Overview of the Hardware

The Pomodoro Technique requires alternating 25 minutes study or work sessions and five minute breaks after four study sessions. To achieve this, an Arduino with an LCD screen is used to customize the display and messages to the user. Additionally, additional outputs such as LEDs, buzzers or Motors can be added.

The main circuit component is the LCD screen, which allows messages to be printed and the time to be displayed. The LCD screen also has a potentiometer that allows the contrast to be adjusted. A separate video tutorial is available to explain the details of wiring the LCD screen with an Arduino.

To start the timer, a button is used instead of the reset button on the Arduino. As outputs or indicators, two LEDs are used, one for the study periods and one for the break periods. However, this project can be customized further by adding a buzzer or motor for a more exciting experience.

Code for the Project

The code for the project is written in the Arduino IDE and is based on the C++ programming language. The code is divided into three main sections – the setup, the loop and the functions.

The setup section is used to initialize the serial port, the LCD screen, the button and the LEDs. The loop section is used to continuously check the button status and to update the LCD screen. The functions section is used to define the functions that are used to control the timer.

The timer is based on the Pomodoro Technique and consists of alternating 25 minutes study or work sessions and five minute breaks after four study sessions. The code uses the millis() function to calculate the time elapsed and the if-else statement to control the timer. The timer is started by pressing the button and the LEDs are used to indicate the study and break periods.

Overview of DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino

The DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino is an effective way to manage study time and improve productivity. This project utilizes an Arduino board, a breadboard, and various components such as a buzzer, motor, LCD screen, and jumper wires to create a timer that can be used to track study sessions and breaks. With the use of the Arduino simulator, Tinkercad Circuits, users can easily build and program the timer.

Components of DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino

The components of the DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino include an Arduino board, a breadboard, a buzzer, a motor, an LCD screen, and male-to-female jumper wires. The Arduino board is used to program the timer, while the breadboard is used to connect the various components. The buzzer and motor can be used to create an alarm or draw attention during transition periods. The LCD screen is used to display the timers progress and the male-to-female jumper wires provide flexibility in mounting the screen.

Programming the DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino

Programming the DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino is done using the Arduino simulator, Tinkercad Circuits. The first step is to zoom in and look at the connections for the LCD screen. The pins on the screen are then connected to the Arduino board and the other components are connected to the breadboard. Once all the connections are made, the code is written and uploaded to the Arduino board. The code is used to set the timers duration and intervals, as well as to control the buzzer and motor.

Building a Case for the DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino

Once the timer is programmed, users can build a case for the timer to sit on their desk. This can be done using a small cardboard box or a 3D printer. Male-to-female jumper wires are used to connect the LCD screen to the box, allowing for more flexibility in mounting the screen. The case can also be used to store the Arduino board and other components when not in use.

Using the DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino

Once the timer is programmed and the case is built, users can begin using the timer to track their study sessions and breaks. The timer can be used to set specific time intervals for studying and taking breaks, allowing users to stay focused and productive. The buzzer and motor can be used to alert users when it is time to take a break or transition to a new task.

Connecting the LCD Screen to the Arduino

In order to create a DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino, it is essential to connect the LCD screen to the Arduino. This involves connecting the ground pin to ground, the VCC or power pin to 5 volts from the Arduino, the v0 or contrast adjust pin to the middle pin of a potentiometer, and the outer two pins of the potentiometer to 5 volts and ground. Additionally, the RS or register select pin is connected to pin 12 on the Arduino, the RW or read/write pin is connected to ground, and the e or enable pin is connected to Arduino pin 11. The four pins db0 through db3 are unused, while pin db4 is connected to Arduino pin 5, pin db5 is connected to Arduino pin 4, pin db6 is connected to Arduino pin 3, and pin db7 is connected to Arduino pin 2. The positive or anode pin for the LED is connected to 5 volts through a 220 Ohm resistor, and the negative or cathode pin for the LED backlight is connected to ground.

Creating the Arduino Code

Once the LCD screen is connected to the Arduino, the next step is to create the Arduino code. This code will allow the user to set a timer for a specific amount of time and will beep when the timer has expired. The code should include a function for setting the timer and a function for displaying the timer on the LCD screen. Additionally, the code should include a function for beeping when the timer has expired. This code should be tested on the Arduino board before being uploaded to the LCD screen.

