RGB LED Color Mixing with Arduino

RGB LED color mixing with Arduino is a great way to add dynamic lighting effects to any project. In this lesson, we’ll explore the basics of controlling the brightness of each of the three colors in an RGB LED and how to mix them to create different colors.

Circuit Overview

The circuit for this project consists of an RGB LED, three current limiting resistors, and three potentiometers. The RGB LED has four pins, three of which have current limiting resistors connected to them. These pins are connected to Arduino output pins with PWM or analog write capability, allowing us to control the brightness of each color. The three potentiometers are connected to the Arduino’s analog input pins, and each one controls the brightness of one of the colors.


To determine which pin is which on the RGB LED, it’s important to consult the data sheet. This particular LED is a common cathode type, meaning the longest pin is the cathode, which is connected to ground. The other three pins are the anodes for the three colors. The red anode is connected to pin nine on the Arduino, the green anode is connected to pin 10, and the blue anode is connected to pin 11.

Mixing Colors

By adjusting the brightness of each of the three colors, we can mix and match them to create different colors. For example, by combining red and blue we can create magenta. By adjusting the brightness of each color, we can create a wide range of colors, allowing us to create dynamic lighting effects.

RGB LED Color Mixing with Arduino (Lesson #28)

RGB LEDs are a versatile and powerful tool for creating lighting effects and color mixing. With the help of Arduino, these LEDs can be used to create a wide range of effects and color combinations. In this lesson, we will learn how to wire up and program an RGB LED to mix colors with Arduino.

LED Wiring Diagram

The first step in setting up an RGB LED is to identify the pins on the LED. Most RGB LEDs have four pins, but the orientation of the pins can be difficult to discern. To identify the pins, consult the LED’s data sheet, which should include a wiring diagram. This diagram will show the pin numbers corresponding to the physical pins on the LED, and the length of the pins can be used to orient the LED.

The type of LED used in this lesson is a common cathode LED, meaning all of the LEDs share the cathode (negative) pin. Common anode LEDs, in which all of the LEDs share the anode (positive) pin, are also available. In our circuit, the cathode pin is connected to ground, while in a common anode LED, the anode pin would be connected to 5 volts or the positive side of the circuit.

Circuit Setup

The circuit for this lesson consists of an Arduino, a breadboard, three 220 ohm resistors, and an RGB LED. The resistors are used to limit the current flowing through the LED, and the RGB LED is connected to pins 9, 10, and 11 on the Arduino.

Programming the Arduino

The Arduino code for this lesson is relatively simple. The program begins by declaring three variables for the red, green, and blue pins. The program then sets the pins to output mode and sets the initial values of the pins to 0.

The main loop of the program is an infinite loop that cycles through a range of values for each of the pins. As the values of the pins change, the color of the LED changes accordingly. This allows us to mix colors and create a wide range of effects.

RGB LED Color Mixing with Arduino (Lesson #28)

Tinkercad Circuits is a free online Arduino simulator that allows users to view breadboard connections side-by-side with code. This is a useful tool for understanding how to connect an RGB LED to an Arduino. An RGB LED has four pins, and it is important to ensure that they are not placed in the same row of the breadboard as this would short the pins together. The cathode pin (the negative pin) should be connected to the ground bus, which is then connected to the ground pin on the Arduino.

Current Limiting Resistors

Each of the LED color pins should have its own current limiting resistor. This helps to limit the current and prevent the LED from burning out, as the Arduino’s pins are 5 volts. Selecting a resistor and reading its color bands is a topic for another video, but in general, the resistor should be chosen to match the voltage and current requirements of the LED.

Connecting the LED to the Arduino

Once the LED is connected to the Arduino, the code can be written to control the LED. This code should include the pin numbers for each of the LED color pins, and the analogWrite() function should be used to set the brightness of each color. The analogWrite() function takes a value between 0 and 255, with 0 being off and 255 being full brightness. By combining different levels of brightness for each color, a wide range of colors can be created.

