STM32 and LCD TFT: Displaying Any Data

The combination of an STM32 microcontroller and an LCD TFT display is a powerful tool for displaying any data. This is made possible by the 144-in module, which can be easily integrated into any project. It can be used to display numbers, text, pictures, and animations, and can even be made interactive. For example, it can be used to display the position of a potentiometer in the form of a simple gauge.

Connecting the Display to an STM32

Connecting the display to an STM32 is relatively straightforward. First, the programming environment must be set up. Then, the display can be used to display anything desired. Animations can be used to add a touch of flair.

The TFT LCD Display

The exact TFT LCD display used has 16,384 pixels, each with three sub-pixels (red, green, and blue). This allows for different colors to be displayed, resulting in a total number of leads inside the one display of more than 49,000 that must be individually controlled. The STM32 controller, however, has only 64 pins, creating a problem.

The Display Driver ST7735R

The functionality is provided by the display driver ST7735R, which enables the control of all 49,000 leads using only 6 MCU pins. In other words, the leads are controlled as a matrix with 128 rows and 384 columns, with three columns per pixel. The rows and columns are managed separately by source and gate TFT drivers that are integrated into the display driver.

STM32 and LCD TFT: A Perfect Combination

The combination of STM32 and LCD TFT is a powerful one, allowing for the display of any data. This is made possible by the STM32’s Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), which enables high-speed serial data transmission from the microcontroller to the TFT controller. The TFT controller then processes the serial data and outputs it in a parallel manner.

Connecting STM32 and LCD TFT

To connect the STM32 and LCD TFT, only six of the eleven pins on the display are needed. The functionality of each pin is clearly visible on the screen, and hookup wires can be used to connect everything together. The connection scheme for the display is relatively straightforward, though it is important to note that not every pin can be used for SPI data transmission or serve as a clock signal for the SPI.

STM32 Pin Functionality

The pins of the STM32 board have predefined functions that they can perform. For example, the pins are used for SPI data transmission or as a clock signal for the SPI. The pins are also used to control the display’s brightness, contrast, and other settings. Additionally, the pins are used to read data from the display, such as touch input or other user input.

Benefits of STM32 and LCD TFT

The combination of STM32 and LCD TFT offers a number of benefits. Firstly, the SPI interface allows for high-speed data transmission, making it possible to display data quickly and accurately. Secondly, the pins of the STM32 board are used to control the display’s settings, making it easy to adjust the display to suit the user’s needs. Finally, the pins are also used to read data from the display, allowing for user input and interaction.

Identifying the Exact Pins

In order to establish a connection between the STM32 and LCD TFT, it is essential to identify the exact pins capable of the desired functions. This can be done by searching online or following the link provided in the description. Once the pins have been identified, wires must be connected to them in order for the functionality of each pin to be determined.

Programming the MCU

To program the MCU, an external programmer such as the SD link V2 can be used. However, if the MCU is embedded in a development board, it can be programmed by connecting the board to a PC via a USB cable. In either case, the STM Cube IDE programming environment is required. Additionally, the TFT controller Library must be downloaded in order to display data. This library simplifies the process of creating communication signals according to the protocol, thereby saving time and effort.

Writing the Code

Once the necessary components have been acquired, the code can be written. This code will determine how the data is displayed on the LCD TFT. It is important to ensure that the code is written in such a way that the desired data is accurately and efficiently displayed. Additionally, the code should be structured in a way that makes it easy to modify and debug.


The STM32 microcontroller is a powerful and versatile device that can be used to display data on an LCD TFT. This type of display is a liquid crystal display that is used to display graphical information. It is composed of a matrix of pixels that are illuminated by a backlight. The backlight is usually composed of LEDs, and the pixels are controlled by a driver IC. The STM32 microcontroller can be used to control the LCD TFT display by sending commands and data to the driver IC.

Configuring the STM32

The first step in configuring the STM32 for use with an LCD TFT is to create a new project. This can be done by pressing the File and New STM32 Project buttons in the window that appears. The next step is to select the board that is being used. This will determine the type of microcontroller that is being used. Once the board is selected, the project can be given a name and the configuration of the microcontroller can be initialized.

Using Cube IDE

Once the project has been created, the Cube IDE can be used to configure the microcontroller. This is a user-friendly interface that simplifies the configuration of the microcontroller. It allows the user to click on the various settings and the corresponding code will be generated. This includes configuring the timers, communication interfaces, chip frequency, and pin functionality. Once the configuration is complete, the project can be built and the Cube IDE will generate the necessary program code.

Connecting the LCD TFT

Once the STM32 has been configured, the LCD TFT can be connected. This is done by connecting the pins of the LCD TFT to the corresponding pins of the STM32. The LCD TFT will then be ready to receive commands and data from the microcontroller.

Sending Commands and Data

Once the LCD TFT is connected, the STM32 can be used to send commands and data to the display. This is done by writing code that will send the desired commands and data to the LCD TFT. This code can be written in C or assembly language, depending on the requirements of the project. Once the code is written, it can be compiled and uploaded to the STM32.


