How PIR Sensors Work

PIR sensors are passive infrared sensors that detect infrared light emitted from objects in their field of view. They are commonly used in home security systems and motion activated lights, as they are able to detect changes in infrared light in their environment. These sensors do not emit any infrared light of their own, and instead measure infrared light from the environment. As such, they are able to detect body heat or other sources of infrared light, such as a candle, but will not detect inanimate objects that are just at ambient temperature, as they do not emit a lot of infrared light. PIR sensors have domed plastic lenses on them that give them a wide field of view, and generally only one sensor is needed to cover an entire room.

PIR Sensor Pinouts

PIR sensors typically have three pins, which are used to power the sensor and detect motion. The pins are labeled VCC, digital signal out, and ground. VCC is used to power the sensor, while the digital signal out pin is used to detect motion. Depending on the sensor, the digital signal out pin may be active high or active low, meaning it will output a high or low signal when motion is detected. The ground pin is used to complete the circuit.

Using a PIR Sensor with Arduino

Using a PIR sensor with Arduino is relatively straightforward. The VCC pin is connected to the 5V pin on the Arduino, the ground pin is connected to the ground pin on the Arduino, and the digital signal out pin is connected to a digital pin on the Arduino. Once the circuit is set up, the Arduino can be programmed to detect motion. When the PIR sensor detects motion, it will output a high or low signal, depending on the type of sensor, and the Arduino can be programmed to respond accordingly.

Understanding the PIR Sensor

A PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor is a device that detects motion by measuring infrared light radiating from objects in its field of view. This type of sensor is commonly used in home security systems and automated lighting applications. It is also used in robotics and other automated systems. The PIR sensor is relatively simple to use and can be used to detect motion in a variety of applications.

Connecting the PIR Sensor to Arduino

In order to use a PIR sensor with Arduino, it is important to understand the different components of the sensor and how they are connected. Different companies make PIR sensors, and while they all generally operate the same, it is important to double-check the labels on the pins to ensure they are connected correctly. Additionally, some sensors may have one or two potentiometers or a jumper pin on the board that can be adjusted to change the sensitivity of the sensor or the delay time after it detects motion. The physical connection to the sensor can also vary depending on the manufacturer. Male-female jumper wires can be used to connect to the male header pins, and the other end of the wire can be connected to a breadboard or directly to the Arduino.

Writing the Code

Once the PIR sensor is connected to the Arduino, the next step is to write the code that will allow the Arduino to detect motion. The code should include a setup function that will define the pin the sensor is connected to and a loop function that will detect motion and take the appropriate action. The code should also include a delay to allow the sensor to reset after it has detected motion.

Testing the Sensor

Once the code is written, it is important to test the sensor to make sure it is working properly. This can be done by waving a hand in front of the sensor or moving an object in its field of view. If the sensor is working correctly, the Arduino should detect the motion and take the appropriate action.

Overview of PIR Sensor

A PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor is a device that detects infrared radiation emitted from objects in its field of view. This type of sensor is commonly used in home security systems and automated lighting systems, as it is able to detect movement within its range. The sensor is self-contained and does not require any additional external parts to function.

How to Use a PIR Sensor with Arduino

Using a PIR sensor with an Arduino is a relatively simple process. The first step is to connect the PIR sensor to the Arduino. The PIR sensor has three pins: a ground pin, a power pin, and an output signal pin. The ground pin should be connected to the ground of the Arduino, the power pin should be connected to 5 volts from the Arduino, and the output signal pin should be connected to one of the Arduino’s digital pins.

Sensitivity of PIR Sensor

The sensitivity of the PIR sensor can be adjusted depending on the application. Generally, the sensor is extremely sensitive and can detect even the slightest of movements. However, if the field of view needs to be restricted, a cardboard tube can be placed over the sensor to limit its range of detection.

Circuit Diagram and Code

Once the PIR sensor is connected to the Arduino, the circuit diagram and code can be written to make the system work. The circuit diagram is very simple, as the PIR sensor does not require any additional external parts. The code should be written to detect any changes in the infrared radiation emitted from objects in the sensor’s field of view. Once the code is written, the Arduino can be programmed to perform a certain action when the sensor is triggered.

We set the pin modes for both of our pins, the LED is an output and the sensor is an input. We also set the initial state of the LED to off. In our loop function, we just read the value of the sensor pin and if it is high, we turn the LED on and set the motion detected variable to true. If the sensor is low, we turn the LED off and set the motion detected variable to false.

Introduction to PIR Sensor

A passive infrared (PIR) sensor is a device used to detect motion from infrared energy emitted from objects in its field of view. It is commonly used in security systems, and can be used to detect movement of people, animals, and other objects. PIR sensors are relatively simple to use and can be used with an Arduino to create a variety of projects.