Testing the Code

Once the code is written, it can be tested in the Arduino IDE. The serial monitor can be used to view any errors in the code, and the LED can be tested by uploading the code to the Arduino. If the LED does not light up, it is important to check the connections and ensure that the correct pins are being used.

RGB LED Color Mixing with Arduino

RGB LED color mixing is a fascinating concept that can be achieved using Arduino. This lesson (#28) provides an overview of how to use Arduino to mix colors using RGB LED. The components required for this project are an Arduino, three LEDs (red, green and blue), and three resistors.

Voltage and Resistor Selection

When working with LEDs, it is important to ensure that the voltage supplied is not too high, as this can cause the LED to burn out. To prevent this, a resistor is used to drop the voltage and limit the current. Generally, larger resistors are used for red and green LEDs, as they require less voltage than blue LEDs. In this project, 330 ohm resistors are used for red and green LEDs, and a 220 ohm resistor is used for the blue LED. When working with 5 Volts from an Arduino, this should keep the current at safe levels below 20 milliamps.

Pulse Width Modulation

Pulse width modulation (PWM) is used to control the brightness of each LED color. This is achieved by connecting each resistor to an Arduino pin that has PWM functionality (e.g. pins 9, 10 and 11). Three potentiometers are also used to separately control the brightness of each LED color.

Arduino Code

The Arduino code for this project is relatively straightforward. It consists of three variables (one for each LED color) that are used to store the values from the potentiometers. These values are then used to set the brightness of each LED color. The code also includes a loop that continuously reads the values from the potentiometers and adjusts the brightness of each LED accordingly.


Potentiometers are a key component in the RGB LED Color Mixing with Arduino (Lesson #28) tutorial. They are three-pin devices that are connected to 5 volts and ground on the breadboard, with the middle pin connected to one of the Arduino’s analog inputs. By turning the knob, the voltage on the middle pin is changed from a value between 0 and 5 volts, which is read by the analog input. The potentiometers are then used to control the LED brightness. It is important to ensure that the pins are placed in separate rows on the breadboard, to avoid shorting them together.

Color Coding

To keep the circuit neat and organized, it is recommended to use red, green and blue wires for the corresponding LEDs and potentiometers. This is not mandatory, but it can help to make the circuit easier to understand.


The code for the RGB LED Color Mixing with Arduino (Lesson #28) tutorial combines the concepts of reading potentiometers using the analog read command and controlling the brightness of an LED using the analog write command. This is done three times, since there are three different LEDs. Constant variables are declared for the PIN numbers that will be used for the LEDs, which need to be PWM pins. The code then reads the values from the potentiometers and uses them to control the brightness of the LEDs.

Declaring Variables

In order to control the RGB LED color mixing with Arduino, the first step is to declare variables for the potentiometer pins. This is done in the setup function, and no pin mode command is required as only analog commands are used. Additionally, variables are declared to change the potentiometer readings and the brightnesses of the three different colors.

Serial Communications

The setup function also includes setting up serial communications, which allows for printing out of the RGB values for debugging. This is a crucial step in the process, as it allows for the monitoring of the values to ensure that the desired result is achieved.

Analog Read Function

The loop function includes the use of the analog read function to read the voltage on each one of the analog pins connected to a potentiometer. This is an important step, as it allows for the necessary values to be read in order to achieve the desired color mixing.

Arduino Map Function

The Arduino map function is then used to convert the analog read value to a new range. This is necessary due to the fact that the Arduino’s analog input pins are 10 bit, meaning they will return a value between 0 and 1023. However, the analog read function is only 8 bit, so it outputs a value between 0 and 255. The Arduino map function is thus a convenient way to convert the variable from one range to another, with the input range being between 0 and 1023 and the output range being between 0 and 255.

You could use any other type of sensor or input to control the LED.

RGB LED Color Mixing with Arduino (Lesson #28)

The RGB LED is a versatile device that can be used to create a variety of colors. In this lesson, we will learn how to use Arduino to control the color of an RGB LED. We will use three potentiometers to control the red, green, and blue components of the LED.