The combination of STM32 and LCD TFT is a powerful tool for displaying any data. STM32 is a 32-bit microcontroller that is used in a variety of applications, including embedded systems, robotics, and automotive. LCD TFT is a type of liquid crystal display that is commonly used in consumer electronics. The combination of these two technologies can be used to create a powerful display system that can be used to show any type of data.

Setting Up the STM32

The first step in setting up the STM32 and LCD TFT is to connect the board to the debugger. This can be done by pressing the Project Build All button and then clicking on the bug icon. Next, select the Debug Configuration and choose the New Launch Configuration. Then, select the Debug Window and choose the ST Link if the board is connected directly through the USB cable. Pressing the scan button will display the serial number if the connection is successful. If an external programmer is used, the Serial Wire Debugger connection should be selected.

Installing the TFT Display Library

The next step is to install the TFT Display Library. This can be done by downloading the library and dragging the files from the folder into the corresponding CRC and link folders. After the files have been copied, pressing the Build Project or Build All button will check for any errors. If any errors are encountered, they can be identified by checking the line in which they appear.

Programming the Board

Once the STM32 and LCD TFT have been set up and the library has been installed, the board can be programmed. This can be done by pressing the Run button each time the board needs to be programmed. If any issues are encountered, a video can be used to help fix any errors that may appear.


The STM32 microcontroller is a powerful and versatile device that can be used to display data on an LCD TFT. To do this, a library must be used to enable communication between the STM32 and the LCD TFT. The library includes a non-existent file, which must be changed to reflect the name of the microcontroller used on the board. Additionally, the SPI communication must be configured to ensure data is properly transferred between the two devices.

Configuring the SPI Communication

The SPI communication must be configured to ensure data is properly transferred between the STM32 and the LCD TFT. This is done by accessing the I/O configuration file and selecting the SPI 2 mode in the mode section. The pins assigned for the SPI must then be checked and their locations on the board must be verified. After pressing CTRL+S, the code will be generated to set up the SPI communication. If the library uses SPI 1 instead of SPI 2, then the code must be changed accordingly.

Functionality of the Library

The library can be used to display data on the LCD TFT. This is done by accessing the main library C file, which contains the necessary functions to make the library work. These functions can be used to control the display, such as setting the background color, writing text, and drawing shapes. The library also includes functions to enable touch screen input, allowing the user to interact with the display.

Draw Pixel

The draw pixel function allows users to light up any pixel of any color anywhere on the display. It requires two arguments, X and Y coordinates, and the pixel color. This function is ideal for drawing small objects, such as lines, circles, and other shapes.

Draw String

The draw string function is similar to the draw pixel function, but it also includes a background color and character font. Font options can be found in the font.c file, which is included in the library. This function can be used to draw text, such as labels, titles, and other text-based objects.

Draw Rectangle

The draw rectangle function draws an array of pixels that form a rectangular shape. It requires four arguments: the starting position, width, height, and color. This function can be used to draw shapes, such as squares, rectangles, and other polygons. It can also be used to create animations by changing the rectangle shape and coordinates.

Fill Screen

The fill screen function fills the entire display with a specific color. This function can be used as an eraser, allowing users to quickly clear the screen and start fresh.

Draw Image

The draw image function is the most powerful of the display functions. It allows users to draw any image with a display resolution, and even animate it. This function requires an image file, which can be created using a graphics editor. Once the image is created, it can be uploaded to the display and animated using the draw image function.


The STM32 microcontroller is a powerful device that can be used to control a variety of different LCD TFT displays. It is capable of displaying any data, from simple text to complex images. To do this, the microcontroller must be programmed to send the appropriate signals to the LCD TFT display.

Drawing Primitives

The STM32 microcontroller can be used to draw simple primitives such as lines, circles, and rectangles. To do this, the programmer must specify the coordinates of the primitive, as well as the color and background color. The programmer must also specify the font if text is to be displayed.

Displaying Images

The most interesting feature of the STM32 microcontroller is its ability to display images. To do this, the programmer must create a header file containing the image data. The image is stored in the form of an array with 16384 elements, each element representing a pixel. Each pixel is represented by 16 bits, with 5 bits for the red sub-pixel, 6 bits for the green sub-pixel, and 5 bits for the blue sub-pixel. This allows the display to produce more than 65000 colors.

TFT Controller and Libraries

Due to the large number of bits that must be sent to the LCD TFT display, the microcontroller must be programmed to use a TFT controller and libraries. The TFT controller is responsible for sending the appropriate signals to the display, while the libraries provide the necessary functions to control the display.


The STM32 microcontroller is a powerful and versatile platform for embedded applications. It is equipped with a wide range of peripherals, including LCD TFT displays, which can be used to display any data. The STM32 and LCD TFT combination makes it possible to create sophisticated graphical user interfaces with a range of features, including text, images, animations, and more.

Obstruction Layers

In order to display data on an LCD TFT display, a series of obstruction layers must be used. These layers are responsible for converting the data into a format that can be displayed. The layers include a frame buffer, a display controller, and a display driver. The frame buffer is responsible for storing the data in a format that can be read by the display controller. The display controller is responsible for converting the data into a format that can be read by the display driver. Finally, the display driver is responsible for sending the data to the LCD TFT display.

