The TLE9563 IC

The TLE9563 IC is a powerful and versatile device that can be used in a variety of applications. It is a 32-bit microcontroller with an integrated analog-to-digital converter and a wide range of peripherals. It is capable of performing complex calculations and controlling multiple devices simultaneously. The TLE9563 IC is also equipped with an on-board Ethernet controller, allowing it to connect to the internet and other networks.

The TLE9563 Development Board

The TLE9563 Development Board is a great way to quickly and easily test out the capabilities of the TLE9563 IC. The board comes with a comprehensive set of features, including a USB port, an LCD display, and a variety of I/O ports. The board also includes an on-board debugger, allowing users to quickly and easily debug their code. The board is also compatible with a variety of development environments, including Arduino and mbed.

The XPLR AOA 2 Explorer Kit

The XPLR AOA 2 Explorer Kit is a powerful development board that is designed to help users explore the capabilities of the AOA 2 wireless protocol. The board comes with a range of features, including an LCD display, an on-board debugger, and a variety of I/O ports. The board is also compatible with a variety of development environments, including Arduino and mbed.

The STM32F746G-DISCO Board

The STM32F746G-DISCO Board is a powerful development board that is designed to help users explore the capabilities of the STM32F746G microcontroller. The board comes with a range of features, including an LCD display, an on-board debugger, and a variety of I/O ports. The board is also compatible with a variety of development environments, including Arduino and mbed.

The STM32L4 Discovery Kit

The STM32L4 Discovery Kit is a powerful development board that is designed to help users explore the capabilities of the STM32L4 microcontroller. The board comes with a range of features, including an LCD display, an on-board debugger, and a variety of I/O ports. The board is also compatible with a variety of development environments, including Arduino and mbed.

Development boards are a great way to quickly and easily test out the capabilities of new ICs and microcontrollers. They come with a range of features, including LCD displays, on-board debuggers, and a variety of I/O ports. They are also compatible with a variety of development environments, making them an ideal choice for those looking to explore the capabilities of new ICs and microcontrollers.

But it is meant to be a development environment where you can tweak the settings and parameters of the board and then upload them to the board.. So I was able to do that and I was able to adjust the settings of the board and then upload them to the board.

Testing the BLDC Motor Control Shield

The BLDC Motor Control Shield is a powerful tool for controlling brushless DC motors. It comes with a 22-page documentation, and is designed to be customizable with its settings. To test the board, I used a uIO Stick and an Arduino Board, as well as a power source and a BLDC motor.

Installing the Software

I installed the required software and was able to connect to the system. This software is not meant to get a motor spinning, but it is meant to be a development environment where one can tweak the settings and parameters of the board and then upload them to the board.

Adjusting the Settings

I was able to adjust the settings of the board and then upload them to the board. This allowed me to configure the board to my specific needs. I was also able to reverse and fine-tune safety parameters, something that is not possible with a generic Electronic Speed Controller.

The Challenge of Soldering

Soldering header pins to a board can be a difficult task, especially when the solder points are already filled with solder. This was the case with the Future Tech Board I was working with, and it took me a full hour of frustration before I was able to get the board connected to an Arduino Uno.

The Tutorial

Fortunately, the board came with a comprehensive Arduino library tutorial that explained how to install the necessary libraries, how to write simple code, and how to control the motor through the serial monitor. After uploading the most basic example sketch, I was thrilled to find that the motor spun smoothly and that the RPM was adjustable. I was also able to reverse the motor and select an RPM mode that allowed the system to maintain the desired RPM even when a load was attached.

The Hall Effect Encoder Input

The board also featured a hall effect encoder input, which made the movement of the motor even more reliable. This was a great feature that made the board even more suitable for BLDC motor control.


Although the Future Tech Board was a great device, the VESC is still the better choice for end consumers due to its graphical user interface. However, the IC and dev board, whose schematic is available for everyone to remake, could be a promising alternative.

IQS231 IC: Capacitive Proximity, Touch Controller with Movement Detection

The IQS231 IC is a capacitive proximity, touch controller with movement detection. The board comes with one large PCB and three small ones that are built around the IC. When the board is powered on and a finger is brought close to the sense electrode, the LEDs next to the IC start lighting up. The blue LED indicates that the finger is in proximity range and the green LED indicates that there has been movement or the electrode got touched. This system works reliably and is more sensitive than other capacitive touch sensor boards as it can detect movements even when the finger is centimeters away.

Fine-Tuning Settings

The increased sensitivity of the IQS231 IC is achieved by measuring how often the electrode capacitance needs to be charged up. It is possible to fine-tune the settings via I2C or the communication port. However, the USBProg device needed to access the communication port did not work with the software provided by the manufacturer.


The increased sensitivity of the IQS231 IC opens the door for many applications. It can be used to detect movements and proximity in a variety of scenarios, such as in gaming, robotics, and virtual reality. It can also be used to detect gestures and movements in interactive displays and kiosks.

