GPS Tracking with Arduino Uno

GPS tracking is a popular application of embedded devices, and Arduino Uno is a great platform for this purpose. In this tutorial, we will discuss the basics of GPS tracking and how it works with Arduino Uno. We will also take a look at the Banbe 280, a six-pin GPS chip that is inexpensive and widely available.

Banbe 280 GPS Chip

The Banbe 280 is a six-pin GPS chip that is used for GPS tracking. It has six pins, each with a specific purpose. Pin 1 is ground, pin 2 is VCC for power, and pins 3 and 4 are TX and RX for TTL serial data output and input.

Connecting the GPS Chip to Arduino Uno

To connect the GPS chip to Arduino Uno, we need to make the following connections:

Pin 1 (ground) to GND on Arduino Uno

Pin 2 (VCC) to 5V on Arduino Uno

Pin 3 (TX) to pin 8 on Arduino Uno

Pin 4 (RX) to pin 9 on Arduino Uno

Reading Data from the GPS Chip

Once the GPS chip is connected to Arduino Uno, we can start reading data from it. To do this, we need to use the SoftwareSerial library. This library allows us to use the Arduino Uno’s hardware serial ports (pins 0 and 1) for communication with other devices while still being able to use the TX and RX pins (pins 8 and 9) for communication with the GPS chip.

Parsing the Data

Once we have the data from the GPS chip, we need to parse it. This involves extracting the relevant information from the data stream and converting it into a usable format. To do this, we need to use the TinyGPS library. This library provides functions for extracting the latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, and other data from the data stream.

Displaying the Data

Once we have parsed the data, we can display it on the Arduino Uno’s serial monitor. This will allow us to see the data in real-time, which can be useful for debugging and testing. We can also use the data to create a map of our current location.

GPS Module Overview

A GPS module is a device that uses Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to determine its location. It is typically used in navigation and tracking applications. GPS modules are small, lightweight, and easy to use. They are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, and can be used in a variety of applications, from automotive navigation systems to marine navigation systems.

Connecting the GPS Module to Arduino

In order to read data from a GPS module, it must be connected to an Arduino board. The connection between the GPS module and the Arduino board is made using a six-wire cable. The cable has two ends, one with a male connector and the other with a female connector. The male connector is connected to the GPS module, while the female connector is connected to the Arduino board.

The connection diagram for the GPS module and Arduino board is shown below. The connection diagram shows the ground connection, the Z and A1 connections, and the TX and RX connections. The GPS module is powered by the Arduino board, and the ground connection is used to provide a common ground between the two devices.

Color Coding of Wires

When connecting the GPS module to the Arduino board, it is important to note that the color coding of the wires may not follow any standard guidelines. Generally, red is used for power and gray or black is used for ground, but this may not be the case with the wires used in the GPS module. Therefore, it is important to start from the leftmost side and count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to make the connection.

Reading Data from the GPS Module

Once the GPS module is connected to the Arduino board, it is possible to read data from the module. The data read from the GPS module includes the current position, speed, altitude, and direction of travel. This data can be used to create navigation and tracking applications.

In order to read data from the GPS module, the Arduino board must be programmed to do so. The Arduino board can be programmed using the Arduino IDE. The code for reading data from the GPS module is written in the Arduino programming language.

GPS Module Connection

The first step in this Arduino tutorial is to connect the GPS module to the Arduino Uno. This is done by connecting the VCC pin of the GPS module to the 5V pin of the Arduino Uno, the GND pin of the GPS module to the GND pin of the Arduino Uno, the RX pin of the GPS module to the TX pin of the Arduino Uno, and the TX pin of the GPS module to the RX pin of the Arduino Uno. Once the connections have been made, the GPS module can be powered up by connecting it to a power source.

Installing the TinyGPS Library

The next step in this Arduino tutorial is to install the TinyGPS library. This library is used to parse the NMEA data strings provided by the GPS module. To install the library, go to Mikal Hart’s TinyGPS GitHub repository and clone the repository. Once the repository has been cloned, open the Arduino IDE and go to Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library. Select the file from the cloned repository and click Open. The library will be installed and ready to use.

Running the Example Sketch

Now that the library has been installed, the next step is to run the example sketch. To do this, go to File > Examples > TinyGPSPlus > FullExample. This will open the example sketch. The sketch will print out the latitude, longitude, altitude, and other information provided by the GPS module. Once the sketch has been uploaded to the Arduino Uno, the GPS module should start sending data to the Arduino.

