Building the Receiver

To build the receiver, one needs an ESP32 and a motor driver. A breadboard can be used to easily construct the project. To make the tank small, a JC PCB was used to build the project. A six-layer PCB was created and its Gerber file was generated.

Ordering the PCB

JLCPCB is a worldwide leading PCB prototype manufacturer, offering 1 to 8 layer PCBs from 2 and also offering PCB assembly SMT, stencil and 3D printing services at an affordable price. The Gerber file was uploaded to JLCPCB and the PCB was ordered. The PCB arrived at the doorstep within 1 week. The PCBs were pre-assembled as the SMT assembly service was used.

Uploading the Code

The code was uploaded to the ESP32. Before uploading the final code, the MAC address of the receiver ESP32 had to be found for the transmitter ESP32. A code was uploaded to do this. After successful upload, the serial monitor was opened and the baud rate was set to 115200. The MAC address of the receiver ESP32 was obtained. This MAC address was copied and pasted into the transmitter code. The code was then uploaded to the transmitter ESP32.

Controlling the Tank

The tank can now be controlled using a smartphone.

Introduction to the Project

This project focuses on building a mini remote control tank using ESP NOW and Arduino. The project involves using an ESP32 board and an analog joystick to create a transmitter, as well as a receiver code to control the tank. The aim is to create a wireless connection between the two devices, allowing the user to control the tank from a distance.

Building the Transmitter

The first step in building the transmitter is to rate and press the enable button of the ESP32. This will allow the user to view the MAC address of the ESP32 on the command line monitor. It is important to note down this address, as it will be used in the receiver code. Once the address is noted, the receiver code can be uploaded to the ESP32.

Building the Receiver

The second step in building the receiver is to upload the receiver code to the ESP32. This code will contain the MAC address of the transmitter, which was noted down earlier. Once the code is uploaded, the tank is ready to be controlled.

Testing the Project

To test the project, the user needs to connect the analog joystick to the transmitter ESP32. This will allow the user to control the tank from a distance. The user can then move the joystick to control the tank, and observe the results.

Building a mini remote control tank using ESP NOW and Arduino is a fun and rewarding project. The project requires the user to build a transmitter and receiver, as well as to upload the appropriate code to the ESP32. Once the project is complete, the user can test the tank by connecting the analog joystick to the transmitter ESP32. With a little bit of patience and practice, the user can create a functional and enjoyable remote control tank.

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