Types of Vibration Motors

Vibration motors are small motors that are typically used in devices such as video game controllers and cellphones to make them vibrate. There are two main types of vibration motors: eccentric rotating mass (ERM) motors and pancake or coin vibration motors.

ERM Motors

ERM motors have an off-center weight attached to the motor shaft. When the motor spins, the off-center weight causes the motor to wobble, creating the vibration. ERM motors come in a wide variety of sizes, allowing for a stronger vibration if needed.

Pancake or Coin Vibration Motors

Pancake or coin vibration motors are self-contained and sealed. The smaller rotating mass is completely inside the motor, making them more compact and easier to mount. They usually come with an adhesive backing, allowing them to be easily stuck onto a surface.

Which Motor is Better?

Which type of vibration motor is better depends on the application. ERM motors offer a wider variety of sizes, allowing for a stronger vibration if needed. Pancake or coin vibration motors are more compact and easier to mount.

Connecting the Vibration Motor to the Arduino

In order to use a vibration motor with an Arduino, it is necessary to make a connection between the motor and the Arduino. This connection can be made using either a soldering iron or needle nose pliers. When using a soldering iron, the wires from the motor must be soldered to some solid jumper wire, which can then be inserted into the breadboard. Alternatively, the wires can be twisted together and crimped with the needle nose pliers, and then secured with electrical tape or heat shrink tubing. It is important to note that these motors can draw over 100 milliamps of current, which is more than can be provided by the Arduino’s digital pins directly.

Controlling the Vibration Motor with the Arduino

Once the motor is connected to the Arduino, it can be controlled using the Arduino’s digital pins. To do this, the digital pins must be set to either HIGH or LOW. When the pin is set to HIGH, the motor will turn on, and when it is set to LOW, the motor will turn off. Additionally, the motor can be set to vibrate at different speeds by using the Arduino’s pulse-width modulation (PWM) pins. By varying the pulse width, the motor can be made to vibrate at different speeds.

Using the Vibration Motor in Projects

Vibration motors can be used in a variety of projects, such as haptic feedback devices, robotic arms, and vibration alert systems. Additionally, they can be used to create tactile sensations in virtual reality applications. Furthermore, they can be used to create tactile feedback in gaming controllers, such as steering wheels and joysticks. Finally, they can be used in a variety of other applications, such as vibrating chairs, massage chairs, and vibrating beds.

When the button is pressed, we have a vibration motor connected to the circuit. This is a small DC motor with an off center weight on it, which causes it to vibrate when it is powered.

Circuit Requirements

In order to power the vibration motor, we need to use a transistor. This is because the Arduino pins can only provide up to 20 milliamps of current, which is not enough to drive the motor. The transistor acts as a switch to allow the Arduino to control a much larger current. In this circuit, we are using a PNP transistor, which is connected to the Arduino pin and to the motor. The transistor is also connected to the 5V power supply and to ground.

Using Tinkercad Circuits

In order to test the circuit, we are going to use Tinkercad Circuits, which is a free online Arduino simulator. To access the circuit, you can find a link to it in the description of this video. Once you have the circuit open, you can copy and edit it on your own.

Circuit Overview

Looking at the circuit, we have a button which is connected to 5V on one side and to ground through an external 10 kohm pull down resistor on the other side. This side of the button is also connected to one of the Arduino’s digital pins. The vibration motor is connected to the circuit and is powered by a PNP transistor. The transistor is connected to the Arduino pin, to the motor, to the 5V power supply, and to ground.

Example Code

The code for this circuit is relatively simple. We start by declaring the pin that the button is connected to and the pin that the transistor is connected to. Then, we set up a loop that checks the state of the button. If the button is pressed, the transistor is turned on and the motor is powered. If the button is not pressed, the transistor is turned off and the motor is not powered.

Connecting the Motor

In order to use the vibration motor with the Arduino, it needs to be connected to the mosfet. The motor has two wires, a red and a black. The red wire is connected to the drain pin of the mosfet and the black wire is connected to ground. This will allow the current to flow from the 5V supply of the Arduino, through the mosfet, and then to the motor.

Connecting the Transistor

The mosfet needs to be connected to the Arduino in order to control the motor. The gate pin is connected to one of the digital pins of the Arduino, in this case pin 8. The source pin is connected to the 5V supply of the Arduino and the drain pin is connected to the red wire of the motor. This will allow the Arduino to control the current flowing through the motor by turning the mosfet on and off.

