
Accelerometers are devices that measure acceleration, which is the rate of change of velocity. They are used in a range of applications, from navigation systems to gaming consoles. An accelerometer can detect the magnitude and direction of acceleration, which is how smartphones and laptops can detect when a device is picked up or falling.

ADXL 345

The ADXL 345 is a popular accelerometer used in many applications. It can work with either SPI or I2C communication, and has 10 pins. It is capable of measuring acceleration in three axes: X, Y, and Z. The X axis represents a horizontal direction, usually from left to right or right to left. The Y axis represents a vertical direction, usually top to bottom or bottom to top. The Z axis represents a depth direction, usually front to back or back to front.

Units of Acceleration

Two common units of acceleration are m/s2 and Gs. 1 G is the rate of acceleration of gravity. The ADXL 345 outputs separate acceleration measurements for each axis.


Accelerometers are used in a variety of applications. They can be used to measure the acceleration of a vehicle, detect when a device is picked up or falling, and even measure the acceleration of a rocket during launch. In this tutorial, we will be using an accelerometer to help us with navigation and course corrections.

Connecting the Accelerometer

The ADXL 345 has 10 pins, but not all of them have to be used. The pins are VCC (connects to a 5 volt power source), 3.3V (connects to the 3.3 volt power source), Ground, Chip Select (for SPI communication), INT1 (Hardware interrupt pin 1), INT2 (Hardware interrupt pin 2), SDO (Serial Data Output pin, which doubles as the MISO pin for SPI communication), SDA (I2C communication, which doubles as the MOSI pin for SPI and for I2C communication), and SCL (which doubles as the clock pin for SPI).

The accelerometer senses this force and helps the spacecraft figure out which way its facing and how fast its going.

What is an Accelerometer?

An accelerometer is a device that measures acceleration, the rate of change of velocity over time. It is a type of sensor that is commonly used in mobile phones, gaming consoles, and other electronic devices. It is also used in spacecraft to measure the direction and intensity of forces acting on the device. It measures both static and dynamic acceleration, which can be used to determine the orientation and movement of the device.

How Does an Accelerometer Work?

An accelerometer works by measuring the force of gravity along three axes – x, y, and z. The x and y axes represent side to side and up and down directions, respectively. The z axis represents a depth or front to back direction, typically coming towards you or moving away from you. These axes help determine the direction and the intensity of the force acting on the device, for instance, when you tilt the accelerometer in a certain direction. It measures the gravitational force along that axis, providing information about the device’s orientation or movement in that particular direction.

Types of Acceleration

Accelerometers measure both static and dynamic acceleration. Stepping on the gas pedal when you’re driving is a form of positive acceleration and pressing the brake is a negative acceleration. This is an example of dynamic acceleration. Static acceleration is caused by forces like gravity. Static acceleration refers to the force acting on an object when it’s not moving or when it’s in a state of constant velocity, meaning not speeding up or slowing down.

Uses of Accelerometers

Think of an accelerometer as a device that can feel the way it’s being pushed or pulled. They can feel the force of gravity in space where there’s no gravity. These devices are crucial for helping spacecraft figure out which way they’re facing and if they’re moving. When a ship is in space, the accelerometer senses the direction of the force of gravity which is usually towards the planet or another celestial body. This helps the spacecraft understand down. When a spacecraft changes its direction or speed, it experiences a force like a push or a pull. The accelerometer senses this force and helps the spacecraft figure out which way it’s facing and how fast it’s going.

The Accelerometer

An accelerometer is a device used to measure the linear acceleration of a body in motion. It is a type of sensor that measures the force of acceleration acting on it, allowing it to detect changes in velocity, orientation and direction. This makes it an ideal tool for spacecraft navigation, as it can detect the slightest changes in the ship’s trajectory.

Using an Accelerometer for Navigation

The accelerometer can be used to help a spacecraft stay on course by detecting the force of acceleration acting on it. By constantly sensing these forces, the accelerometer can help the spacecraft figure out if it is staying straight and aligned with its intended direction. If the ship starts tilting or moving off course, it uses this information to make the necessary adjustments to stay on track.

Using an Accelerometer for Fun

Rather than using the orientation of an accelerometer to make sure a ship is on track, it can also be used to change the tone of a piezo buzzer. To do this, we need an ADXL345 module, a piezo buzzer and six jumper wires (four male and two female).

Including the Library

First, we include a library that provides some functions for this specific accelerometer. We then create an object to reference the sensor, called ADXL345 (all caps). ADXL345 (lowercase) is the class, adxl is the inst or object of that class, and ADXL345 (with parentheses) is the communication selection. This means whether we’re using SPI or I2C communication. For SPI, you would put the chip select pin in the parentheses and for I2C, you just leave it blank.

