
The Arduino Objects/Product Counting System is a project that allows users to accurately count objects or products. This system is based on the Arduino platform and uses a combination of hardware and software to achieve this task. In this article, we will discuss how to make a Digital Object Counter with Arduino.

Overview of Digital Object Counter with Arduino

The Digital Object Counter with Arduino is an innovative project that utilizes an Arduino microcontroller, an infrared sensor, a 162 LCD screen, a 10k potentiometer, and a buzzer to create an automated product counting system. This system is designed to count the number of objects that pass through the infrared sensor and display the count on the LCD screen. Additionally, the buzzer will sound when the count is greater than 0.

Components Required

To build the Digital Object Counter with Arduino, the following components are required:

Arduino UNO

Infrared Sensor

162 LCD Screen

10k Potentiometer


Circuit Diagram

The circuit diagram for the Digital Object Counter with Arduino is relatively simple. The Arduino UNO is connected to the infrared sensor, 162 LCD screen, 10k potentiometer, and buzzer. The 10k potentiometer is used to adjust the contrast of the LCD screen.

Arduino Code

The Arduino code for the Digital Object Counter with Arduino is written in the Arduino IDE. The code is designed to detect the status of the infrared sensor and update the counter accordingly. If the status of the sensor is 0, the counter will be increased by one. If the status of the sensor is 1, the counter will be decreased by one. If the status of the sensor is 2, the counter will be reset to 0. Additionally, the code is designed to sound the buzzer when the count is greater than 0.

Simulation File

The simulation file for the Digital Object Counter with Arduino can be downloaded from the description below. The simulation file is designed to replicate the behavior of the circuit in a virtual environment. This allows users to test the circuit before building it in real life.

Then we have initialized the pin for the reset button. Then we have initialized the pin for the buzzer. Then we have used the counter variable. Then we have used the if condition.. If the sensor value is 1, then the counter will be increased by 1. Then we have used the else if condition.. If the reset button is pressed for 3 sec., then the counter will be reset to 0. Then we have used the while loop.. In the while loop, we have displayed the counter value in the LCD.

Overview of the Circuit Diagram

The circuit diagram for the Arduino Objects/Product Counting System consists of a 9V battery, Arduino UNO, IR sensor, reset button, LCD of 162, 10k potentiometer, 10 ohm resistance, and a buzzer. The LCD pins 15 and 16 are used for the backlight, with pin 15 being the anode and 16 the cathode. The 10 ohm resistance is connected in series to the anode of the LCD.

Overview of the Code

The code for the Arduino Objects/Product Counting System consists of the libraries for EPROM and Liquid Crystal, as well as initialization of the LCD pins, sensor pin, reset button pin, and buzzer pin. A counter variable is used to keep track of the number of objects/products counted, and an if-else if condition is used to increase the counter value by one when the sensor value is 1, and reset the counter value to 0 when the reset button is pressed for 3 seconds. A while loop is used to display the counter value in the LCD.

Functionality of the System

The Arduino Objects/Product Counting System is designed to count the number of objects/products passing through a certain area. When the IR sensor detects an object/product, the counter value is increased by one. The 5 digit value is displayed on the LCD, and the reset button can be used to reset the counter value to 0. The buzzer is activated when the counter value is increased, and can be used to alert the user.

And here we have used the delay of 500 milliseconds so that the value will be shown properly.. Here we have used the if condition to check the value of the counter. If the value of the counter is greater than 9999 then it will be reset to zero.. Here we are using the if condition to check the value of the counter. If the value of the counter is greater than 9999 then it will be reset to zero and also store it in EEPROM.. Finally, here we are using the delay of 500 milliseconds so that the value will be shown properly.

Overview of Digital Object Counter with Arduino

The Digital Object Counter with Arduino is a device that can be used to count the number of objects or products passing through a certain area. It is a simple and cost-effective solution for counting objects or products in a production line or warehouse. The device consists of an Arduino microcontroller, a push button, an amplifier sensor, a buzzer, and an LCD display. The Arduino microcontroller is used to read the data from the amplifier sensor and store it in an EEPROM. The push button is used to reset the counter and initialize the pins for the buzzer. The amplifier sensor is used to detect the objects or products passing through the area. The buzzer is used to alert when the counter reaches a certain value. The LCD display is used to show the count of the objects or products passing through the area.

Steps to Make Digital Object Counter with Arduino

Step 1: Initialize the Pins

The first step is to initialize the pins for the push button, amplifier sensor, and buzzer. The push button is used to reset the counter and initialize the pins for the buzzer. The amplifier sensor is used to detect the objects or products passing through the area. The buzzer is used to alert when the counter reaches a certain value.

Step 2: Generate Arrays for Big Found

The next step is to generate 8 arrays for big found. These arrays are used for the display of values from 0 to 9.

Step 3: Initialize the LCD Display

The third step is to initialize the LCD display. This is done by displaying the first message at the LCD.

Step 4: Read Data from EEPROM

The fourth step is to read the data from EEPROM. This is done by reading the data from EEPROM for 2000 milliseconds delay. This data is stored as the last value in EEPROM.

Step 5: Digital Reading of Sensor Pin

The fifth step is to digital read the pin of the sensor. This is done by increasing the value of the counter from here.

Step 6: Digital Reading of Reset Pin

The sixth step is to digital read the reset pin. When the reset button is pressed and held, the buzzer will keep on. After a delay of 2 seconds, it will turn to zero and also store it in EEPROM.

Step 7: Update Status of Sensor at Zero Character and Zero Line at LCD

Hardware Setup

The hardware setup for the Arduino Objects/Product Counting System consists of an Arduino board, a light sensor, and a display. The light sensor is used to detect the presence of an object and the display is used to show the count. The Arduino board is used to control the light sensor and the display.

Software Setup

The software setup for the Arduino Objects/Product Counting System consists of a set of functions that are written in the Arduino programming language. The functions include a print number function, which is used to call the specific value from the given values, and custom functions from 0 to 9, which are used to call the different arrays according to the specific numbers. Additionally, there is a read EEPROM and write EEPROM function, which are used to update and store the variables in different addresses of the EEPROM.

Uploading the Code

Once the hardware and software setup is complete, the code can be uploaded to the Arduino board. To do this, the user must go to the Tools menu and select the board as Arduino UNO. After selecting the board, the user must select the port and then upload the code.

The Digital Object Counter with Arduino is an innovative project that utilizes an Arduino microcontroller, an infrared sensor, a 162 LCD screen, a 10k potentiometer, and a buzzer to create an automated product counting system. This system

The Arduino Objects/Product Counting System is a project that allows users to accurately count objects or products. This system is based on the Arduino platform and uses a combination of hardware and software to achieve this task. The hardware setup consists of an Arduino board, a light sensor, and a display. The software setup consists of a set of functions that are written in the Arduino programming language. Once the hardware and software setup is complete, the code can be uploaded to the Arduino board.

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