Overview of the Project

This project is about creating an RFID RC522 based door lock security system using Arduino and a solenoid lock. The system will be able to detect an unknown card and lock the door automatically. The components used in this project include an Arduino Nano board, an RFID reader, an LCD display, two LEDs, a buzzer, and a relay. The relay is used to control the solenoid lock.

Connecting the Components

The Arduino Nano board is supplied with a 12V power supply and the RFID reader is connected to the Arduino board. The LCD display is connected to the I2C pins, two LEDs (red and green), a buzzer, and a relay. The relay is used to control the solenoid lock.

Designing the Schematic

The schematic for this project was designed based on the block diagram. The Arduino Nano board was used, but an Arduino Uno board can also be used. The LCD display was connected to the I2C pins, two LEDs, a buzzer, and a relay. The relay is used to control the solenoid lock. The RFID reader was connected to the Arduino board and the Arduino board was connected to the LCD display.

Operation of the System

When a non-card is scanned, the door will lock automatically. When an unknown card is scanned, it will give a siren indicating that the card is not found. The system will be able to detect an unknown card and lock the door automatically.

Sponsorship by Alum 365

This project was sponsored by Alum 365, an electronics product design platform that unites PCB design, MCAD data management, and teamwork with Altm 365. It helps with component management, as it has the fastest search engine. It also allows teams to work together on a single product and send designs to manufacturing units to get started with the free trial check.

Circuit Assembly

The circuit assembly for the RFID RC522 based door lock security system using Arduino & Solenoid Lock consists of an Arduino Nano board, RFID RC522, passive buzzer, a pair of LEDs (green and red), 330 ohm resistor, I2C LCD display, 5 volt relay, and a 7805 voltage regulator IC with a 100 microfarad capacitor. The 12 volt power supply is used to power the solenoid lock.


The code for the project requires the RFID library and the Pites header file. The code is written in Arduino language and is used to control the various components of the circuit. The code is used to read the RFID tag, compare it with the stored tag, and then activate the solenoid lock accordingly. The code also controls the LEDs and the passive buzzer to provide visual and audio feedback to the user.


The circuit is tested for proper functioning of all the components. The RFID tag is tested for proper reading and the solenoid lock is tested for proper activation. The LEDs and the passive buzzer are also tested for proper functioning. Once the circuit is tested, the system is ready to be used.

The RFID RC522 Based Door Lock Security System is a sophisticated system that uses Arduino and a Solenoid Lock to provide a secure locking mechanism. The system utilizes an RFID RC522 reader module to read the unique ID of a RFID card, and then compares it to the stored values in the Arduino. If the card is matched, the solenoid lock will be unlocked. The system is easy to use and provides a secure locking mechanism.

The system is composed of two main components, the Arduino and the RFID RC522 reader module. The Arduino is responsible for reading the unique ID of the RFID card, and then comparing it to the stored values. If the card is matched, the Arduino will send a signal to the Solenoid Lock to unlock the door. The Arduino also controls the LEDs, buzzer, and other components of the system.

The RFID RC522 reader module is responsible for reading the unique ID of the RFID card. It is connected to the Arduino via SPI pins, and is used to read the unique ID of the card. The module is also used to store the unique ID of the card in the Arduino.

The Solenoid Lock is responsible for unlocking the door when the RFID card is matched. The Solenoid Lock is connected to the Arduino via a relay, and is activated when the Arduino sends a signal to the relay.

The system is programmed using the Arduino IDE. The code for the system is written in the Arduino language, and is uploaded to the Arduino using the Arduino IDE. The code is responsible for reading the unique ID of the RFID card, and then comparing it to the stored values. If the card is matched, the code will send a signal to the Solenoid Lock to unlock the door.

In order to use the system, the user must first scan their RFID card. The RFID reader module will read the unique ID of the card, and then compare it to the stored values in the Arduino. If the card is matched, the Solenoid Lock will be unlocked and the door will open.

The RFID RC522 Based Door Lock Security System provides a secure locking mechanism for any door. The system is easy to use and provides a secure locking mechanism. The system utilizes an RFID RC522 reader module to read the unique ID of a RFID card, and then compares it to the stored values in the Arduino. If the card is matched, the solenoid lock will be unlocked. The system is programmed using the Arduino IDE, and is easy to use and provides a secure locking mechanism.

Overview of RFID RC522 Based Door Lock Security System

RFID RC522 based door lock security system is a reliable and efficient way to secure a door or entryway. It uses an RFID RC522 reader, Arduino board, and a solenoid lock to control access to a room or area. The system works by scanning an RFID card or tag, and then comparing the scanned data to a list of authorized users. If the user is authorized, the solenoid lock will open and allow access. If the user is not authorized, the system will produce a warning sound and the LED will glow, and the door will remain locked.

Components of the System

The RFID RC522 based door lock security system consists of three main components: an RFID RC522 reader, an Arduino board, and a solenoid lock. The RFID RC522 reader is used to scan an RFID card or tag, and then compare the scanned data to a list of authorized users. The Arduino board is used to control the system, and the solenoid lock is used to control access to the room or area.

How the System Works

The system works by scanning an RFID card or tag, and then comparing the scanned data to a list of authorized users. If the user is authorized, the solenoid lock will open and allow access. If the user is not authorized, the system will produce a warning sound and the LED will glow, and the door will remain locked. The system also has a 10-second timer, which will automatically lock the door after 10 seconds.

Advantages of the System

The RFID RC522 based door lock security system offers several advantages over traditional key-based systems. It is more secure, as it requires an RFID card or tag to gain access, which makes it difficult for unauthorized users to gain access. It is also more convenient, as users do not need to carry a physical key. Additionally, the system is easy to install and maintain, and it is relatively inexpensive.

The RFID RC522 based door lock security system using Arduino & Solenoid Lock is a reliable and secure system that can be used to control access to a door. The circuit is easy to assemble and the code is simple to understand. The system is tested for proper functioning and is ready to be used.

The RFID RC522 based door lock security system is a reliable and efficient way to secure a door or entryway. It is more secure than traditional key-based systems, more convenient for users, and easy to install and maintain. With its many advantages, the RFID RC522 based door lock security system is an ideal solution for any home or business.

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