Overview of the Arduino 7-Segment Tutorial

This Arduino tutorial will guide you through the process of using the 7-segment display with digital signals and if statement application. The 7-segment display consists of seven LEDs (Lids a-g) arranged in a rectangular pattern and two common anodes (3 and 8). Each LED has two terminals, one for the positive voltage (P) and the other for the negative voltage (C). To make the segment show number one, the 5V is connected to the P and C terminals and 0V is connected to the common.


To connect the push buttons to the Arduino board, the common, one and two are connected to the ground of the board. The lead a is connected to the digital pin 0, lead b to digital pin 1, lead c to digital pin 2, lead d to digital pin 3, lead e to digital pin 4, lead f to digital pin 5 and lead g to digital pin 6. The push buttons are then connected to 5V and the other side is connected to the digital pins 7 to 13.


In the program, seven constants are defined for the seven segment lids output pins. Then seven constants are defined for the seven push buttons input pins. After that, seven init variables are defined for reading signals from the push buttons.

In the void setup, the digital pins are configured as outputs for the seven segment lids and inputs for the push buttons.

In the void loop, the main program is started by reading the push buttons inputs and putting them in the seven init variables. Then an if statement is used to check the push buttons inputs and make the seven segment show the number that is desired.

Digital Signals and If Statement Application

Arduino is a powerful and versatile platform for creating digital devices. It is often used to create interactive projects, such as those involving seven segment displays. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Arduino with seven segment displays, digital signals, and if statement applications.

Using Digital Signals

The first step in using Arduino with seven segment displays is to set up the digital signals. This involves connecting the seven segment display to the Arduino board. The seven segment display is connected to the Arduino board using digital pins. Each of the seven segments is connected to a different digital pin. The digital pins are then configured to control the seven segment display.

Using If Statements

Once the digital signals are set up, the next step is to use if statements to control the seven segment display. This involves using if statements to check if the binary value of a push button is high. If it is high, then the seven segment display will show the corresponding number. For example, if the binary value of a push button is high, then the seven segment display will show the number one. The same can be done for other numbers by using the else statement.

Making the Seven Segment Display Show Numbers

To make the seven segment display show numbers, the required leads must be identified. For example, to show the number one, the required leads are two and three. To show the number two, the required leads are four and five. To show the number three, the required leads are six and seven. To show the number four, the required leads are eight and nine. To show the number five, the required leads are ten and eleven. To show the number six, the required leads are twelve and thirteen. Finally, when no push button is pressed, all the leads will be low, so the else statement must be used to make this action.

This Arduino tutorial has outlined the process of using the 7-segment display with digital signals and if statement application. The 7-segment display consists of seven LEDs (Lids a-g) and two common anodes (3 and 8). Connections are made between the push buttons and the Arduino board, and seven constants are defined for the seven segment lids output pins and seven constants are defined for the seven push buttons input pins. In the void setup, the digital pins are configured as outputs for the seven segment lids and inputs for the push buttons. In the void loop, the main program is started by reading the push buttons inputs and putting them in the seven init variables. Then an if statement is used to check the push buttons inputs and make the seven segment show the number that is desired.

Using Arduino with seven segment displays, digital signals, and if statement applications is a powerful and versatile way to create interactive projects. By setting up the digital signals, using if statements to control the seven segment display, and identifying the required leads to show numbers, it is possible to create interactive projects with Arduino and seven segment displays.

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