Hardware Setup

In order to read data from a GPS module, the hardware setup is relatively simple. A GPS module needs to be connected to two digital pins on the Arduino board. For this example, the GPS module is connected to pins 4 and 3. Once the hardware is setup, the Arduino board can be powered on and the GPS module will begin to receive data.

Software Setup

In order to read data from the GPS module, the Arduino IDE needs to be configured to use the Tiny GPS Plus library. This library can be installed via the Arduino Library Manager. Once the library is installed, the example code can be opened from the Tiny GPS Plus library. This code will print out the latitude, longitude, date, time, and distance from London.

Running the Program

Once the hardware and software setup is complete, the program can be uploaded to the Arduino board. The program will print out the welcome message, followed by the GPS data in the specified format. Additionally, the program will also calculate the distance from the current location to London.


GPS Module

A GPS module is a device that is used to determine the exact location of a person or object. It is typically used in navigation systems, such as those found in cars and boats. The GPS module works by receiving signals from satellites orbiting the Earth. These signals contain information about the exact location of the module.

Arduino Tutorial

In this Arduino tutorial, we will be learning how to read data from a GPS module. This tutorial will show you how to set up the module and connect it to an Arduino board. We will also be discussing the different baud rates and how to select the right one for your project.

Connecting the GPS Module

The first step in this Arduino tutorial is to connect the GPS module to the Arduino board. To do this, you will need to connect the TX and RX pins of the module to the corresponding pins on the Arduino board. Once the connections are made, you can open up the serial monitor to check if the module is working properly.

Selecting the Baud Rate

The next step in this Arduino tutorial is to select the baud rate for the module. The baud rate is the speed at which data is transmitted between the module and the Arduino board. Different modules support different baud rates, so you will need to select the one that matches your module. The default baud rate is usually 3.6, but some modules support rates up to 4800.

Receiving GPS Data

Once the baud rate is set, you can start receiving data from the GPS module. The data received will include the latitude, longitude, date, time, and orientation of the module. This data can then be used to determine the exact location of the module.

What is Arduino?

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform that enables users to create interactive electronic projects. It is based on a microcontroller board, which is a small computer on a single integrated circuit. Arduino boards can be used to read data from various sensors and control motors, lights, and other electronic components.

GPS Module and Arduino

GPS modules are used to receive location information from satellites. This information can be used to track the location of a device or to determine the time and date. Arduino boards can be used to read data from a GPS module, allowing users to create projects that use location information.

Reading Data from a GPS Module

In order to read data from a GPS module, the Arduino board must be configured to communicate with the module. This is done by setting the baud rate, which is the speed at which data is transmitted between the two devices. If the baud rate is not set correctly, the Arduino board will not be able to interpret the data from the GPS module.


If the Arduino board is not able to interpret the data from the GPS module, it is likely that the baud rate is not set correctly. The baud rate must match the rate of the GPS module, which is typically 4800. If the baud rate is set to a different value, the Arduino board will not be able to interpret the data.

In this tutorial, we have discussed the basics of GPS tracking with Arduino Uno and the Banbe 280 GPS chip. We have discussed how to connect the GPS chip to Arduino Uno, how to read data from the chip, how to parse the data, and how to display the data. With this knowledge, you should be able to start tracking your location with Arduino Uno.

In this tutorial, we have discussed how to connect a GPS module to an Arduino board and how to read data from the module. We have also discussed the color coding of the wires used to connect the GPS module to the Arduino board. Finally, we have discussed how to program the Arduino board to read data from the GPS module.

This Arduino tutorial has shown how to connect a GPS module to an Arduino Uno and how to use the TinyGPS library to parse the NMEA data strings provided by the GPS module. By following these steps, it is possible to read data from a GPS module and use it in an Arduino project.

The Tiny GPS Plus library makes it easy to read data from a GPS module connected to an Arduino board. With the library installed, the example code can be opened and uploaded to the board. Once the program is running, the GPS data can be read and the distance from London can be calculated.

In this Arduino tutorial, we have learned how to read data from a GPS module. We have discussed how to connect the module to an Arduino board and how to select the correct baud rate. We have also seen how to receive data from the module, which can be used to determine the exact location of the module. With this knowledge, you can now start building projects that use GPS data.

Using an Arduino board to read data from a GPS module is a great way to create projects that use location information. In order to do this, the baud rate must be set correctly. If the baud rate is not set correctly, the Arduino board will not be able to interpret the data from the GPS module.

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