CN5711: An Overview

The CN5711 is a highly versatile integrated circuit (IC) designed to drive a power LED with Arduino, ESP32 or ATtiny85. It is capable of providing a constant current output with a wide range of input voltages, ranging from 2.8V to 6V. The CN5711 also features an adjustable temperature protection and current regulation, allowing users to adjust the output current to their desired level. Furthermore, the IC can be controlled in three different ways: via a potentiometer, logic signal, or PWM signal.

Using a Potentiometer

The CN5711 can be controlled with a potentiometer, which allows users to adjust the output current. To do this, the potentiometer should be connected to the CN5711’s VADJ pin, and the output current can be adjusted by turning the knob of the potentiometer. The output current can be adjusted from 0mA to 1.5A, depending on the input voltage.

Using a Logic Signal

The CN5711 can also be controlled with a logic signal, which can be applied to the CN5711’s EN pin. When the logic signal is low, the output current will be disabled, and when the logic signal is high, the output current will be enabled. This method is useful for applications where the output current needs to be switched on and off quickly.

Using a PWM Signal

The CN5711 can also be controlled with a PWM signal, which can be applied directly to the CN5711’s CE pin. The duty cycle of the PWM signal can be used to adjust the output current, allowing users to control the brightness of the LED. This method is useful for applications where the output current needs to be dimmed or brightened quickly.

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Driving a Power LED With Arduino, ESP32 or ATtiny85 – CN5711

The CN5711 is a power LED driver module that can be used to generate a PWM signal with ease using Arduino, ESP32 or ATtiny85. To begin, one needs to connect the power supply to the pins labeled “V1” and “CE” of the module. Then, the positive pole of the LED should be connected to the “LED” pin of the module. After that, the power supply can be adjusted to regulate the intensity of the LED.

Connecting the Wires

The wiring setup is quite simple. The power supply should be connected to the “V1” and “CE” pins of the module. Then, the positive pole of the LED should be connected to the “LED” pin of the module. After that, the power supply can be adjusted to regulate the intensity of the LED.

Setting Up the Power Supply

The power supply should be set to 42 Volts to simulate a fully charged lithium battery. This will ensure that the LED is powered at 70 milliamperes. By turning the potentiometer, the current of the LED can be adjusted. The module can provide a current of 30 to 320 milliamperes.

Connecting the Microcontroller

To control the module, a microcontroller is needed. For this example, a clone of the Arduino Nano is used since it is both useful and inexpensive. The connections that need to be made are to connect the “CE” pin of the module to the GPIO D3 of the Arduino.

Writing the Code

Arduino has six pins that can output a PWM signal and D3 is one of them. To control the module, a code needs to be written to generate the PWM signal that will drive the module. The code should be written in such a way that it will adjust the current of the LED according to the potentiometer. Additionally, a ground wire should be connected from the Arduino to the ground of the module.

Connecting the CN5711 IC

The CN5711 IC is a powerful LED driver that can be used to control the brightness of a power LED. It is designed to be used with Arduino, ESP32 or ATtiny85 microcontrollers. To connect the IC to the microcontroller, you need to use a breadboard and jumper wires. First, connect the power supply to the CN5711 IC. Then, connect the ground pin of the IC to the ground pin of the microcontroller. Finally, connect the signal pin of the IC to the signal pin of the microcontroller.

Uploading the Code

Once the CN5711 IC is connected to the microcontroller, you need to upload the code to the microcontroller. To do this, open the Arduino IDE and select the appropriate board for your microcontroller. Then, copy the open-source code from the GitHub repository and paste it into the Arduino IDE. Finally, connect the USB cable and upload the code.

Testing the Code

Once the code is uploaded, you can test it by connecting the power and ground wires to the LED. The code should pulse the LED with a 1 second interval and dim the LED for 20 milliseconds. For the Arduino Nano, the code is almost identical to the code for the ATtiny85. For the ESP32 and ESP8266, the code is slightly different. For more instructions, you can refer to the GitHub repository.

The CN5711 is a highly versatile IC that can be used to drive a power LED with Arduino, ESP32 or ATtiny85. It is capable of providing a constant current output with a wide range of input voltages, and can be controlled in three different ways: via a potentiometer, logic signal, or PWM signal. With its adjustable temperature protection and current regulation, the CN5711 is an ideal choice for LED lighting applications.

Driving a power LED with Arduino, ESP32 or ATtiny85 – CN5711 is a relatively simple process. All that is needed is a power supply, a microcontroller, and the CN5711 module. Once the wiring is set up and the code is written, the LED can be powered and adjusted according to the potentiometer.

In this experiment, we used the CN5711 IC to control the brightness of a power LED. The code was uploaded to the microcontroller and tested successfully. In the upcoming videos, I will show you how to design a professional PCB for this project. For any doubts or questions, please leave a comment and I will try to answer them as soon as possible. I hope you enjoyed the project.

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