Downloading Arduino and JBL Servo

In order to make a DIY homework Arduino Drawing and Writing machine, the first step is to download the Arduino software and the JBL servo. The Arduino software can be downloaded from the link provided in the description. Once downloaded, the software should appear as shown. To add the JBL servo, users can use the Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library option. The link for the JBL servo can also be found in the description. After downloading, extract the file and open it.

Configuring the Arduino

The next step is to configure the Arduino. This can be done by opening the config.h file using a text editor such as Notepad or Visual Studio. In this file, the define core xc needs to be enabled. After making the necessary changes, the file can be uploaded to the Arduino.

Downloading and Installing Inkscape

The next step is to download and install Inkscape. Inkscape version 0.92.5 is recommended for this tutorial. After downloading, the Inkscape extension First X Draw needs to be added. This can be done by selecting the Extensions option and then clicking on the Add button.

Connecting the Arduino to the Computer

The next step is to connect the Arduino to the computer. This can be done by connecting the Arduino to the computer using a USB cable. Once connected, the Arduino should appear in the list of devices in the Arduino software.

Uploading the Code to the Arduino

The next step is to upload the code to the Arduino. This can be done by selecting the Upload option in the Arduino software. Once the code is uploaded, the Arduino should be ready to use.

Testing the Drawing and Writing Machine

The final step is to test the drawing and writing machine. This can be done by using the Inkscape software to draw a simple shape and then using the Arduino to draw the shape on a piece of paper. If the machine is working correctly, the shape should be drawn accurately.

Downloading and Installing the Extension

In order to make a DIY Arduino Drawing and Writing Machine, one must first download and install the extension. The extension can be found in the link provided in the description. After downloading, one must extract all the files and copy them to the shared extension folder. This will allow the extension to be added to the current items.

Universal GCode Sender

The next software to be downloaded is the Universal GCode Sender. This is used to send data from the Arduino to the GCode sender. The interface of the GCode sender looks like this. It allows users to control the plotter by moving it left, right, up, and down. Additionally, users can add macros to the GCode sender for extra settings. This includes a return to zero feature which ensures that the plotter is always at the same starting point.


Processing is a software used to process an image into GCode. This is done by using the Dwbard Image to GCode software. The link for this software can be found in the description. To use this software, one must first create a new document in Processing and adjust the document properties to match the size of the paper being used.

Generating GCode

Once the document properties have been adjusted, the image can be imported into Processing. The image must then be converted into GCode by using the Dwbard Image to GCode software. This will generate a GCode file that can be used to control the plotter.

Connecting the Arduino

The next step is to connect the Arduino to the GCode sender. This is done by connecting the Arduino to the computer and then sending the GCode file from the GCode sender to the Arduino. Once the GCode file has been sent, the Arduino will be able to control the plotter.

Testing the Machine

The final step is to test the machine. This is done by sending a test GCode file from the GCode sender to the Arduino. The test GCode file will move the plotter in a specific pattern and will allow the user to see if the machine is working correctly. If the machine is working correctly, then the DIY Arduino Drawing and Writing Machine is ready to be used.

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Preparing the Arduino

Before beginning the DIY Homework Arduino Drawing and Writing Machine tutorial, it is important to ensure that the Arduino is properly prepared. This includes connecting the Arduino board to a computer and downloading the necessary software. Once the Arduino is properly connected and the software is installed, the user can begin to write the code for the machine.

Writing the Code

The code for the DIY Homework Arduino Drawing and Writing Machine is relatively straightforward. The user must first define the parameters for the machine, such as the speed of the drawing and the size of the paper. After this is done, the user must write the code for the machine to move the servos and draw the desired shapes. The code should also include instructions for the machine to print text, if desired.

Testing the Machine

Once the code is written, it is important to test the machine to ensure that it is functioning properly. This can be done by running the code and observing the machine’s movements. If any errors are encountered, the code should be adjusted accordingly. Once the machine is functioning properly, the user can move on to the next step.

Generating the G-Code

The next step in the DIY Homework Arduino Drawing and Writing Machine tutorial is to generate the G-Code. This is done by exporting the code from the Arduino IDE and then applying it to the G-Code generator. The G-Code generator will then generate the necessary G-Code for the machine to draw and write.

Printing the Output

The final step in the DIY Homework Arduino Drawing and Writing Machine tutorial is to print the output. This can be done by copying the G-Code file to a folder on the computer and then printing it using a printer. Once the output is printed, the user can observe the results and make any necessary adjustments.

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