Design of the Robot

The complete robot is made out of acrylic and the complete design and modeling was done on onshape. A laser cutting machine was used to cut out all the required acrylic parts for the project. However, it is not necessary to know 3D modeling or own a laser cutting machine to build the project as all the files for the robot are available for download. It is possible to print the files on paper and cut it out of cardboard using scissors to achieve the same design.


The construction of the robot is relatively straightforward. Once the acrylic parts are ready, the servo motors can be used to assemble the robot. Five servo motors are used in total. The servo motors are connected to an Arduino board, which is programmed to control the movements of the robot. The Arduino board is powered by a 9V battery. The robot has two feet, which are connected to the servo motors. The feet are made of foam and are covered with rubber to provide traction.


The Arduino board is programmed to control the movements of the robot. The program is written in C++ and is uploaded to the Arduino board. The program is responsible for controlling the servo motors and making the robot move. The program also contains instructions for making the robot dance. The robot can be programmed to perform different dance moves, such as the moonwalk, the robot, and the catwalk.

So you can print the 3D models and then you can assemble the robot.

Hardware Requirements

The hardware required to build an Arduino Controlled Biped Robot – DIY Walking and Dancing Cat includes five servo motors, an Arduino Nano, an ultrasonic sensor, and two power switches. The servo motors are used to control the robot’s hip, feet, and neck movements. The Arduino Nano acts as the brain of the robot, controlling the servo motors and the ultrasonic sensor. The ultrasonic sensor acts as the robot’s eyes, allowing it to detect objects in its environment. The two power switches are used to turn the robot on and off, and to switch between walking and dancing modes.

Circuit Diagram

The circuit diagram for the Arduino Controlled Biped Robot – DIY Walking and Dancing Cat is relatively simple. It consists of five servo motors connected to the Arduino Nano, the ultrasonic sensor, and two power switches. The robot is powered by a lithium cell, which is housed inside the body of the robot and can be turned on and off using the power switch.

3D Printing and Assembly

The 3D models for the Arduino Controlled Biped Robot – DIY Walking and Dancing Cat can be downloaded from the project website. Once printed, the parts can be assembled to form the robot. The servo motors should be connected to the Arduino Nano, and the ultrasonic sensor and power switches should also be connected.


The Arduino Controlled Biped Robot – DIY Walking and Dancing Cat is programmed using the Arduino IDE. The code for the robot can be found on the project website. The code controls the servo motors, allowing the robot to move and dance. The ultrasonic sensor is used to detect objects in the robot’s environment, allowing it to take decisions accordingly. The two power switches are used to turn the robot on and off, and to switch between walking and dancing modes.


Building an Arduino Controlled Biped Robot – DIY Walking and Dancing Cat is a fun and rewarding project. It requires some basic knowledge of electronics, programming, and robotics. The robot is powered by an Arduino board and consists of five servo motors, an ultrasonic sensor, and a few other components. The robot can be programmed to move forward, turn, and even perform a few simple dances.

Circuit Diagram

The circuit diagram for the robot is fairly straightforward. It consists of the Arduino board, five servo motors, an ultrasonic sensor, and a few other components. The servo motors are connected to the Arduino board via a servo shield, while the ultrasonic sensor is connected directly to the Arduino board. The circuit diagram also includes a few other components such as resistors and capacitors.

Code Explanation

The code for the robot is written in the Arduino programming language. It begins with defining all the sensors and servo motors. Then, a few functions are defined such as a function for moving forward, turning, and dancing. In the void loop, the code checks the distance ahead of the ultrasonic sensor and then moves the robot accordingly.


Once the circuit diagram and code have been set up, the robot can be assembled. The robot consists of a body, two legs, two arms, and a head. The servo motors are attached to the body and the legs, while the ultrasonic sensor is mounted on the head. The robot is then connected to the Arduino board and the code is uploaded.


Once the robot has been assembled and the code has been uploaded, it is time to test the robot. The robot can be tested by manually controlling it with a remote control or by programming it to move forward, turn, and dance. Once the robot is tested and working properly, it can be used for a variety of tasks.

Overview of Arduino Controlled Biped Robot

The Arduino Controlled Biped Robot is a DIY project that allows users to build a robot that can walk and dance. This robot is powered by an Arduino Nano board and uses a combination of servo motors to control its movements. The user can program the robot to perform a variety of movements, such as walking, dancing, and even catwalking. The project is relatively easy to build and requires minimal components, making it an ideal project for those who are just getting started with robotics.

Components Needed for Building the Robot

To build the Arduino Controlled Biped Robot, the user will need the following components: an Arduino Nano board, two servo motors, two servo motor brackets, four screws, four nuts, four washers, and a 9V battery. Additionally, the user will need a soldering iron and solder, as well as a screwdriver.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building the Robot

Once the user has all the components, they can begin building the robot. The first step is to attach the servo motors to the servo motor brackets. This is done by using the screws, nuts, and washers. Once the servo motors are attached, the user can then connect them to the Arduino Nano board. The user will need to solder the connections in order to make sure they are secure.

The next step is to program the Arduino Nano board. This is done by using the Arduino IDE software. The user can use the software to write code that will control the servo motors and make the robot move. Once the code is written, the user can then upload it to the Arduino Nano board.

The final step is to attach the 9V battery to the Arduino Nano board. This will provide power to the robot and allow it to move. Once the battery is connected, the user can then turn on the robot and watch it move.

Testing the Robot

Once the robot is built, the user can then test it by making it move. The user can use the Arduino IDE software to test different movements and see how the robot responds. This will allow the user to see how moving different servo motors affects the robot so that they can make their own version of catwalk or make it dance in their own way.

Building an Arduino-controlled biped robot is a relatively simple process. All the required parts and files are available for download, and the construction and programming of the robot is straightforward. With the right tools and instructions, anyone can build their own robotic cat and make it walk and dance.

Building an Arduino Controlled Biped Robot – DIY Walking and Dancing Cat is a fun and rewarding project. It requires some basic knowledge of electronics, programming, and robotics. The robot is powered by an Arduino board and consists of five servo motors, an ultrasonic sensor, and a few other components. The robot can be programmed to move forward, turn, and even perform a few simple dances. With a bit of patience and practice, anyone can build their own Arduino Controlled Biped Robot – DIY Walking and Dancing Cat.

Building an Arduino Controlled Biped Robot is a great way to get started with robotics. The project is relatively easy to build and requires minimal components. With the help of the Arduino IDE software, the user can program the robot to perform a variety of movements, such as walking, dancing, and even catwalking. By testing the robot and seeing how moving different servo motors affects it, the user can make their own version of catwalk or make it dance in their own way.

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