Writing the Code

The code for controlling the motor is fairly simple. We just need to set the pin connected to the gate of the mosfet to be an output and then set it to HIGH or LOW depending on whether we want the motor to be on or off. When the pin is set to HIGH, the current will flow through the motor and it will start to vibrate. When the pin is set to LOW, the current will not flow and the motor will stop vibrating.

Testing the Motor

Once the code is uploaded to the Arduino, we can test the motor by pressing the button. When the button is pressed, the motor should start to vibrate and when it is released, the motor should stop. If the motor does not work, then it is likely that there is a problem with the connections or the code.

Understanding the Vibration Motor

A vibration motor is an electronic device used to generate vibration. It typically consists of a stator, rotor, and a gate pin. The stator is the stationary part of the motor, while the rotor is the rotating part. The gate pin is the electronic control pin that determines how much current flows through the motor. No current actually flows into the gate pin itself; it just controls the current flowing from an external power supply.

Connecting the Vibration Motor to the Arduino

To use the vibration motor with an Arduino, the gate pin needs to be connected to one of the Arduino’s IO pins. The drain pin is connected to the negative lead from the motor, while the source pin is connected to ground. The positive lead from the motor is then connected to 5 volts from the Arduino. This creates a path for current to flow from the 5V supply on the Arduino through the board, through the jumper wire, through the motor, into the positive wire, out through the negative wire, into the MOSFET’s drain pin, out the MOSFET’s source pin, and then back to ground.

Controlling the Vibration Motor with the Arduino

Once the vibration motor is connected to the Arduino, it can be controlled using the Arduino’s IO pins. By setting the IO pin to HIGH, the gate pin is activated and current flows through the motor, causing it to vibrate. Conversely, setting the IO pin to LOW will deactivate the gate pin, stopping the current flow and thus stopping the vibration. This allows for precise control over the vibration motor, allowing it to be used in a variety of applications.

Overview of Vibration Motor with Arduino

A vibration motor is a device used to create vibrations, which can be used for a variety of applications such as providing tactile feedback or alerting users of incoming notifications. In this lesson, we will learn how to use a vibration motor with an Arduino. We will also learn how to write code to control the motor and how to use a transistor to protect the Arduinos IO pins from the higher current required by the motor.

Hardware Setup

To use a vibration motor with an Arduino, we will need the following components: an Arduino board, a vibration motor, a transistor, a 10k ohm resistor, and a push button. First, we will connect the vibration motor to the transistor. The collector of the transistor should be connected to the positive terminal of the vibration motor, and the emitter should be connected to the negative terminal. Then, we will connect the base of the transistor to digital pin 8 of the Arduino board. Finally, we will connect the 10k ohm resistor between the base of the transistor and the push button.


The code to control the motor with the button is very simple. It is identical to the code used to control an LED with a button. The only difference is in the hardware, where an LED can be connected directly to the Arduinos IO pins, but for the motor we need the transistor since it requires more current.

In the setup function, we declare variables for the button pin and the motor pin. We also declare a variable for the button state. We use the pin mode command to set the button pin as an input and the motor pin as an output. We also initialize serial communications so we can print the status of the motor out to the serial monitor in the loop function.

In the loop function, we use the digital read command to read the button pin and then, if the button state is high, we use digital write to turn the motor pin on. We also print out to the serial monitor that the motor is on. If the button is not pressed (so the input state is low), we use digital write to turn the motor pin off and we print off to the serial monitor that the motor is off.

Protection of Arduino IO Pins

It is important to note that the Arduinos IO pins can be damaged if too much current is passed through them. To protect the IO pins, we use a transistor. The transistor acts as a switch, allowing current to flow through the motor when the transistor is turned on. Since the transistor requires a lower current than the motor, we can connect it directly to the Arduinos IO pins without damaging them.

Overview of Vibration Motor

A vibration motor is a small motor that creates a vibrating motion when powered. It is commonly used in applications such as cell phones, toys, and other electronic devices. The motor is typically connected to an Arduino board, which can be used to control the motors speed and intensity.

Connecting the Motor to the Arduino

The vibration motor can be connected to the Arduino board using a digital or analog pin. If the motor is to be used for continuous vibration, a digital pin should be used. If the motor is to be used for varying speeds or intensities, an analog pin should be used. It is important to note that the pins used must be compatible with the Arduino board, as indicated by the squiggly mark on the board.

