Introduction to the Project

This project is designed to create a light-up activity timer with Arduino. It utilizes a flexible force sensor, hidden inside a stuffed animal, to activate the timer. The timer and green LED turn on after a set amount of time. When the activity is over, the green LED turns off and the red LED turns on.

Components Needed

To create this project, you will need a few components. These include an Arduino board, two LEDs of different colors, a 220 ohm current limiting resistor, a 10 kilo-ohm resistor, and a flexible force sensor.

Creating the Circuit

The circuit is created on a breadboard, with the two LEDs connected to the Arduino’s digital pins with male-to-male jumper wires. The force sensor is connected in series with the 10 kilo-ohm resistor, forming a voltage divider circuit. This allows the Arduino to measure the analog voltage output from the voltage divider circuit, as the Arduino cannot measure changes in resistance directly.

Coding the Arduino

The code for the Arduino is relatively simple. It waits for a press on the force sensor that exceeds a certain threshold, at which point it lights up. A separate tutorial video is available to explain the four sensors and how they work.

Testing the Circuit

Once the circuit is complete, it is time to test it. The timer and green LED should turn on after a set amount of time. When the activity is over, the green LED should turn off and the red LED should turn on. If the circuit is not working properly, it may be necessary to adjust the code or check the connections.

Using Arduino to Create a Light-Up Activity Timer

The Arduino platform is a great way to create a light-up activity timer that can be used for a variety of science projects. This project requires a few components, including an Arduino board, a breadboard, a force sensor, two LEDs, and male to female jumper wires. To begin, the green LED should be connected to the breadboard and the force sensor should be connected to the breadboard. The green LED will wait for a predetermined amount of time before lighting up the red LED. Once the red LED is lit, the timer will reset and wait for another press on the force sensor.

Connecting Components with Jumper Wires

Male to female jumper wires are used to connect the components to the breadboard. One end of the jumper wire has a pin that plugs into the breadboard, while the other end has a hole for the LED or the pins of the force sensor. To ensure a secure connection, it is recommended to use a piece of tape to hold the jumper wire in place.

Mounting the Force Sensor Inside a Stuffed Animal

To mount the force sensor inside a stuffed animal, a small slit should be cut with scissors or a hobby knife. The circular part of the force sensor should then be slid into the slit just below the surface. Male to female jumper wires can then be used to connect the pins of the force sensor to the breadboard.

Using TinkerCAD Circuits to View the Circuit and Code

TinkerCAD Circuits is a free online Arduino simulator that can be used to view the circuit in more detail and examine the code. This simulator allows users to test the code and make any necessary adjustments before implementing the project.

Circuit Overview

This project requires two LEDs, each with a current limiting 220 Ohm resistor connected from the LEDs’ negative side or cathode to ground, and the positive side or anode of each LED connected to one of the Arduino’s digital pins. Additionally, a force sensor is connected to the breadboard, with one of its pins connected to 5 volts from the Arduino and the other pin connected to one of the Arduino’s analog input pins. This pin is also connected in series with a 10 kilo Ohm resistor that goes to ground.

Code Overview

The code for this project is relatively straightforward, and does not require much editing unless additional features are desired. The code is divided into two sections: the setup and the loop. In the setup section, the LEDs and the force sensor are initialized. In the loop section, the code checks the force sensor’s value and turns on the LEDs accordingly.

Setup Section

In the setup section, the LEDs and force sensor are initialized. First, the LEDs are set to output mode and given a value of LOW, which turns them off. Then, the force sensor is set to input mode and given a value of HIGH, which sets it to read values from the analog input pin.

Loop Section

In the loop section, the code checks the force sensor’s value and turns on the LEDs accordingly. First, the code reads the analog input from the force sensor and stores it in a variable. Then, it checks if the value is greater than a certain threshold. If it is, the code turns on the LEDs and sets their values to HIGH. If the value is not greater than the threshold, the LEDs are turned off and their values are set to LOW.

Reading to the serial monitor.

Declaring Variables

In order to create a light-up activity timer with Arduino, it is necessary to declare a set of variables for the LEDs and the sensor. This includes a variable for the sensor, a variable for the sensor reading, and a variable for the sensor threshold. This threshold is the value that needs to be exceeded before the timer and the first LED can be activated. Depending on the force sensor and the stuffed animal being used, this threshold may need to be adjusted to change the sensitivity of the pressure required to start the timer. Additionally, two variables are declared for the LED pins being used. In this example, pins 8 and 9 are used, but this can be changed depending on the project.

Converting Time to Milliseconds

The Arduino delay command uses milliseconds, so it is necessary to convert the desired delay time in minutes to milliseconds before using it with the delay command. This is done with two equations that do not need to be edited if the delay time is changed. For example, if the first delay is changed to 10 minutes instead of one minute, the line would simply be changed to 10.

Setting Up the Arduino

In the setup function, the two LED pins are set as outputs using the pin mode command. Additionally, serial communication is initialized, which allows the sensor reading to be printed to the serial monitor. This will help to check that the sensor is working correctly and that the threshold value is set correctly.

