting Up the Board

The first step in the Arduino Tutorial 29 is to set up the board. This involves selecting the board and port. To select the board, click on Tools, select board ESP32, and then choose the ESP32 Dev Module. To select the port, click on the drop-down list and choose the port that corresponds to the board. If the port is not visible, right-click on the Start menu and select Device Manager to view the available ports.

Uploading the Code

Once the board and port have been selected, the code can be uploaded. To do this, click on the Upload button and wait for the upload to complete. It is important to ensure that the baud rate is set to 115200, as this will ensure that the code is uploaded correctly.

Testing the Remote

Once the code has been uploaded, the remote can be tested. To do this, press a key on the remote and observe the output on the serial monitor. For example, pressing the minus key will display minus on the serial monitor, while pressing the plus key will display plus. Additionally, pressing the power button will display power, and pressing the reverse or forward buttons will display reverse or forward respectively.

Checking the Current Draw

It is also important to check the current draw of the ESP32. This can be done by referring to the data sheet for the ESP32, which will provide information on the current draw for 3.3V. This will ensure that the board is not drawing too much current, which could damage the board.

Connecting the Circuit

The circuit for this tutorial requires connecting the ESP32 to the buzzer, which is a 3V device. To do this, the ESP32 needs to be set to 3V, with a maximum current of 40 mA. To reduce the current to 28 mA, the ESP32 can be set to low. The current required by the buzzer was measured to be approximately 15 mA, which is safe to use with the ESP32.

Programming the ESP32

The ESP32 needs to be programmed to detect a specific key press from the remote. To do this, a long pin needs to be connected to the right side, a black wire to the left side, and the ground wire to the middle pin. The red pin is then connected to pin 13, which is defined as an alarm pin of type integer and constant. This variable will be used within the setup to detect the key press.

Testing the Program

Once the program is uploaded to the ESP32, the remote can be used to test the program. When the specific key is pressed, the buzzer should sound. If the buzzer does not sound, the program may need to be adjusted.


The SunFounder ESP32 IoT Learning Kit is an Arduino-based platform that enables users to read IR remote key presses using the Pen Mode and Alarm Set functions. This tutorial will walk through the process of setting up the ESP32 and using the EQ state to compare the key presses. If the key pressed is equal to EQ, the digital right will be used to set the alarm pen to high and the BZ will be switched on. If the key is not equal to EQ, the digital right will be used to set the alarm pen to low and the BZ will remain off until EQ is continuously pressed.

Setting Up the ESP32

The ESP32 can be set up with the SunFounder ESP32 Extension Kit. This kit comes with a lithium battery which powers the project. Once the kit is connected, users can press the button to test the functionality. If the button is pressed, the loop will continue to read it.

Getting the EQ

The EQ can be obtained by visiting the website and selecting the numbers 0-9, as well as the plus sign. It is important to ensure that the entire code is placed within double quotation marks, as this is a string.

By following the steps outlined in Arduino Tutorial 29, users can learn how to read IR remote key presses with the SunFounder ESP32 IoT Learning Kit. With this knowledge, users can explore the endless possibilities of the ESP32 microcontroller and create amazing projects.

The ESP32 IoT Learning Kit is a great way for users to learn about the Internet of Things. With the kit, users can easily connect an infrared receiver to the ESP32 and program it to interpret signals from an IR remote. This makes it possible to create a wide range of Internet of Things applications.

The SunFounder ESP32 IoT Learning Kit provides a comprehensive platform for users to explore the capabilities of the ESP32 board. By connecting the IR receiver and decoder to the ESP32 board, users can detect and decode the signals sent by the IR remote. The key value of the key pressed is then stored in a variable called key and is printed on the screen. This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to detect and decode the signals sent by the IR remote using the ESP32 board.

This tutorial demonstrated how to use the ESP32 to detect a specific key press from an IR remote. By connecting the ESP32 to the buzzer, programming the ESP32, and testing the program, it is possible to detect a key press and activate the buzzer. This can be used in a variety of applications, such as home automation or robotics.

This tutorial has provided a comprehensive guide to setting up the ESP32 and reading IR remote key presses with SunFounder’s ESP32 IoT Learning Kit. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, users can easily set up the kit and use the EQ state to compare the key presses. With the lithium battery powering the project, users can press the button to test the functionality and ensure that the loop continues to read it.

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