Connecting a PIR Sensor to an Arduino

To connect a PIR sensor to an Arduino, you will need to use a breadboard and some jumper wires. The PIR sensor has three pins: VCC, OUT, and GND. Connect the VCC pin to the 5V pin on the Arduino, the OUT pin to a digital pin on the Arduino, and the GND pin to the GND pin on the Arduino. You can also connect an LED to the Arduino to indicate when motion is detected.

Writing the Code

The code to control the LED with the sensor is very simple and pretty much identical to what you would use to control the LED with a button. At the beginning of the code, you need to declare two constant variables for the pins – one for the LED and one for the PIR sensor. In the setup function, you need to set the pin modes for both of the pins – the LED is an output and the sensor is an input. You also need to set the initial state of the LED to off. In the loop function, you need to read the value of the sensor pin and if it is high, you turn the LED on and set the motion detected variable to true. If the sensor is low, you turn the LED off and set the motion detected variable to false.

Testing the Circuit

Once the circuit is connected and the code is written, you can test it by waving your hand in front of the PIR sensor. The LED should turn on when motion is detected and turn off when there is no motion. If the LED does not turn on, you may need to adjust the sensitivity of the PIR sensor.

Using a PIR Sensor with Arduino

A PIR (Passive Infrared) Sensor is a device used to detect motion from heat-emitting bodies. It is commonly used in security systems and can be used with Arduino to detect motion. In this lesson, we will learn how to use a PIR Sensor with Arduino.

Setting Up the Sensor

To begin, we must first set up the PIR Sensor. We use the pin mode command to set the LED pin as an output and the P pin as an input, without the internal pullup resistor enabled.

Looping Through the Sensor

In the loop function, we use the digital read command to read the P pin to see if motion is detected. If motion is detected, the variable will be high or true, and the LED will be turned on. If motion is not detected, the LED will be turned off.

Testing the Sensor

When testing the sensor in tinkercad, we can click on the PIR sensor and simulate dragging an object around in front of the sensor which activates the sensor. As we can see from the internal LEDs, the code will light up the external LED. We may notice that when we stop moving the object, there is a bit of a lag where the LED stays on. The delay depends on the sensor; for some of them, it might be adjustable. We can check the data sheet for our sensor to see if there is a potentiometer that lets us adjust that delay.

What is a PIR Sensor?

A PIR (Passive InfraRed) sensor is a device that detects motion by measuring infrared (IR) light radiating from objects in its field of view. It is commonly used in security systems and automatic lighting applications. When motion is detected, the sensor triggers an output signal that can be used to activate an alarm or switch on a light.

How Does a PIR Sensor Work?

PIR sensors detect changes in the infrared radiation emitted by objects in their field of view. When an object moves, it changes the amount of infrared radiation in the area. The sensor detects this change and triggers an output signal.

How to Connect a PIR Sensor to an Arduino?

Connecting a PIR sensor to an Arduino is relatively simple. The PIR sensor has three pins: VCC, GND, and OUT. Connect the VCC pin to the 5V pin on the Arduino, the GND pin to ground, and the OUT pin to digital pin 2 on the Arduino.

How to Program an Arduino to Use a PIR Sensor?

Programming an Arduino to use a PIR sensor is relatively straightforward. The code below will detect motion and turn on an LED when motion is detected.


Int ledPin = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13

Int pirPin = 2; // PIR connected to digital pin 2

Int pirState = LOW; // PIR state

Void setup() {

PinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // Set LED pin as output

PinMode(pirPin, INPUT); // Set PIR pin as input

Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial communication


Void loop() {

PirState = digitalRead(pirPin); // Read PIR state

If (pirState == HIGH) { // If motion is detected

DigitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn on LED

Serial.println(“Motion detected!”); // Print message to serial monitor

} else {

DigitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Turn off LED



PIR sensors are a great way to add motion detection to any Arduino project. They are passive infrared sensors that detect infrared light emitted from objects in their field of view, and are commonly used in home security systems and motion activated lights. PIR sensors typically have three pins, which are used to power the sensor and detect motion. Using a PIR sensor with Arduino is relatively straightforward, and the Arduino can be programmed to detect motion and respond accordingly.

Using a PIR sensor with Arduino is a relatively simple process. It is important to understand the different components of the sensor and how they are connected, as well as to write the code that will allow the Arduino to detect motion. Once the code is written, it is important to test the sensor to ensure it is working properly. With the right setup, a PIR sensor can be used to detect motion in a variety of applications.

Using a PIR sensor with an Arduino is a simple and effective way to detect motion. With just a few components and some basic code, you can create a variety of projects that use motion detection.

Using a PIR sensor with an Arduino is a simple and effective way to detect motion. With just a few lines of code, you can detect motion and trigger an output signal. For more information on using PIR sensors with Arduino, check out the video description for over a thousand other projects in all areas of Science and Engineering, or visit

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