Using the Motor with Arduino

The motor can be used with the Arduino board by using the digitalWrite command. When the button is pressed, the motor will turn on and the Arduino will simulate this with a vibrating animation. To vary the speed or intensity of the motor, the analogWrite command should be used. Additionally, pulsed or intermittent vibrations can be created by alternating digitalWrite commands with short delays in between them.

Powering the Motor

For single, small motors, it is generally okay to power them directly from the 5V supply on the Arduino. However, for larger motors, an external power source may be needed. It is important to ensure that the power source is compatible with the motor and the Arduino board.

Using a Vibration Motor with Arduino

Vibration motors are used in a variety of applications, from providing tactile feedback in consumer electronics to providing propulsion in robots. In this lesson, we will learn how to use a vibration motor with an Arduino.

Connecting the Motor to the Arduino

The first step is to connect the vibration motor to the Arduino. The motor should have two wires: one for power and one for ground. Connect the power wire to a digital pin on the Arduino and the ground wire to the Arduino’s ground pin.

Powering the Motor

The Arduino can provide enough power to run the motor, but it is generally a good idea to use an external power supply if you are using multiple motors or a larger motor. A common external power supply is a 4xaa battery pack, which can be connected to the circuit and breadboard as follows:

First, make sure that the ground buses on the breadboard are connected to the ground pin on the Arduino and to the negative wire of the battery pack. It is important to ensure that the two different positive voltages (5 volts from the Arduino and 6 volts from the battery pack) are not short-circuited together. To do this, delete the jumper wire and connect the power bus on the breadboard to the 6 volts. This will ensure that the entire circuit has a common ground and that the two positive voltages are isolated.

Controlling the Motor with the Arduino

Once the motor is connected to the Arduino, you can control it using code. To turn the motor on, set the digital pin connected to the motor’s power wire to HIGH. To turn the motor off, set the pin to LOW. You can also use pulse-width modulation (PWM) to control the speed of the motor.


Understanding the Basics of Vibration Motors

Vibration motors are small, powerful devices that are used to generate vibrations. They are commonly used in electronic devices such as cell phones, game controllers, and medical devices. Vibration motors are typically powered by an external power source, such as a battery or an Arduino. When connected to an Arduino, vibration motors can be used to create a variety of effects, from simple vibrations to complex patterns.

Choosing the Right Motor

When selecting a vibration motor for an Arduino project, it is important to consider the voltage and current ratings of the motor. Some motors may only be rated for 3 volts, while others may be rated for 6 volts or more. It is important to check the motor’s specifications before connecting it to an Arduino. Additionally, it is important to consider the size of the motor and the amount of current it will draw from the Arduino.

Connecting the Motor to an Arduino

Once the correct motor has been chosen, it is time to connect it to the Arduino. The motor should be connected to a power source, such as a battery or an external power supply. The power source should be connected to the Arduino’s power pins. The motor should then be connected to the Arduino’s digital pins. The digital pins can be used to control the speed and direction of the motor.

Controlling the Motor with Arduino

Once the motor is connected to the Arduino, it can be controlled with code. The Arduino can be programmed to control the speed and direction of the motor. Additionally, the Arduino can be programmed to create complex patterns with the motor. This can be used to create a variety of effects, such as vibrations, pulses, and oscillations.

In this lesson, we learned how to use a vibration motor with an Arduino. We discussed the circuit requirements, how to use Tinkercad Circuits, and the example code. With this knowledge, you should be able to create your own circuits with vibration motors.

Using a vibration motor with an Arduino is a fairly simple process. All that is needed is a transistor, some wires, and a few lines of code. Once everything is connected and the code is uploaded, the motor can be tested by pressing the button and observing the results.

Using a vibration motor with an Arduino is a relatively simple process. By connecting the gate pin to an IO pin, the motor can be controlled using the Arduino’s IO pins. This allows for precise control over the vibration motor, allowing it to be used in a variety of applications.

In this lesson, we have learned how to use a vibration motor with an Arduino. We have seen how to connect the hardware and write code to control the motor. We have also seen how to use a transistor to protect the Arduinos IO pins from the higher current required by the motor. With this knowledge, we can now use vibration motors in our projects.

In this lesson, we have learned how to use a vibration motor with an Arduino. We have connected the motor to the Arduino, powered it with an external power supply, and used code to control it. With this knowledge, you can now use vibration motors in your own projects.

Vibration motors are powerful devices that can be used to create a variety of effects. When selecting a motor, it is important to consider the voltage and current ratings of the motor. Once the motor is connected to an Arduino, it can be controlled with code. With the right code, the Arduino can be used to create complex patterns with the motor.

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