Using the DIY Pomodoro Study Timer

Once the LCD screen is connected to the Arduino and the code is uploaded, the DIY Pomodoro Study Timer can be used. To use the timer, the user should set the timer for a specific amount of time and then press the start button. The timer will then begin counting down and will beep when the timer has expired. The user can also adjust the timer by pressing the up and down buttons. This will allow the user to adjust the timer as needed. Additionally, the user can press the reset button to reset the timer and start over.

Circuit Setup

The circuit setup for this DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino is relatively straightforward. A green LED is connected to Arduino pin 6, with the negative side connected to ground through a 220 Ohm resistor. Similarly, a red LED is connected to Arduino pin 7, with the negative side connected to ground through a 220 Ohm resistor. The button is connected to ground with a 10 kilo ohm pull down resistor, and the other side is connected to 5 volts. This configuration allows the voltage to remain low by default, and go high when the button is pressed.

Code Overview

The code for this project is based on the Pomodoro Technique, which is a popular productivity technique that involves setting a timer for intervals of studying and breaks. The default times for this technique are 25 minutes of studying, followed by five minutes of break, repeated four times, with the last break being 15-20 minutes. However, the code is customizable and users can set the time intervals and number of repetitions to whatever works for them.


When the Arduino is powered up, the green LED will light up to indicate that the timer is ready to be used. When the button is pressed, the green LED will turn off and the red LED will light up to indicate that the timer has started. After 25 minutes, the red LED will turn off and the green LED will light up to indicate that the break has started. After five minutes, the green LED will turn off and the red LED will light up again to indicate that the timer has restarted. This process will repeat four times, with the last break being 15-20 minutes. The timer can be reset at any time by pressing the button.

We use the Liquid Crystal library for that and then we set all the pins to either input or output.

Including the Liquid Crystal Library

In order to control the LCD screen, it is necessary to include the Liquid Crystal library in the code. This library allows for the display of text and graphics on the LCD screen. Once the library has been included, variables can be declared for keeping track of the number of seconds, minutes, and the total count of study sessions. This information will be used to display the timer on the screen and to decide when to take a long break or a short break.

Declaring Variables

The next step is to declare variables for the duration of each period, such as the study period and the two different break periods. These variables should be declared in minutes and the number of repetitions should be specified before a long break is taken. Additionally, a break duration variable should be declared to time the breaks.

Declaring Pins

In order to control the hardware, pins must be declared. This includes two LED pins, a button pin, and a number of pins used to control the LCD display. It is important to note that if the example code is to be used without having to shuffle the pins around, they should be wired in the same order as shown in the circuit.

Initializing Pins

The setup function is used to initialize all the pins used to control the hardware. This includes defining the size of the LCD screen using the Liquid Crystal library, and then setting all the pins to either input or output. Once this is done, the program is ready to be used.

Overview of DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino

The DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino is a great way to keep track of your study time. This project uses an Arduino board, an LCD screen, and a button to create a timer that can be used to track your study sessions. The code for the project is relatively simple and can easily be modified to add additional outputs such as buzzers or motors.

Setting Up the Arduino Board

The first step in creating the DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino is to set up the Arduino board. This involves connecting the LCD screen, the button, and the LED pins. The LED pins should be set as outputs and the button pin should be set as an input. Once the board is set up, the initial message Press Button to Start should be displayed on the LCD screen.

Waiting for the Button Press

Once the board is set up, the program should wait for the user to press the button before it moves on to the rest of the code. This is done by using a while loop. The loop will keep looping until the button is pressed, at which point the digital read will go high and the code will move on to the loop function.

Displaying the Time on the LCD Screen

The code for the project includes a section for displaying the time on the LCD screen. This code is relatively complex and does not need to be changed. However, if additional outputs such as buzzers or motors are desired, this is where the code should be added.

Using the Timer

Once the code is programmed into the Arduino board, the timer can be used. The user should press the button to start the timer and then use the LCD screen to keep track of their study time. When the timer reaches the desired time limit, the user can press the button again to stop the timer.

Setting Up the Count

Before beginning the timer, it is important to ensure that the count for the number of study sessions is set to zero. This is done by initializing the count variable to zero.

Starting the Timer

Once the count is set, the timer can begin. The code will loop through the number of repeats, and for each iteration, the green LED will be turned on and the red LED off. The cursor will then be moved to the second line of the LCD screen, which is where the time will be displayed.