Creating the Loop

The loop function is where the main logic of the timer is created. First, the sensor reading is taken and printed to the serial monitor. This is then compared to the threshold value, and if it is greater than or equal to that value, the timer is started. The first LED is then lit up and the delay time is set for one minute. After the delay time has elapsed, the second LED is lit up and the delay time is set for 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes have elapsed, the LEDs are turned off and the loop begins again.

We switch the LEDs again, turn the first LED on and turn the second LED off and then wait for that first delay again.

Sensor Reading

In order to create a light-up activity timer with Arduino, it is necessary to read the sensor values. This is done by using a while loop in the Loop function. The code will remain stuck in this loop until the sensor reading exceeds the threshold variable that has been defined. During this time, the code will take a new sensor reading and print it out to the serial monitor. This allows the user to calibrate the sensor and adjust the value accordingly.


Once the sensor reading has exceeded the threshold, the first LED will be turned on while the second LED is turned off. This is followed by a delay, which must be in milliseconds rather than minutes. After the delay, the LEDs are switched, with the first LED being turned off and the second LED being turned on. This is followed by another delay, again in milliseconds, and then the LEDs are switched again.


The timer is started when the sensor reading exceeds the threshold. The timer will continue to run until the sensor reading drops below the threshold. The timer can be used to measure how long a certain activity has been performed. It can also be used to set a time limit for activities, such as a game or a task.

Force Sensor

The force sensor used in this project is a basic component that is used to measure pressure, weight, or strain. It is a variable resistor that changes its resistance depending on the amount of pressure applied to it. This type of sensor is used in a variety of applications, including robotics, automotive, and medical equipment.


Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are used in this project to indicate when the timer has been activated and when it is finished. LEDs are semiconductor devices that emit light when an electrical current passes through them. They are used in a variety of applications, including automotive, medical, and consumer electronics.


The Arduino microcontroller is used to control the force sensor and LEDs in this project. The Arduino is a programmable microcontroller board that can be used to control a variety of devices. It is used in a variety of applications, including robotics, home automation, and consumer electronics.


The Arduino microcontroller is programmed using the Arduino programming language. This language is used to write programs that control the Arduino board and its associated components. The program written for this project is designed to read the force sensor and activate the LEDs when the force sensor is pressed.

Circuit Construction

The circuit for this project is constructed using the components listed above. The force sensor is connected to the Arduino board and the LEDs are connected to the Arduino board as well. The Arduino board is then connected to a power source, such as a battery or wall outlet.

Testing and Troubleshooting

Once the circuit is constructed, it must be tested to ensure that it is functioning properly. This can be done by connecting the Arduino board to a computer and running the program written for the project. If the circuit is not functioning properly, the program can be adjusted or the components can be checked for any issues.

Overview of the Project

This project is a great way to learn about Arduino and how to use it to create a light-up activity timer. The timer consists of an Arduino, a few LEDs, and a few other components. It is a simple circuit that can be used to time activities such as classroom lectures, sports games, or any other timed event. The timer can be customized with additional LEDs, a buzzer, or even motors to animate a stuffed animal.

Gathering the Materials

To get started, you will need to gather the materials for the project. You will need an Arduino, a breadboard, some LEDs, resistors, a 9V battery, and some wires. You can find all of these materials at your local electronics store or online.

Building the Circuit

Once you have gathered the materials, you can begin building the circuit. Start by connecting the Arduino to the breadboard. Then, connect the LEDs to the breadboard. Make sure to use the correct resistors for each LED. After that, connect the 9V battery to the circuit. Finally, connect the wires to the Arduino and the LEDs.

Programming the Arduino

Once the circuit is built, you can begin programming the Arduino. You will need to write a program that will control the LEDs. The program should be able to turn the LEDs on and off at specific times. You can find tutorials online that will help you write the program.

Testing the Circuit

Once the program is written, you can test the circuit. Connect the Arduino to your computer and upload the program. Then, turn on the 9V battery and test the circuit. Make sure that the LEDs turn on and off at the correct times.

Creating a light-up activity timer with Arduino is a great way to learn about circuits and coding. With the right components and a bit of tinkering, anyone can create a fun and educational project.

This project demonstrates how to use an Arduino to create a light-up activity timer. By connecting two LEDs and a force sensor to the Arduino, the code can be used to check the force sensor’s value and turn on the LEDs accordingly. This project is a great way to learn about Arduino and how to control LEDs and sensors.

Creating a light-up activity timer with Arduino is a great way to learn about coding and electronics. By declaring the necessary variables, converting the delay time to milliseconds, setting up the Arduino, and creating the loop, it is possible to create a timer that will help to motivate and encourage children to complete their tasks.

The Arduino can be used to create a light-up activity timer. This is done by reading the sensor values and using a while loop in the Loop function. The LEDs are then switched on and off to indicate when the timer has started and stopped. The timer can be used to measure how long an activity has been performed or to set a time limit for activities.

This project demonstrates how to construct a light-up activity timer using an Arduino microcontroller, force sensor, and LEDs. The circuit is constructed using the components listed above and the Arduino is programmed to read the force sensor and activate the LEDs when the force sensor is pressed. Once the circuit is constructed and tested, it can be used to time activities or events.

Making a light-up activity timer with Arduino is a great way to learn about electronics and programming. With the right materials and a bit of patience, you can create a timer that can be used for a variety of activities. You can also customize the timer with additional LEDs, a buzzer, or motors.

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