Setting the Range

Next, we set the range to two. The range refers to the range of values that the sensor can measure in acceleration. Accelerometers measure acceleration in terms of gravitational force, denoted by G. One G is equivalent to the acceleration due to gravity at Earth’s surface.

Connecting the Buzzer

Finally, we connect the buzzer to pin 8. The buzzer will be used to make a sound when the accelerometer detects a certain range of acceleration. When the acceleration is within the range, the buzzer will sound. When the acceleration is outside of the range, the buzzer will remain silent.

Testing the Accelerometer

To test the accelerometer, we can move it around and observe the changes in the output. We can also use the Arduino IDE to view the output of the accelerometer in real-time. This will help us to determine if the accelerometer is working correctly and if the buzzer is responding to the changes in acceleration.

The frequency variable is used to control the frequency of the buzzer. We set the frequency variable to the absolute value of the X Y or Z value. This is because the buzzer can only produce sound at a certain frequency and the accelerometer values range from minus 2 to positive 2. We use the absolute value to ensure that the frequency variable is always positive. Finally, we use the analog write function to control the buzzer. This function takes two parameters, the first one is the pin number of the buzzer and the second one is the frequency variable. The analog write function will write the frequency variable to the buzzer pin, which will cause the buzzer to produce a sound at the frequency of the frequency variable.

Setting the Range of an Accelerometer

When configuring an accelerometer, the range of values it can accurately measure must be specified. This range is set by assigning a minimum and maximum value, such as -2 to +2, to the accelerometer. The magnitude of the accelerations being measured will determine the range chosen, with higher values providing a wider measurement range and lower values providing greater sensitivity. The accepted values for the range are 2, 4, 8 or 16.

Activating Serial Monitor and Powering On the Sensor

The Serial Monitor must be turned on and the sensor powered up in order to begin the process of setting the accelerometer. This is done by using the set range setting function and setting the range to the declared value. Additionally, the buzzer is set as an output.

Creating Variables for X, Y and Z Axes

Integer variables for X, Y and Z are created in the loop. The read Excel function reads the value of the accelerometer, with the AER standing in front of X, Y and Z being the address of operator in C. This allows the read Cel function to directly modify the values stored at the memory addresses, allowing the main code to access the updated accelerometer readings stored in X, Y and Z after the read Excel function call completes.

Printing Values to Serial Monitor

The X, Y and Z values are printed to the Serial Monitor. This allows the user to view the values being measured by the accelerometer.

Controlling the Buzzer Frequency

An integer variable, called frequency, is created to control the frequency of the buzzer. This variable is set to the absolute value of the X, Y or Z value. This is because the buzzer can only produce sound at a certain frequency and the accelerometer values range from -2 to +2. The absolute value ensures that the frequency variable is always positive. The analog write function is used to control the buzzer, taking two parameters: the pin number of the buzzer and the frequency variable. This causes the buzzer to produce a sound at the frequency of the frequency variable.

Mapping Accelerometer Readings to Frequency

The accelerometer readings can be mapped to a frequency range between 100 and 1000. Negative 1000 will be mapped to 100, while 100 will be mapped to 1000. This frequency value is used to generate a tone with the buzzer, which matches the accelerometer XA ACC. The tone function takes two arguments, the pin and the frequency. Finally, a delay of 250 milliseconds is added to the tone.

Using the Arduino IDE

The Arduino IDE is used to write the code for the project. The code is written in C++ and is compiled using the Arduino IDE. The code consists of two main parts: the setup and the loop. The setup is used to initialize the pins and the loop is used to read the accelerometer and generate the tone.

Reading the Accelerometer

The accelerometer is read using the analogRead() function. This function takes one argument, the pin number. The analogRead() function returns a value between 0 and 1023, which is then mapped to a frequency between 100 and 1000.

Generating the Tone

The tone() function is used to generate the tone. This function takes two arguments, the pin and the frequency. The frequency is the value that was mapped from the accelerometer reading. The tone() function generates a tone with the specified frequency for a duration of 250 milliseconds.

Accelerometers are useful devices for measuring acceleration in three axes. The ADXL 345 is a popular accelerometer that can be used in a variety of applications. In this tutorial, we will be using it to help us with navigation and course corrections.

Accelerometers are essential devices for measuring acceleration, the rate of change of velocity over time. They measure the force of gravity along three axes – x, y, and z – to determine the direction and intensity of the force acting on the device. Accelerometers measure both static and dynamic acceleration, which can be used to determine the orientation and movement of the device. They are also used in spacecraft to help figure out which way the spacecraft is facing and how fast it’s going.

Using an accelerometer and an Arduino, it is possible to generate a tone that matches the accelerometer reading. The Arduino IDE is used to write the code for the project, which consists of two main parts: the setup and the loop. The accelerometer is read using the analogRead() function and the tone is generated using the tone() function. With this project, it is possible to fly your ship right with an accelerometer.

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