Displaying the Time

The code responsible for displaying the time in mmss format (two digits for the minutes and two digits for the seconds) is written in such a way that it increases the counter for the number of seconds every second, and increases the counter for the number of minutes every 60 seconds. This ensures that the time is accurately displayed until the maximum for the study period is reached.

Overview of DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino

The DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino is a project that enables users to create a timer that can be used to track study sessions. This timer is based on the Pomodoro Technique, which is a time management method that breaks down work into intervals, typically 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. The timer utilizes an Arduino board, an LCD screen, and LEDs to track the intervals and breaks.

Components of the DIY Pomodoro Study Timer

The DIY Pomodoro Study Timer is composed of several components. An Arduino board is used to control the timer, while an LCD screen is used to display the time remaining in the current interval. Additionally, two LEDs are used to indicate when the timer is in an interval or a break.

Programming the DIY Pomodoro Study Timer

The Arduino board is programmed to control the timer. The timer is set to 25 minutes for each interval, and the LCD screen is used to display the time remaining in the interval in mm:ss format. The LEDs are used to indicate when the timer is in an interval or a break. When the timer reaches the end of an interval, the green LED is turned off and the red LED is turned on. If the timer is on the last count, then a long break is taken, while for all other counts a short break is taken. The break duration is set by a variable, and the timer is reset to 25 minutes for each interval.


Overview of DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino

The Pomodoro Study Timer is a simple project that utilizes an Arduino to create a timer that can be used to help with studying. It works by setting a timer for a set amount of time, and then when the timer is up, it will trigger an LED to light up, indicating that it is time to switch tasks. Additionally, users can also add other hardware such as buzzers or motors to further customize the timer.

Parts List and Circuit Diagram

The parts list for this project includes an Arduino, a breadboard, an LED, and a few resistors. Additionally, users can also add other hardware such as buzzers or motors if they wish to further customize the timer. A circuit diagram is also provided to help users connect the parts together.

Programming the Arduino

The code for this project is fairly straightforward and can be found in the description of the video. It is written in the Arduino language and consists of a few lines of code. The code is responsible for setting the timer and triggering the LED when the timer is up. Additionally, users can also add code to control other hardware such as buzzers or motors if they wish to further customize the timer.

Testing the Timer

Once the code has been uploaded to the Arduino, it is time to test the timer. To do this, simply plug in the Arduino and press the reset button. The timer should start counting down and when it reaches zero, the LED should light up. If the timer is working correctly, users can then add other hardware such as buzzers or motors to further customize the timer.

This article has provided an overview of the hardware and code for a DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino. The Pomodoro Technique is used to alternate 25 minutes study or work sessions and five minute breaks after four study sessions. The Arduino with an LCD screen is used to customize the display and messages to the user and additional outputs such as LEDs, buzzers or Motors can be added. The code for the project is written in the Arduino IDE and is based on the C++ programming language. The timer is started by pressing the button and the LEDs are used to indicate the study and break periods.

Creating a DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino is a great way to stay focused and productive while studying. By connecting the LCD screen to the Arduino and creating the Arduino code, users can easily set and adjust a timer for a specific amount of time and be alerted when the timer has expired. This is a great way to stay on task and ensure that study sessions are productive and efficient.

This DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino is a great way to stay productive and on track with studying. With a simple circuit setup and customizable code, users can easily create their own Pomodoro Timer that is tailored to their needs.

Creating a DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino is a relatively straightforward process. By following the steps outlined above, the timer can be set up and running in no time.

The DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino is a simple and effective way to track study sessions. The timer utilizes an Arduino board, an LCD screen, and LEDs to track the intervals and breaks. The Arduino board is programmed to control the timer, and the LCD screen is used to display the time remaining in the interval. Additionally, two LEDs are used to indicate when the timer is in an interval or a break. With this timer, users can easily track their study sessions and make the most of their time.

The Pomodoro Study Timer is a simple project that utilizes an Arduino to create a timer that can be used to help with studying. It works by setting a timer for a set amount of time, and then when the timer is up, it will trigger an LED to light up, indicating that it is time to switch tasks. Additionally, users can also add other hardware such as buzzers or motors to further customize the timer. With the parts list, circuit diagram, and code provided, users should have no trouble creating their own DIY Pomodoro Study Timer with Arduino.

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