The Circuit

We will connect the three potentiometers to analog pins A0, A1, and A2. We will also connect the common anode of the RGB LED to 5V and the three cathodes to digital pins 9, 10, and 11.

The Code

The code is relatively simple. We will use the analog read command to read the values from the potentiometers and store them in variables. We will then use the map command to convert the values from 0 to 1023 to 0 to 255. So it will squish or convert these values down to that 0 to 255 range, which we then use with the analog write command to write the corresponding color value to each of the three pins setting the brightness of the LED. Finally, we use the serial print command to output those three values just so we can check the serial monitor when running the code to make sure everything is working as we expect.

Testing the Code

If we run the simulation here in Tinker CAD, we will see that initially, all of the RGB values are zero with the potentiometers turned all the way down and the LED is off. But as we click and drag each potentiometer, the value for the corresponding color will go up to a maximum of 255 and the LED will change to that corresponding color. So there is maximum brightness for red. Here is maximum brightness for blue, and here is maximum brightness for green and again as I do that you can see the corresponding number changing in the serial monitor here and again, the cool part is that you can mix and match different values to create different colors, for example, by combining red and blue to make magenta. And if you turn all three all the way up, then you should get white or pretty close to White depending on the LED.

RGB LED Color Mixing with Arduino (Lesson #28)

Arduino is a powerful platform for creating interactive electronic projects. In this lesson, we will explore the possibilities of RGB LED color mixing with Arduino. By using an Arduino board, a variety of sensors, and some basic coding, we can create a range of interesting lighting effects.

RGB LED Color Mixing

RGB LED color mixing is a process of combining three primary colors (red, green, and blue) to create a range of colors. By varying the intensity of each color, we can create a wide array of hues and shades. This process can be used to create interesting lighting effects for Arduino projects.

Using Sensors

In order to control the intensity of each color, we can use a variety of sensors. For example, a potentiometer can be used to adjust the intensity of each color. Alternatively, we could use a light sensor to adjust the intensity of the colors based on the ambient light. We could also use a temperature sensor to adjust the colors based on the temperature of the environment.

Using Loops

Once we have chosen the sensors we want to use, we can use loops to incrementally change the variables. This will allow us to create a range of interesting lighting effects. For example, we could use a loop to create a fading effect, where the colors gradually transition from one hue to another.

RGB LED color mixing with Arduino is a great way to add dynamic lighting effects to any project. By adjusting the brightness of each color, we can create a wide range of colors, allowing us to create dynamic lighting effects. With the right circuit setup and a bit of coding, we can create amazing lighting effects with an Arduino.

RGB LED color mixing with Arduino is a great way to create unique lighting effects and color combinations. With a few components and some simple code, you can create a wide range of effects and color combinations.

RGB LED color mixing with Arduino is a great way to create a wide range of colors. By connecting the LED to the Arduino and writing code to control the brightness of each color, a variety of colors can be created. It is important to ensure that the LED is connected correctly and that the correct pins are being used. Once the code is written, it can be tested in the Arduino IDE and any errors can be viewed in the serial monitor.

RGB LED color mixing with Arduino is an exciting project that can be used to create a variety of different colors. By using the components outlined in this lesson, along with the Arduino code provided, it is possible to mix colors with ease.

In this lesson, we learned how to use Arduino to control the color of an RGB LED. We used three potentiometers to control the red, green, and blue components of the LED. We used the analog read command to read the values from the potentiometers and store them in variables. We then used the map command to convert the values from 0 to 1023 to 0 to 255. We used the analog write command to write the corresponding color value to each of the three pins setting the brightness of the LED. Finally, we used the serial print command to output those three values just so we can check the serial monitor when running the code to make sure everything is working as we expect. We were also able to mix and match different values to create different colors, such as magenta.

By combining Arduino, sensors, and basic coding, we can create a range of interesting lighting effects with RGB LED color mixing. This process can be used to create unique lighting effects for Arduino projects. With a little bit of experimentation, the possibilities are endless.

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