Ublox’s 4 Future Tech Boards

Ublox’s 4 Future Tech Boards are an impressive set of dev boards that come with 4 identical, big PCBs and 4 smaller white boxes. The big PCBs are built around the NINA B411, while the small PCBs are built around the NINA B406. These Bluetooth 5.1 modules are used together as an indoor positioning system, utilizing Angle of Arrival technology to measure the phase shift between the different antennas on the board.

Installation and Setup

Installing and setting up the Ublox’s 4 Future Tech Boards requires a few steps. First, the s center software must be installed. Then, the correct firmware must be uploaded to both the big board and the small board. Finally, the boards must be powered. This process can take up to two hours.

Testing the System

Once the boards are powered, the blue LED should blink, indicating that the tracker is sending out data and the receiver board is spitting out messages over the serial monitor. To confirm that the system is working, the Graphical User Interface of the given software can be used to check that the azimuth angle and elevation angle change according to where the tracker is positioned.

Bluetooth Positioning System

The Bluetooth Positioning System (BPS) is a revolutionary technology that can be used to track the position of a transmitter in a given environment. This system utilizes a serial monitor to acquire angle information and then feed it into a servo system, which can then be used to accurately point to the tracker.

Testing the BPS

In order to test the BPS, I connected some hardware to the Arduino and positioned it correctly. After the initial setup, I was able to successfully test the servo system and it worked as expected. This indicates that the BPS is a very promising technology with a wide range of applications.

The Dev Kit

The development kit for the BPS was provided by Crocus and it came with four identical PCBs. After removing the copper bus bar on top, I was able to see the CT452 IC underneath, which is able to measure the magnetic flux density and convert it into an analog voltage.


In order to program the BPS, I utilized ChatGPT, a powerful AI-based programming tool. With the help of ChatGPT, I was able to solve the programming problem in just 15 minutes. This indicates the potential of ChatGPT as a programming tool.

The Future of Measuring Current

The future of measuring current is here with the introduction of future tech boards. These boards are designed to measure current in a variety of ways, including measuring the voltage drop across a low value resistor or using a current clamp to measure the magnetic flux density. The boards come with either PCB traces or a Bus Bar, which requires cutting the wire.

Testing the Board

To test the board, the output voltage was measured when powering the board. The normal value of 1.65V quickly changed when a magnet was brought close due to its magnetic flux density of 380mT, which is way too much for the 6mT limit of the IC. The output voltage was stable, repeatable and very linear, even when reversing the current direction, when pushing up to 20A next to it. However, the voltage change is small when measuring smaller currents, as the board can handle 75A or even 300A with its bus bar.

Advantages of the Board

The advantages of the board are numerous. It is easy to use, with no need for a current clamp or a low value resistor. It also has a high current capacity, with the ability to measure up to 300A with its bus bar. Furthermore, the output voltage is stable, repeatable and very linear, even when reversing the current direction.

Overview of the Future Tech Boards

The future tech boards I tried out were all equipped with the latest Integrated Circuits (ICs). These ICs are designed to perform a variety of tasks, from measuring small fluctuations in current to controlling the speed of a motor. Each board had its own unique features, allowing me to explore the capabilities of the ICs in different ways.

Measuring Current with the ICs

One of the most interesting tasks I was able to complete with the ICs was measuring a small fluctuating current. To do this, I had to be aware of any noise that could interfere with the accuracy of the measurement. To ensure a low noise amplifier circuit, I had to be mindful of the components used and the layout of the circuit. After some trial and error, I was able to successfully measure the current with the ICs.

Controlling Motor Speed with the ICs

Another task I was able to complete with the ICs was controlling the speed of a motor. To do this, I had to use the ICs to create a voltage regulator circuit. This allowed me to adjust the voltage going to the motor, thus controlling its speed. After some experimentation, I was able to successfully control the speed of the motor with the ICs.

The BLDC Motor Control Shield is a great tool for controlling brushless DC motors. It is cost-effective, customizable, and allows for reverse and fine-tuning of safety parameters. It is a great alternative to the more expensive VESC, and I would highly recommend it for anyone looking to control BLDC motors.

Ublox’s 4 Future Tech Boards are an impressive set of dev boards that can be used to create an indoor positioning system. The installation and setup process can be lengthy, but once it is complete, the system can be tested to ensure it is working correctly.

The Bluetooth Positioning System is a revolutionary technology that can be used to track the position of a transmitter in a given environment. After testing the BPS, I was able to successfully use a servo system to accurately point to the tracker. The development kit provided by Crocus came with four identical PCBs and the CT452 IC underneath was able to measure the magnetic flux density and convert it into an analog voltage. Finally, I was able to utilize ChatGPT to solve the programming problem in just 15 minutes. This indicates the potential of the BPS and ChatGPT as powerful tools for various applications.

The future tech board is an innovative way to measure current. It is easy to use, has a high current capacity, and produces a stable, repeatable and linear output voltage. It is a great solution for measuring current in a variety of applications.

Overall, I was very pleased with the results of my experiments with the future tech boards. I was able to explore the capabilities of the ICs in different ways, from measuring current to controlling motor speed. I am looking forward to seeing what else these ICs are capable of in the future.

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