Displaying Images

Displaying images on an LCD TFT display requires the use of a data array. This data array can be generated using a software application called LCD Image Converter. This application allows users to upload an image and convert it into a data array. Once the data array has been generated, it can be written to the STM32 microcontroller’s memory and displayed on the LCD TFT display.

H file.

STM32 and LCD TFT: Displaying Any Data

The STM32 microcontroller and LCD TFT display are powerful tools for displaying any data. By combining the two, users can create stunning visual displays for their projects. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use the STM32 and LCD TFT to display any data.

Setting Up the Color Preset

The first step is to set up the color preset. This is done by entering the RGB values of the desired color into the STM32. The preset should be set to error 5, G6, and B5. If any other values are used, the color representation may be incorrect.

Copying the Data Array

Once the color preset is set, the next step is to open the H file with a text editor such as Notepad. The data array must then be copied into the main.c file. This is done by copying the array initialization from the test image and renaming the array. For example, if the image is of a cat, the array can be named “cat”.

Drawing the Image

The next step is to draw the image. This is done by entering the initial coordinates, display width and height, and the name of the array into the main.c file. Once this is done, the project can be built and run. The image should then be displayed on the LCD TFT.

Adjusting the Image to the Display Resolution

In order to adjust the image to the display resolution, an external website can be used. The link for this website can be found in the description. The image must then be split into frames. If the image is a GIF, it will have multiple frames. Each frame must be converted through the LCD image converter into an H file. The content of the H file must then be copied into the test image.h file.

Once all of these steps are completed, the image should be displayed on the LCD TFT. By combining the STM32 microcontroller and LCD TFT display, users can create stunning visual displays for their projects.


The STM32 microcontroller is a powerful and versatile platform for embedded applications. It is a popular choice for a wide range of applications due to its low cost and high performance. When combined with an LCD TFT display, the STM32 can be used to display any data in an attractive and user-friendly manner.

Writing Functions and Delays

To get started, the first step is to write the necessary functions and delays in the H file. The delay between each frame should be set to 50 milliseconds, although this can be adjusted depending on the application. It is important to remember that C is a case-sensitive language, so the H and D in delay must be written in capitals.

Reducing Delay

The delay can be reduced further by testing with different delays and removing the delays altogether. In this case, the time between each frame is defined by the time required to transfer each individual frame from the MCU memory to the display. The only way to reduce the delay further is to increase the transfer speed by increasing the SPI frequency, which can be found in the ino file.

OLED Display

An OLED display can be used as an alternative to an LCD TFT display. OLED displays have a lower resolution but use a different communication interface and library. They are also cheaper, so they may be a better option for certain projects.

The combination of an STM32 microcontroller and an LCD TFT display is a powerful tool for displaying any data. The display driver ST7735R enables the control of all 49,000 leads using only 6 MCU pins, making it possible to display numbers, text, pictures, and animations. Animations can be used to add a touch of flair.

The combination of STM32 and LCD TFT is a powerful one, allowing for the display of any data. The SPI interface enables high-speed serial data transmission from the microcontroller to the TFT controller, while the pins of the STM32 board are used to control the display’s settings and read data from the display. This combination offers a number of benefits, making it an ideal choice for displaying data.

The STM32 microcontroller can be used to display data on an LCD TFT. This is done by configuring the microcontroller, connecting the LCD TFT, and sending commands and data to the display. The Cube IDE can be used to simplify the configuration of the microcontroller, and code can be written in C or assembly language to send commands and data to the display.

The combination of STM32 and LCD TFT is a powerful tool for displaying any data. Setting up the board and installing the library is a straightforward process and can be done quickly. Once the board is set up, it can be programmed with the press of a button. This makes it an ideal solution for displaying any type of data.

The STM32 microcontroller and LCD TFT can be used together to display data. To do this, a library must be used to enable communication between the two devices. The library includes a non-existent file, which must be changed to reflect the name of the microcontroller used on the board. Additionally, the SPI communication must be configured to ensure data is properly transferred between the two devices. Once this is done, the library can be used to display data on the LCD TFT.

The STM32 microcontroller is a powerful device that can be used to control a variety of LCD TFT displays. It is capable of displaying any data, from simple text to complex images. To do this, the programmer must create a header file containing the image data and program the microcontroller to use a TFT controller and libraries. This allows the display to produce more than 65000 colors.

The STM32 microcontroller and LCD TFT display combination makes it possible to create sophisticated graphical user interfaces with a range of features, including text, images, animations, and more. By using a series of obstruction layers, it is possible to convert data into a format that can be read by the display driver and displayed on the LCD TFT display. Additionally, by using the LCD Image Converter application, it is possible to convert an image into a data array that can be written to the STM32 microcontroller’s memory and displayed on the LCD TFT display.

The STM32 microcontroller combined with an LCD TFT display is a powerful and versatile platform for displaying any data. By writing the necessary functions and delays in the H file, the STM32 can be used to display data in an attractive and user-friendly manner. An OLED display can be used as an alternative, although it has a lower resolution and uses a different communication interface.

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